Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library
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Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library
University Microfilms International, 1978-
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Accompanied by printed guides: interim guide issued as loose-leaf for updating with title: Russian history and culture index; bound vol. covering units <1-40>
- Ocherk razvitiia kreditnykh uchrezhdenii v Rossii
A. Gur'ev
UMI 1994 [microfiche ed.] Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library Unit 38. RH20908
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- K reformie Gosudarstvennogo Banka
A. Gur'ev
UMI 1994 [microfiche ed.] Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library RH20907
Microform (Microfiche)
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- Обзоръ двадцатипятилѣтней дѣятельности, 1865-1890 Московскаго земства : попеченіе о народномъ здоровьи : земская медицина
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19143
Microform (Microfiche)
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- Арбитражъ и соглашеніе въ промышленныхъ спорахъ
Александръ Миклашевскій
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19142
Microform (Microfiche)
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- Указатель фабрикъ и заводавъ Европейской России : материалы для фабрично-заводской статистики
составили по оффтциальнымъ сведениямъ Департамента Топговли и Мануфактуръ П. А. Орловъ и С. Г. Будаговъ
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19141
Microform (Microfiche)
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- Справочникъ по еврейскому библітечному дѣлу
составленъ Петербургской и Московской библиотечными комиссіями О.П.Е.
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19140
Microform (Microfiche)
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- Полное руководство и справочная книга для волостныхъ правленфй и младшихъ чиновъ полицфи по воинской и военно-конской повинностямъ, ...
Вл. Марков и Дм. Дубенскфй
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19139
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- Молодая Русь : студенческій сборникъ
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19138
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- О должностяхъ человѣка и гражданина, книга къ чтенію опредѣленная въ народныхъ городскихъ училищахъ Россійской имперіи
изданная по высочайшему повелѣнію
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19137
Microform (Microfiche)
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- О сущности цивилизаціи и значеніи ея элементовъ : сочиненіе
А. Метлинскаго
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19136
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- Руководство ко всеобщей этнографической статистикѣ для среднихъ учебныхъ заведеній
сочиненіе Ивана Минакова
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19135
ч. 1 Microform (Microfiche)
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- Россія и Германія : экономическія письма
И.А. Милютин
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19134
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- Основанія философіи какъ спеціальной науки
П. Милославскаго
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19133
т. 1 Microform (Microfiche)
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- Лекціи по русской народной словесности проф. В.Ф. Миллера
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19132
Microform (Microfiche)
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- Бородинскій бой и его памятники на Бородинскомъ полѣ : краткій историческій очеркъ съ иллючтраціями
составилъ Генеральнаго Штаба подполковникъ Оболешевъ
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19131
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- Нижній-Новгородъ, его прошлое и настоящее : краткое описаніе историч. событій Нижняго въ связи с исторіей всего Нижегородскаго княжества и Нижегор. губ.
И.А. Милотворскій
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19130
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- Профессоръ Московской духовной академіи П.С. Казанскій и его переписка съ архіепископомъ костромскимъ Платономъ
А.А. Бѣляевъ
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19129,
v. 1-2 вып. 1 , вып. 2 Microform (Microfiche)
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- Общественный бытъ и проекты его улучшенія въ XIX столетіи : очерки по обществоведенію
Т.И. Осадчий
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19128
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- Брошюры газеты "Кавказъ" 1866 года
издано редакціею газеты "Кавказ"
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19127,
v. 1-2 ч. 1 , ч. 2 Microform (Microfiche)
Available at 1 libraries
- Сербы въ войнѣ съ царемъ Фердинандомъ : замѣтки очевидца
E.И. Мартыновъ
University Microfilms International 1985 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library unit 20 ; RH19126
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