Human rights
Human rights
(The international library of essays in law and legal theory, . Second series)
Ashgate/Dartmouth, c2003
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全36件
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Includes bibliographical references
Theories of human rights are important, as they can be a means to challenging entrenched and oppressive power. These key essays take a philosophical approach to human rights, questioning dominant theories and offering different perspectives on their application.
- Challenging Human Rights Concepts: Jerome Shestack (1998) "The Philosophic Foundations of Human Rights"
- Ruth Teitel (1997) "Human Rights Genealogy"
- Joy Gordon (1998) "The Concept of Human Rights" - the history and meaning of its politicization
- Upendra Baxi (1998) "Voices of Suffering and the Future of Human Rights"
- David Beetham (1995) "What Future for Economic and Social Rights?"
- Makau Wa Mutua (1995) "The Banjul Charter and the African Cultural Fingerprint" - an evaluation of the language of duties
- Peter Jones (1999) "Human Rights - Groups Rights and Peoples' Rights"
- Dianne Otto (1997) "Rethinking Universals" - opening transformative possibilities in international human rights law
- Boaventura de Sousa Santos (1977) "Toward a Multicultural Conception of Human Rights". Applying Human Rights Concepts: Frank Garcia (1999) "The Global Market and Human Rights" trading away the human rights principle
- Michael Ignatief (2001) "The Attack on Human Rights"
- Louise Doswald-Beck and Sylvain Vit (1993) "International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law"
- Audrey Chapman (1996) "A 'Violations Approach' for Monitoring the International Covenant on Economic - Social and Cultural Rights"
- Amartya Sen (1994) "Freedoms and Needs"
- Hilary Charlesworth (1992) "The Public/Private Distinction and the Right to Development in International Law"
- David Kennedy (2001) "The International Human Rights Movement" - part of the problem.
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