Letter to Gen. Lafayette by James Fenimore Cooper, and related correspondence on the finance controversy.: reproduced from the original Paris editions of 1831 and 1832 in English and in French


    • Cooper, James Fenimore
    • Spiller, Robert Ernest
    • Bernard, Simon
    • Harriot, John Staples


Letter to Gen. Lafayette by James Fenimore Cooper, and related correspondence on the finance controversy.: reproduced from the original Paris editions of 1831 and 1832 in English and in French

with a bibliographical note by Robert E. Spiller

(The Facsimile Text Society series, 1, Language and literature ; v. 6)

Published for the Facsimile Text Society by Columbia University Press, 1931


Le Général Lafayette a ses collègues de la Chambre des députés.

Letter of J. Fenimore Cooper, to Gen. Lafayette, on the expenditure of the United States of America.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



The French edition is reproduced from the original in the Bibliothèqu nationale, the English from the original in the possessiion of R.E. Spiller

Facsimile reprints of: Le Ggénéral Lafayette a ses collègues de la Chambre des députés (Paris : Paulin, 1832), and Letter of J. Fenimore Cooper, to Gen. Lafayette, on the expenditure of the United States of America (Paris : Baudry's Foreign Library, 1831).

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