ICHEP 2002 : proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25-31 July 2002


ICHEP 2002 : proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25-31 July 2002

edited by S. Bentvelsen ... [et al.]

North Holland, c2003


ICHEP 2002 : High Energy Physics Proceedings : Parallel Sessions

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



The first precision measurements on CP violation in the B system are reported. Both the BELLE and the BABAR collaboration presented, among others, results for sin 2ss with much improved accuracy. Results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, SNO, also deserve to be mentioned. The convincing evidence of solar neutrino oscillations had been presented by SNO prior to the conference; a full presentation was given at the conference. An incredibly precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon is reported, a fresh result from the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Apart from these distinct physics highlights, there are also the first results from the new Tevatron run and from the relativistic heavy ion collider RHIC. Theorists write of our ever better understanding of the Standard Model and of what might lie beyond. Risky as it is to highlight only a couple of exciting subjects, it is merely meantto whet the appetite for further reading.


  • Foreword Note from the Editors Committees Conference photographsSession 1: Neutrino Masses and MixingsSession conveners: Y. Grossman, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
  • Y. Suzuki, ICRR, University of TokyoNeutrino oscillation results from the Sudbury Neutrino ObservatoryS.M. Oser (for the SNO Collaboration) Solar neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande-IM.R. Vagins (for the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration) KamLAND experimentT. Mitsui (for the KamLAND Collaboration) Atmospheric neutrinos at Super-KamiokandeCh. Mauger * Recent results from the K2K experimentY. Hayato (for the K2K Collaboration) Current status of neutrino masses and mixingsC. Giunti JHF-Kamioka neutrino oscillation experimentY. Itow Status of MiniBooNEA.O. Bazarko (for the BooNE Collaboration) Lepton number violating muon decay and the LSND neutrino anomalyK.S. Babu * Status of the MINOS experiment and review of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments in Europe and North AmericaJ. Urheim (for the MINOS Collaboration) Leptogenesis and CP violation in neutrino oscillationsZ.Z. Xing Neutrino oscillations and warped geometryS.J. Huber and Q. ShafiTesting CPT invariance with neutrinosT. Ohlsson *Manuscript not receivedSession 2: Quark Matter
  • Heavy Ion CollisionsSession conveners: P. Giubellino, University of Torino/CERN
  • R. Snellings, NIKHEFHeavy ion physics with the CMS experiment at the LHCB. Wys ouch (for the CMS Collaboration) The Alice experiment at the CERN LHCP. Kuijer (for the Alice Collaboration) Color decon.nement transition in full QCDJ.M. Carmona, M. D'Elia, L. Del Debbio, A. Di Giacomo, B. Lucini, G. Paffuti and C. Pica New results on J/ from the NA50 experiment(NA50 Collaboration) Baryon and antibaryon production in hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus collisions at 158 GeV/cH. Bialkowska (for the NA49 Collaboration) Hyperon yields in Pb-Pb collisions from the NA57 experimentF. Antinori Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at sNN = 200GeV(PHOBOS Collaboration) Results from the BRAHMS experiment at RHIC(BRAHMS Collaboration) Universal behavior of charged particle production in heavy ion collisions at RHIC energies(PHOBOS Collaboration) High momentum particle suppression in Au-Au collisions at RHICF. Messer (for the PHENIX Collaboration) Results on Au+Au collisions at sNN = 130GeV and 200GeV from the PHENIX experimentT. Peitzmann (for the PHENIX Collaboration) Recent results from STARJ.H. Thomas (for the STAR Collaboration) Session 3: Particle Astrophysics and CosmologySession conveners: A. Achucarro, University of Leiden
