City politics : private power and public policy


City politics : private power and public policy

Dennis R. Judd, Todd Swanstrom

Pearson-Longman, c2004

4th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



Praised for its narrative style, strong research base, and distinctive theme-that urban politics in the U.S. has evolved as a dynamic interaction between governmental power and private purposes-the Fourth Edition of this number one text is completely revised throughout.


1. The Politics of American Cities: An Introduction. I. THE ENDURING ISSUES IN AMERICAN CITY POLITICS. 2. Growth and Governance: The Political Legacy of America's Urban Past. 3. Party Machines and the Immigrants. 4. The Reform Crusades. II. NATIONAL POLITICS AND THE CITIES. 5. The New Deal Coalition and the Cities. 6. National Policy and the Divided Metropolis. 7. The Rise and Fall of National Urban Policy. 8. The Rise of the Sunbelt Cities. III. THE FRACTURING OF THE AMERICAN POLITICAL COMMUNITY. 9. The Fractured Metropolis. 10. The Politics of Secession. 11. Urban Sprawl and Regional Governance. 12. City Finances and the Dynamics of Growth. 13. Reviving the Urban Core. 14. The Challenge of Governance. 15. The Emerging Metropolis.

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