The employment impact of China's WTO accession


The employment impact of China's WTO accession

A.S. Bhalla and Shufang Qiu

(RoutledgeCurzon studies on the Chinese economy, 7)

RoutledgeCurzon, 2004


Includes bibliographical references (p. [179]-195) and indexes



The book explores the macroeconomic and sectoral employment implications (in agriculture, industry and services) of China's World Trade Organisation accession. It argues that while short-run employment losses may occur, in the longer term China will be able to generate additional employment particularly in the tertiary sectors; and that it can maintain its comparative advantage in labour-intensive exports by relocating production from high-cost coastal areas to the hinterland with abundant supply of cheap labour. It also argues that, although China is likely to benefit in the long run, in the short and medium term China is likely to face enormous problems, including increased unemployment as weaker links cease to be protected by tariffs, and the problem of restructuring state-owned enterprises.


1. The Road to WTO Membership 2. Trade Liberalization, Competition and Employment 3. The Employment Impact of China's Accession 4. Agriculture 5. Industry 6. Services 7. China and the 'Flying-Geese' Theory 8. China's Possible Response to Global Competition

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