  • E. do Couto e Silva, Stanford University/SLACThe Auger Observatory for high-energy cosmic raysG. Matthiae (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration) Monocular UHECR spectra as measured by HiResD.R. Bergman (for the High Resolution Fly's Eye Collaboration) Cosmic rays with the LEP detectorsC. Timmermans Perturbative QCD predictions and giant air showersR. Engel Direct dark matter detectionH. Nelson * Positron fraction from dark matter annihilation in the CMSSMW. de Boer, C. Sander, M. Horn and D. Kazakov AMS-high energy gamma-ray physics potentialG. Lamanna The Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope - an astro-particle mission to explore the high energy gamma ray skyL. Latronico (for the GLAST-LAT Collaboration) Recent results from AMANDA II(AMANDA Collaboration) Search for GUT magnetic monopoles with the MACRO experiment at the Gran Sasso Lab G. Giacomelli (for the MACRO Collaboration)Signatures of primordial helicity in the CMBRL. Pogosian, T. Vachaspati and S. Winitzki Inflationary cosmology - a dissipative quantum field theory processA. Berera Cosmic solutions in the Einstein-Weinberg-Salam theory and the generation of large electric and magnetic fieldsY. Hosotani, H. Emoto and T. Kubota Session 4: Electroweak PhysicsSession conveners: J. Hobbs, SUNY at Stony Brook
  • D. Bardin, JINR, DubnaMeasurement of the W boson mass and width at LEP2J. Nowell (for the LEP Collaborations) 4-fermion production at LEP2E. Migliore Boson pair cross sections at LEPL. Malgeri Final R-value results from 2-5GeV from BES and QCD test with R scan dataW.B. Yan, W.G. Li and Z.G. Zhao (for the BES Collaboration) CEEX exponentiation in QEDS. Jadach LEP II beam energy measurement using radiative return eventsC.G. Ainsley W polarisation and spin density matrix measurements at LEPH. Voss Precision predictions for W-pair production at LEP2W. Placzek Prospects for Higgs search at the LHCF. Piccinini Fermion pair production at LEP2I. De Bonis Properties of tau leptonV. Zhuravlov Heavy flavour electroweak physics at LEP1 and SLDR. Hawkings Measurement of charged triple gauge-boson couplings (cTGC) at LEP2S. Jezequel Anomalous triple neutral and quartic gauge boson couplingsSt. Wynhoff Search of the Standard Model Higgs at LEPC. Mariotti The frontier of multi-loop Feynman diagrams: (semi-)numerical techniquesA. Ferroglia, G. Passarino, M. Passera and S. Uccirati Precision electroweak measurements: a theorist point of viewP. Gambino The SM prediction of g-2 of the muonK. Hagiwara, A.D. Martin, D. Nomura and T. Teubner Recent results on Sudakov logarithms in electroweak processesJ.H. Kuhn Multi-lepton production at high transverse momentum in ep collisions at HERAC. Diaconu (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Top quark physics at the TevatronI. Iashvili (for the CDF and DO Collaborations) Updated measurements of the W mass and width from the TevatronS. Eno (for the DO Collaboration) Electroweak prospects for Tevatron Run D. Glenzinski (for the CDF and D0 Collaborations) W boson cross section and decay properties at the TevatronK. Bloom (for the CDF and D0 Collaborations) Higgs physics at a high luminosity e+e- linear colliderA. Sopczak (for the ECFA/DESY Higgs boson study group) Session 5: QCD: Hard InteractionsSession conveners: C. Niebuhr, DESY Hamburg
  • L. Reina, Florida State University, Tallahassee
  • J. Huston, Michigan State UniversityStructure function results from ZEUSA. Kappes (for the ZEUS Collaboration) Structure function results from H1Z. Zhang (for the H1 Collaboration) First results from the NLO dimuon analysis at NuTeVD. Mason (for the NuTeV Collaboration) Photon and electron structure from e+e- interactionsR. Nisius Structure functions are not parton probabilitiesP. Hoyer PDF: present and futureW. Giele *A new generation of CTEQ parton distribution functions with uncertainty analysisD.R. Stump The Les Houches accords: new tools for high energy physicsJ. Huston (for the Les Houches Monte Carlo and Parton Distribution Working Groups) Production of gauge bosons plus jets in hadronic collisionsR. Pittau QCD soft gluon exponentiation: YFS MC approachB.F.L. Ward and S. Jadach All-orders infrared freezing of Re+e- in perturbative QCDC.J. Maxwell Higgs boson production at hadron collidersW.B. Kilgore Direct Higgs production