Indonesia pilot
Bibliographic Information
Indonesia pilot
(N.P., 34-35)
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, 1999-
2nd ed
- v. 2
- v. 3
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v. 2. South coast of Jawa, north coast of Jawa eastwards from Tanjung Awarawar including Pulau Madura and Bali, Nusatenggara including Pulau Water and Kisar, south cast of Kalimantan eastwards from Tanjung Puting, east coast of Kalimantan as far north as the the [sic] border with Sabah-Malaysia, Sulawesi, and the west part of Pulau-pulau Sula -- v. 3. The island of Timor together with Palau Roti, the islands of the eastern part of the Banda Sea and the northern part of the Arafura Sea, the islands of the Ceram Sea including Buru and Seram, the Molucca Sea including Halmahera, the islands between the north-east coast of Sulawesi and Mindanao, the north and south-west coasts of Irian Jaya eastwards to 141° 00' E including adjacent islands
Includes index