Saunders' pocket essentials of psychiatry


Saunders' pocket essentials of psychiatry

Basant K. Puri

(Saunders' pocket essentials / Parveen Kumar and Michael Clark)

W.B. Saunders, 2000

2nd ed


Includes index



This book provides a short introduction to psychiatry for medical students during their psychiatric clerkship and for residents in psychiatry. This handy pocketbook provides a concise introduction to the subject and helps with exam revision. Revision questions are included.


Case presentation Signs and symptoms of psychiatric disorder Organic psychiatry Psychoactive substance use disorders Schizophrenia, delusional disorders and schizoaffective disorders Mood disorders Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders Eating disorders Psychosexual and gender disorders Personality disorders Child and adolescent psychiatry People with learning disabilities (mental retardation) Psychiatry of the elderly Suicide and parasuicide Disorders associated with menstruation and pregnancy Treatments Transcultural psychiatry Forensic psychiatry Final Medicine Examination: Questions and Answers Appendix 1: Mental health legislation Appendix 2: ICD-10 classification Appendix 3: DSM-IV classification Glossary Index

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