at hadron collidersM. Grazzini QCD corrections to associated tth production at hadron collidersS. Dawson, L. Orr, L. Reina and D. Wackeroth Physics with forward protons at hadron collidersV.A. Khoze, A.D. Martin and M.G. Ryskin Top quark pair production and decay at hadron colliders: Predictions at NLO QCD including spin correlationsW. Bernreuther, A. Brandenburg, Z.G. Si and P. Uwer QCD physics in Atlas at the Large Hadron ColliderJ. Proudfoot Jet production in deep inelastic scattering at HERAM.R. Sutton (for the ZEUS and H1 Collaborations) Jets and Prompt Photons in Photoproduction at HERAG. Grindhammer (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Photon and jet physics at the Collider Detector at FermilabJ.R. Dittmann (for the CDF Collaboration) Jet and photon physics at DO M. Zieli ski (for the DO Collaboration) Jet measurements at DO using a kT algorithmU. Bassler (for the DO Collaboration) production of heavy flavour at LEPS. Roth Improved measurements of the b quark mass at LEPM.J. Costa, P. Bambade, J. Fuster and P. Tortosa Charm production at HERAC. Grab (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Latest measurements of beauty quark production at HERAV. Chiochia Heavy quark production at CDFCh. Paus (for the CDF Collaboration) Correlations between D and D mesons in high energy photoproductionE.E. Gottschalk (for the FOCUS Collaboration) Measurement of the bb production cross section in proton-nucleus collisions at HERA-BP. Kreuzer (for the HERA-B Collaboration) Observation of double cc production in e+e- annihilationH. Palka Isolated prompt photon production in photon-photon collisions at see = 183-209GeVT. Schoerner-Sadenius (for the OPAL Collaboration) Parton dynamics and identified particles at HERAH. Jung (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Measurements of s from event shapes and the four-jet rateG. Dissertori Measurement of the QCD -function using renormalisation group invariant perturbation theoryK. Hamacher as and power corrections from JADEP.A. Movilla Fernandez Session 6: QCD: Soft InteractionsSession conveners: W. Kittel, University of Nijmegen
  • M. Diehl, RWTH Aachen
  • A. Kaidalov, ITEP, MoscowPerturbative QCD with quark and gluon condensatesP. Hoyer Multiplicities, fluctuations and correlationsE.K.G. Sarkisyan Fragmentation of quarks and gluonsM. Siebel (for the DELPHI Collaboration) Statistical models and thermalizationJ. Manjavidze and A. Sissakian Bose-Einstein correlations at LEP & HERAS. Todorova-Nova Scattering and resonances in QCD2Y. Frishman and M. Karliner Colour reconnection effects in WW production at LEPE. Bouhova-ThackerAnalytic amplitudes for hadronic forward scattering: COMPETE updateB. Nicolescu, J.R. Cudell, V.V. Ezhela, P. Gauron, K. Kang, Yu.V. Kuyanov, S.B. Lugovsky, E. Martynov, E.A. Razuvaev and N.P. Tkachenko Inclusive diffraction at HERAF.-P. Schilling (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Diffractive charm and jet production at HERAA.A. Savin (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Leading baryons at HERAW.B. Schmidke (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Diffractive production of vector mesons at HERAA. Bruni (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Deeply virtual Compton scattering at HERAJ. Volmer Rapidity gaps in pp, ep and e+e- collisionsK. Hatakeyama (for the CDF, L3, ZEUS and H1 Collaborations) Two photon physicsV.P. Andreev Consequences of t-channel unitarity for (*)p and (*) (*) amplitudesJ.R. Cudell, E. Martynov and G. Soyez Charge and spin asymmetries from Pomeron-Odderon interferenceP. Hagler, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski and O.V. Teryaev Odderon and Pomeron physics in multi-photon final states at HERAT. Berndt Photoproduction of vector mesons in the Soft Dipole Pomeron modelE. Martynov, E. Predazzi and A. Prokudin The Q2 dependence of the generalized GDH integrals for proton, deuteron, and neutronA.P. Nagaitsev Detect gluon polarisation at BNL-RHIC through J/ pair productionJ. Kodaira and C.-F. Qiao Transversity and meson photoproductionG.R. Goldstein and L. Gamberg Session 7: CP Violation and the CKM MatrixSession conveners: P. Kluit, NIKHEF
