Relevant no more? : the Catholic/Protestant divide in American electoral politics


    • Brewer, Mark D.


Relevant no more? : the Catholic/Protestant divide in American electoral politics

Mark D. Brewer

(Religion, politics, and society in the new millennium)

Lexington Books, c2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references (p. 139-156) and index



Relevant No More? The Catholic/Protestant Divide in American Electoral Politics re-examines current prevailing views on the political affiliations of religious voters. Analysing both the history of religious voting behavior and current trends, author Mark Brewer argues that the supposedly drastic shift of the allegiance of American Catholics from the Democratic party to the Republican party has been greatly exaggerated. He then provides a fascinating exploration of the views and outlooks which divide Catholic and Protestant voting behavior, making a convincing case that many of these differences originate in the religions' world views. Highly empirical and creative,Relevant No More? provides new insight into interactions between religious values and voting behavior in America.


Chapter 1 The Issue Defined Chapter 2 Conventional Wisdom: The Supposed Decline of the Catholic/Protestant Divide Chapter 3 The Conventional Wisdom Revisited Chapter 4 The Search for Sources of Catholic/Protestant Division Chapter 5 The Search Continued Chapter 6 Catholic/Protestant Division: A Religious Worldview Explanation Chapter 7 A Final Test: Multivariate Analyses

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