Java software solutions : foundations of program design


    • Lewis, John


Java software solutions : foundations of program design

John Lewis, William Loftus

Addison Wesley, c2004

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Addison-Wesley's CodeMate enhanced edition"--Cover

Includes index



This best-selling text by Lewis and Loftus provides an introduction to both the Java programming language and the techniques for writing high-quality programs. This book provides an object-oriented approach that naturally progresses in a way that beginning programmers easily understand by first using objects, then writing clases. The book is also known for providing an introduction to programming practices that leads to well-designed software solutions. The use of graphical user interfaces and event processing is covered in optional, self-contained Graphics Track sections at the end of each chapter. This book also comes with Addison-Wesley's CodeMate. This online program competency builder transforms a student's reading experience into a dynamic programming environment with a click of a mouse. CodeMate allows students to view, compile, run, and edit programming problems directly from the textbook without installing a compiler.


Preface. 1. Computer Systems. Introduction. Basic Computer Processing. Software Categories. Digital Computers. Binary Numbers. Hardware Components. Computer Architecture. Input/Output Devices. Main And Secondary Memory. The Central Processing Unit. Networks. Network Connections. Local-Area And Wide-Area Networks. The Internet. The World Wide Web. Uniform Resource Locators. The Internet Vs. The World Wide Web. Programming. Problem Solving. The Java Programming Language. A Java Program. Comments. Identifiers And Reserved Words. White Space. Programming Languages. Programming Language Levels. Compilers And Interpreters. Syntax And Semantics. Errors. Language Evolution. Graphics. Coordinate Systems. Representing Color. 2. Objects And Primitive Data. Introduction To Objects. Using Objects. The Print And Println Methods. Abstraction. String Literals. String Concatenation. Escape Sequences. Variables And Assignment. Variables. The Assignment Statement. Constants. Primitive Data Types And Expressions. Integers And Floating Points. Characters. Booleans. Arithmetic Expressions. Operator Precedence. Data Conversion. Creating Objects. The String Class. Class Libraries And Packages. The Import Declaration. The Random Class. Invoking Class Methods. The Math Class. The Keyboard Class. Formatting Output. The Numberformat Class. The Decimalformat Class. 0an Introduction To Applets. Executing Applets Using The Web. drawing Shapes. The Graphics Class. The Color Class. 3. Program Statements. Program Development. Control Flow. The If Statement. Equality And Relational Operators. The If-Else Statement. Using Block Statements. Nested If Statements. The Switch Statement. Boolean Expressions Revisited. Logical Operators. Comparing Characters And Strings. Comparing Floats. More Operators. Increment And Decrement Operators. Assignment Operators. The Conditional Operator. The While Statement. Infinite Loops. Nested Loops. The Stringtokenizer Class. Other Loop Controls. The Do Statement. The For Statement. Comparing Loops. Program Development Revisited. 0drawing Using Conditionals And Loops. 4. Writing Classes. Objects Revisited. Classes. Anatomy Of A Class. Instance Data. Uml Diagrams. Encapsulation And Visibility Modifiers. Anatomy Of A Method. The Return Statement. Parameters. Constructors. Local Data. Method Overloading. Method Decomposition. Object Relationships. Association. Association Between Objects Of The Same Class. Aggregation244. Applet Methods. Graphical Objects. 5. Enhancing Classes. References Revisited. The Null Reference. The This Reference. Aliases. Garbage Collection. Passing Objects As Parameters. The Static Modifier. Static Variables. Static Methods. Wrapper Classes. Keyboard Input Revisited. Nested Classes. Inner Classes. Interfaces. The Comparable Interface. The Iterator Interface. Dialog Boxes. Graphical User Interfaces. Essential Gui Elements. Creating Guis. Gui Applications. Vents And Listeners. Events. Listener Interfaces. Animations. The Timer Class. Chapter. Arrays And Vectors. Arrays. Array Indexing. Declaring And Using Arrays. Alternate Array Syntax. Initializer Lists. Arrays As Parameters. Arrays Of Objects. Arrays Of String Objects. Command-Line Arguments. Filing Arrays Of Objects. Sorting. Selection Sort. Insertion Sort. Sorting An Array Of Objects. Comparing Sorts. Two-Dimensional Arrays. Multidimensional Arrays. The Arraylist Class. Arraylist Efficiency. Polygons And Polylines. The Polygon Class. Other Button Components. Check Boxes. Radio Buttons. 7. Inheritance. Creating Subclasses. Derived Classes. The Protected Modifier. The Super Reference. Multiple Inheritance. Overriding Methods. Shadowing Variables. Class Hierarchies. The Object Class. Abstract Classes. Indirect Use Of Noninherited Members. Polymorphism. References And Class Hierarchies. Polymorphism Via Inheritance. Interfaces Revisited. Interface Hierarchies. Polymorphism Via Inheritance. Inheritance And Guis. Applets Revisited. The Component Class Hierarchy. Mouse Events. Extending Event Adapter Classes. 8. Exceptions And Input/Output Streams. Exceptions. Exception Messages. The Try Statement. The Finally Clause. Exception Propagation. The Exception Class Hierarchy. Checked And Unchecked Exceptions. Input/Output Streams. Character Streams Versus Byte Streams. Data Streams Versus Processing Streams. The Ioexception Class. Standard I/O. The Keyboard Class Revisited. Text Files. Reading Text Files. Writing Text Files. Object Serialization. The Transient Modifier. Files And Guis. File Choosers. Color Choosers. Image Icons. Key Events. Animations. The Timer Class. 9. Graphical User Interfaces. Preliminaries. Gui Review. Gui Design. Layout Managers. Flow Layout. Border Layout. Grid Layout. Box Layout. Containers. Graphics In Applications. Components. Labels And Image Icons. Buttons. Combo Boxes. Layout Managers. Flow Layout. Border Layout. Box Layout. Special Features. Gui Design. 10. Software Engineering. Software Development Models. Software Life Cycle. Development Process Models. Iterative Processes. Prototypes. Throw-Away Prototypes. Testing. Walkthroughs. Defect Testing. Evolutionary Development. Establish Refinement Scope. Identifying Classes And Objects. Identifying Relationships. Detailed Design. Implementation. Unit And Integration Testing. The Paintbox Project. 11. Recursion. Recursive Thinking. Infinite Recursion. Recursion In Math. Recursive Programming. Recursion Vs. Iteration. Direct Vs. Indirect Recursion. Using Recursion. Traversing A Maze. The Towers Of Hanoi. Recursion In Graphics. Mirrored Pictures. Fractals. 12. Data Structures. Collections. Separating Interface From Implementation. Implementing Data Structures. Dynamic Structures. A Dynamically Linked List. Other Dynamic List Implementations. Classic Data Structures. Queues. Stacks. Example: Message Decoding. Collection Classes. Appendix A. Glossary. Appendix B. Number Systems. Appendix C. The Unicode Character Set. Appendix D. Java Operators. Appendix E. Java Bitwise Operators. Appendix F. Java Modifiers. Appendix G. Java Coding Guidelines. Appendix H. Review Checklist. Appendix I. Comparing Java To C++. Appendix J. An Html Tutorial. Appendix K. Java Exceptions And Errors. Appendix L. Java Syntax. Appendix M. The Java Class Library. Index.

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