  • M. Ciuchini, University of Roma III/INFNRecent results from KTeVT. Barker *The final measurement of '/ by NA48G. Unal (for the NA48 Collaboration) '/ and the electroweak penguin contributionV. Cirigliano, J.F. Donoghue, E. Golowich and K. Maltman Vub measurements and related results from BelleY. Kwon (for the Belle Collaboration) Measurements of the CKM matrix element Vub with BABARL.H. Wilden (for the BABAR Collaboration) Subleading shape functions and the determination of Vub T. Mannel A review of Vub and Vcb determinationsM. Battaglia Bd mixing measurements with the BABAR detectorC. Voena (for the BABAR Collaboration) Measurement of md with BelleF. Ronga B0s oscillation resultsS. Willocq Lattice results relevant to the CKM matrix determinationD. Becirevic Determination of the Unitarity Triangle parametersF. Parodi CP asymmetry in B vector pseudoscalar decaysT. Aushev (for the Belle Collaboration) Measurement of sin 2 with BABARD.M. Wright (for the BABAR Collaboration) Measurements of time dependent CP asymmetry in B VV decays with BelleR. Itoh (for the Belle Collaboration) Study of CP asymmetries in charmless hadronic B decays: toward a measurement of J.D. Olsen (for the BABAR Collaboration) Measurements of direct CP violation in two-body decays of B meson with BelleK. Suzuki CP asymmetries and charmless branching fractions with BABARA.J. Bevan (for the BABAR Collaboration) Roadmap for the Unitarity Triangle and the BeyondA. Soni *Session 8: Heavy Quark Mesons and Baryons (including lattice calculations) Session conveners: E. Barberio, CERN/SMU
  • S. Ryan, Trinity College, DublinFirst CDF II heavy flavour physics results with the Silicon Vertex TriggerA. Cerri (for the CDFII Collaboration) b fragmentation and energy correlation in Z bb decays (LEP-1, SLD) K. Harder Determination of s and the charm and bottom quark masses from recent measurements of R(s) J.H. Kuhn and M. Steinhauser Inclusive B decays - spectra, moments and CKM matrix elementsD. Cronin-Hennessy Studies of inclusive semileptonic B meson decays with the BABAR detectorV.G. Luth (for the BABAR Collaboration) Study of spectral moments in semileptonic decays of the b hadron with the DELPHI detector at LEPM. Calvi (for the DELPHI Collaboration) Strong interaction effects in semileptonic B decaysN. Uraltsev The B D form factor at zero recoil and the determination of Vcb J.N. Simone, S. Hashimoto, A.S. Kronfeld, P.B. Mackenzie and S.M. Ryan Power corrections in heavy-to-light decays at large recoil energyM. Diehl Branching fraction and properties of B meson decays to charmonium at BelleY. Watanabe (for the Belle Collaboration) B meson decays to open charm and charmonium at BABARE.W. Varnes (for the BABAR Collaboration) Charmless two-body decaysA. Gordon (for the Belle Collaboration) Charmless multi-body B decaysP. Chang (for the Belle Collaboration) Open charm B decaysP. Krokovny (for the Belle Collaboration) Heavy meson spectra and quark masses from lattice QCDS. Collins Studies of radiative penguin decays at BABARC.P. Jessop (for the BABAR Collaboration) Electroweak penguin decays of B mesonsS. Nishida Gluonic penguin decays of B mesons with BelleK.-F. Chen Excited b statesC. Weiser Search for decays at BABARJ.M. Roney (for the BABAR Collaboration) The b semileptonic branching ratio in Z0 bbdecaysA. Tricomi (for the LEP Collaborations) Evidence for the flavor-changing neutral current decays B K + and B K + - J.D. Richman (for the BABAR Collaboration) Leptonic B decays at BABART.B. Moore Next-to-leading order calculations of the radiative and semileptonic rare B decays in theStandard Model and comparison with dataA. AliD0 mixing, lifetime differences, and hadronic decays of charmed hadronsD.C. Williams (for the BABAR Collaboration) Meson lifetimes, decays, mixing and CPV in FOCUSS. Malvezzi (for the FOCUS Collaboration) B decays to baryonic final states and 0c at BelleR. Chistov (for the Belle Collaboration) Charm and bottom baryon masses in the 1/N expansionE. Jenkins Charmed baryons and heavy quark spectroscopy results from FOCUSC. Riccardi (for the FOCUS Collaboration) First observation of a family of double-charm baryonsJ.S. Russ (for the SELEX Collaboration) Session 9: Hadron Spectroscopy and Exotics (experiment and theory) Session conveners: V. Burkert, JLab, Newport News
