A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Tanjore Mahārāja Serfoji's Sarasvatī Mahāl Library, Tanjore


A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Tanjore Mahārāja Serfoji's Sarasvatī Mahāl Library, Tanjore

by P.P.S. Sastri

Inter Documentation Co., 1980



A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit mss. in the Tanjore Mahārāja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahāl Library, Tanjore

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Header title: A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit mss. in the Tanjore Mahārāja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahāl Library, Tanjore


Originally published: Srirangam : Sri Vani Vilas Press, 1928-1934

Contents: v. 1-2. Vedas -- v. 3. Vedas, Vedāṅgas -- v. 4. Vedāṅgas, Kalpa-śrauta -- v. 5. Kalpa-śrauta -- v. 6-7. Kāvyas -- v. 8. Nāṭakas -- v. 9. Kośa, Chandas & Alaṅkāra -- v. 10. Vyākaraṇa (nos. 5326-5971) -- v. 11. Vaiśeṣika, Nyāya, Sāṅkhya & Yoga -- v. 12. Pūrva-mīmāmsā and Uttara-mīmāmsā (Advaita) nos. 6755-7412 -- v. 13. Uttaramīmāmsā (Advaita), nos. 7413-7772 -- v. 14. Uttaramīmāmsā (Viśiṣṭādvaita, Dvaita, Śaiva, Caitanya) & Avaidika nos. 7773-8244 -- v. 15. Mahābhārata, Gītā, Rāmāyaṇa, Śivarahasya, Mahāpurāṇas, & Upapurāṇas. nos. 8245-10649 -- v. 16. Nāṭya, Saṅgīta, Kāmaśāstra, Vaidya & Jyotiṣa nos. 10650-11737 -- v. 17. Gṛhyasūtras, Bhāṣyas and Prayogas nos. 11738-14179 -- v. 18. Vrata, Āgama & Tantra nos. 14180-15467, Dharma-Sūtra, Bhāṣya & Prayoga nos. 17749-19092 -- v. 19. General introduction to vols. I-XIX, Mantra nos. 15468-17748, Stotra & supplemant nos. 19093-24432, indices to vols I-XIX

