The evolution debate 1813-1870
Bibliographic Information
The evolution debate 1813-1870
- : set
Description and Table of Contents
The history of evolutionary thought is often seen as a triumph of secularism in the form of 'scientific naturalism', over religious bigotry. But for those involved in the debate during the nineteenth century, these divisions were not so clearly marked.
This collection of nine volumes will bring together key works in the development of evolutionary theory from fundamentalists, such as Philip Gosse who insisted on a literal reading of Genesis, to T.H. Huxley, whose passionate defence of evolution theory earned him the title of 'Darwin's Bulldog'. Between these two extreme positions are situated the works of Cuvier, Wallace, Buckland, Lyell and Owen, all of whom rejected Darwin's version of evolution to varying degrees.
Each volume includes a new introduction by the editor, which provides an historical and intellectual context for each of the works, while a general introduction in the first volume provides an overview of the collection as a whole.
Table of Contents
Volume I: 0-415-28923-8
Georges Cuvier Essays on the Theory of Earth, 1813
Volumes II and III: 0-415-28924-6 and 0-415-28925-4
William Buckland Geology & Mineralogy, Considered with Reference to Natural Theology, Volumes I and II, 1836
Volume IV: 0-415-28926-2
Philip Gosse Omphalos, 1858
Volume V: 0-415-28927-0
Charles Darwin Origins of the Species, 1859 (1st edition)
Volume VI: 0-415-28928-9
Richard Owen Palaeontology, 1860
Volume VII: 0-415-28929-7
Thomas Henry Huxley Man's Place in Nature, 1863
Volume VIII: 0-415-28930-0
Charles Lyell Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, 1863
Volume IX: 0-415-32739-3
Alfred Russel Wallace Contributions to the theory of Natural Selection, 1870, and Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace 'On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties' (papers presented to the Linnean Society 30 June 1858).
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