  • J. Urheim, University of MinnesotaReview of baryon spectroscopyS. Krewald Topics in meson spectroscopyS. Godfrey Measurement of high lying nucleon resonances and search for a missing state in doublecharged pion electroproduction off the protonE. Golovach, V. Burkert, V. Mokeev, M. Ripani, M. Anghinol., M. Battaglieri, A. Boluchevskii, G. Fedotov, R. De Vita, B. Ishkhanov, M. Osipenko, G. Ricco, V. Sapunenko, N. Shvedunov and M. Taiuti (for the CLAS Collaboration) Light quark spectroscopy results from FOCUS and E687S. Bianco (for the FOCUS and E687 Collaborations) Measurement of + - atom lifetime at DIRACL. Afanasyev (for the DIRAC Collaboration) Studies of meson radiative decays with KLOEP. Gauzzi (for the KLOE Collaboration) Possible hints and search for glueballs in charmless rare B decaysG.W.S. Hou Radiative J/ decays and searches for glueballsS. Jin Present and future experimental programs on light quark systems and exoticsG. Adams * E835 results on c states of charmoniumR. Mussa (for the E835 Collaboration) Recent (2S) and c results from BESF.A. Harris (for the BES Collaboration) c(2980) formation in two-photon collisions at LEP energiesA. Oblakowska-Mucha, B. Muryn, G. Polok and T. Szumlak Bottomonium studies via (3S) decays. First observation of (1D) statesT. Skwarnicki (for the CLEO Collaboration) Search for b in two-photon collisions with L3 detector at LEPC. Palomares Session 10: Beyond the Standard Model (experiment and theory) Session conveners: G. Weiglein, University of Durham
  • S. Mele, CERNSUSY particles searches at LEP and interpretations within the MSSMG. Sguazzoni LEP searches in R-parity violation scenariosT.D. Papadopoulou Exotic SUSY signatures at LEPC. Rembser *Supersymmetry breaking and the SUSY flavour problemO. Vives SUSY grand unified theoriesK. Babu * Search for SUSY at the TevatronV. Zutshi *Recent developments in Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry BreakingI. Jack and D.R.T. Jones Exotic SUSY scenariosR.M. Godbole Little Higgs models: new approaches to the hierarchy problemJ.G. Wacke Deconstructing dimensional deconstructionK. Lane LEP searches for Higgs bosons in models beyond the Standard ModelP. LutzFlavour independent searches and anomalous production and decay of Higgs bosons at LEPJ. Alcaraz (for the LEP Collaborations) Fermiophobic Higgs bosons at LEPA. Rosca Search for MSSM Higgses at the TevatronA. Connolly (for the CDF and D0 Collaborations) Searches at the TevatronW. Orejudos (for the CDF and D0 Collaborations) Light bottom squark phenomenologyE.L. Berger Higgs decays into leptonsC. KaoLow scale gravity and extra dimensions at HERA, LEP and TevatronG. Bernardi Collider implications of models with extra dimensionsC. Macesanu, C.D. McMullen and S. Nandi Black holes at future collidersG. Landsberg Searches for new physics at the LHCD.R. Tovey (for the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations) Top quark Kaluza-Klein mode mixing in the Randall-Sundrum bulk Standard Model and constraint from C.S. Kim, J.D. Kim and J. Song LEP search for single top production and new fermionsM. Antonelli Minireview on other signatures of new physics at LEP and HERAM. Kobel Searches for signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model with high-PT leptons at HERAJ. Dingfelder (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Excited fermions and other searches at HERAL. Bellagamba (for the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations) Minireview of leptoquark searchesP.B. Straub Minireview on lepton flavour violation at e+e- collidersG. Tong CP-violation in models with LR symmetry, non-commutative geometry, and 2HDMsA. Soni *B physics and supersymmetryL. Silvestrini New physics searches at a Linear Collider with polarized beamsG. Moortgat-Pick, A. Bartl, K. Hidaka, T. Kernreiter, H. Liivat, R.-K. Loide, I. Ots, W. Porod, R. Saar and H. Uibo Sfermion precision measurements at a Linear ColliderA. Freitas, B. Ananthanarayan, A. Bartl, G.A. Blair, C. Bl oechinger, E. Boos, A. Brandenburg, A. Datta, A. Djouadi, H. Fraas, J. Guasch, S. Hesselbach, K. Hidaka, W. Hollik, T. Kernreiter, M. Maniatis, A. von Manteuffel, H.