Archaeology of urban America : the search for pattern and process


Archaeology of urban America : the search for pattern and process

edited by Roy S. Dickens, Jr

(Studies in archaeology)

Academic Press, c1982

  • est.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographies and index



Archaeology of Urban America: The Search for Pattern and Process is composed of three parts, namely, Strategies and Methods; Site Formation, Structure, and Pattern; and Artifact Analysis and Interpretation. The Strategies and Methods section centers on the general questions asked by urban archaeologists, as well as on the ways they design their research to elucidate those questions. The Site Formation, Structure, and Pattern section is generally comprised of chapters classified as ""test cases"" emphasizing the approaches, interpretation, and even direct extension of larger research designs. Lastly, the Artifact Analysis and Interpretation section deals with intersite and intrasite patterning of artifact assemblages, as well as with specific class of artifacts. This material will help stimulate a dialogue among archaeologists who have chosen the American city as their subject. This book will also be useful to urban sociologists, economists, cultural anthropologists, and historians.


Contributors Foreword Preface Acknowledgment I Strategies and Methods 1 Method in Urban Archaeology: The Stadt Huys Block Introduction Characteristics of Urban Areas Stadt Huys Block Attributes of Urban Areas Urban Measures Summary and Conclusions References 2 An Approach to Archaeology of the City: The Roger Williams National Memorial Project Introduction The Research Laboratory Research Strategies Summary References 3 The City-Site Approach to Urban Archaeology Introduction Goals and Questions Project Design Research Frameworks Research Strategy Conclusions References 4 Archaeological Implications of a Manufacturing Industry in Eighteenth-Century American Cities The Study of Industry in Eighteenth-Century Cities The Correlation Approach to Urban Industrial Archaeology A Sample of Eighteenth-Century Glass Factories Derivation and Comparison of Glass Factory Profiles Technological Operations of the Glass Factories Cluster Analysis of Factory Profiles References 5 Environmental-Impact Archaeology in the Urban Setting: A View from Atlanta Introduction The Legal Base The Urban Archaeological Resource Research Model for the MARTA Project Review and Compliance Procedures A Suggested Plan for Urban Environmental-Impact Archaeology Conclusions and Addendum References II Site Formation, Structure, and Pattern 6 Urban Land Use and Artifact Deposition: An Archaeological Study of Change in Providence, Rhode Island Introduction The Case Study and Its History Architectural Analysis of Land Use Analysis of Artifact Deposition Summary and Conclusions References 7 The Core-Periphery Relationship and the Archaeological Record in Alexandria, Virginia Introduction Core-Periphery Model The Core-Periphery Relationship in Alexandria Artifact Patterns in Alexandria's Core and Periphery Conclusions References 8 Bioarchaeology in the Urban Context Introduction Bioarchaeology Oakland Cemetery The Study Tract Forensic Anthropology Conclusions References 9 The Weaver Pottery: A Late Nineteenth-Century Family Industry in a Southeastern Urban Setting Introduction Features History of the Weaver Site: 110 Years of Industrial Activity Conclusions References 10 Industrial Site-Building: Implications from the 1978-1979 Investigations at the Rogers Locomotive Works, Paterson, New Jersey Introduction The 1978-1979 Project Investigative Planning and Theoretical Issues Conclusions References III Artifact Analysis and Interpretation 11 Analyzing Class Bottles for Chronology, Function, and Trade Networks Introduction Glass Technology and Dating Bottle Function Trade Networks References 12 An Examination of Manufacture-Deposition Lag for Glass Bottles from Late Historic Sites Introduction Dating Manufacture-Deposition Lag Interpretations Conclusions References 13 Classification and Interpretation of Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Ceramics Introduction Classification Interpretative Directions Preliminary Results Conclusions References 14 Material Culture, Social Structure, and Changing Cultural Values: The Ceramics of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Middletown, Connecticut Introduction References 15 Patterns in Urban Food Ways: An Example from Early Twentieth-Century Atlanta Introduction Edgewood Site (9Da89) Hypotheses Faunal Data Ethnographic Data Analysis Interpretations Conclusions Appendix A References 16 The Milwaukee Garbage Project: Archaeology of Household Solid Wastes Archaeology and Modern Milwaukee Garbage Milwaukee Garbage Project Methods Income and Solid Waste Background Studies Milwaukee Total Pickup Weights Milwaukee Weight Sorts-Detailed View Multivariate Weight Sort Analyses Weight Sort Analysis Summary The Poor and Solid Wastes: Two Possible Factors Milwaukee Regular Sorts-Products, Categories, and Pickup Weights Regular Sort Analyses-Summary Conclusions References Subject Index

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