-U. Martyn, D.J. Miller, G. Moortgat-Pick, M. Muhlleitner, U. Nauenberg, H. Nowak, W. Porod, J. Sola, A. Sopczak, A. Stahl, M.M. Weber and P.M. Zerwas (for the SUSY Collaboration of ECFA/DESY and International Linear Collider Workshops) Reconstruction of fundamental SUSY parametersP.M. Zerwas, G.A. Blair, S.Y. Choi, A. Freitas, J. Kalinowski, H.-U. Martyn, G. Moortgat-Pick and W. Porod (for the ECFA/DESY SUSY Collaboration) Physics at a Photon ColliderS. Soeldner-RemboldSession 11: Computational Quantum Field Theory (methods) Session conveners: J. Vermaseren, NIKHEF
  • E. Laermann, University of BielefeldFoam: a general purpose Monte Carlo cellular algorithmS. Jadach Project SANC (former CalcPHEP): Support of Analytic and Numeric calculations for experimentsat CollidersA. Andonov, D. Bardin, S. Bondarenko, P. Christova, L. Kalinovskaya, G. Nanava andG. Passarino Using Coulomb gauge for next-to-leading order numerical calculationsM. Kramer and D.E. Soper WHIZARD: Complete simulations for electroweak multi-particle processesW. Kilian The technique of inverse Mellin transform for processes occurring in a background magnetic fieldG.-L. Lin Lattice study of the Coleman-Weinberg mass in the SU(2)-Higgs modelF. Csikor, Z. Fodor and P. Kovacs Lattice QCD data versus Chiral Perturbation Theory: the case of M S. Durr Summary of a talk on peculiar phases in a supersymmetric model at finite temperatureM. Moshe and J. Zinn-JustinSession 12: String Theory and Mathematical Quantum Field TheorySession conveners: S. Vandoren, Utrecht University
  • J. Louis, University of HalleRegge amplitudes from AdS/CFT dualityR. Peschanski(Non-)Abelian gauged supergravities in nine dimensionsE. Bergshoeff, T. de Wit, U. Gran, R. Linares and D. Roest What are instantons made of? C. Ford Construction of supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models on noncompact Calabi-Yau manifolds with isometryK. Higashijima, T. Kimura and M. Nitta Orbifold breaking of gauge symmetryS. Nandi * Virtual black holes in generic 2D dilaton theoriesD. Grumiller Session 13: R & D for Future Accelerators and DetectorsSession conveners: Y. Kuno, Osaka University
  • T. Behnke, DESY Hamburg The status of Run II at FermilabK. Gounder The BTeV experimentM. Artuso and J. Wang (for the BTeV Collaboration) The D0 tracking system for Run G. Ginther *Status of CDF silicon trackingS. Nahn (for the CDF Collaboration) Silicon detector upgrades for the Tevatron Run 2M.C. Kruse (for the CDF and DO Collaborations) Tools for simulation and analysisA. Pfeiffer and M.G. Pia (for the Anaphe and Geant4 Collaborations) Silicon detectors at the LHCC. Parkes New developments for silicon detectorsM. Winter Recent developments in gaseous tracking detectorsS. Roth Calorimetry in CDF Run 2R.D. Erbacher (for the CDF 2 Collaboration) The DO detector for Run L. Babukhadia (for the DO Collaboration) The H1 detector for HERA D. Pitzl * The ATLAS liquid argon calorimetry systemP. Perrodo (for the ATLAS liquid argon and first-level trigger groups) Recent developments in crystal calorimeters (featuring the CMS PbWO4 Electromagnetic Calorimeter) S. Gascon-Shotkin (for the CMS ECAL Collaboration) Calorimetry at a future e+e- colliderJ. Cvach Photon collidersJ. Gronberg A European neutrino factory complexS. Gilardoni (for the European Neutrino Factory Working Groups) Status of R&D on neutrino factories and muon collidersG.G. Hanson The BEPC projectH. Chen TRI P - Trapped Radioactive Isotopes: microlaboratories for fundamental PhysicsK. Jungmann, G.P. Berg, P. Dendooven, O. Dermois, M.N. Harakeh, R. Hoekstra, R. Morgenstern, A. Rogachevskiy, M. Sanchez-Vega, R.G. Timmermans, L. Willmann and H.W. Wilschut The detector for the new e experiment MEGT. Mori (for the MEG Collaboration) List of Participants Author Index

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    Amsterdam ; London
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxx, 973 p.
  • 大きさ
    27 cm
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