Codex sinaiticvs petropolitanvs et Friderico-Avgvstanvs lipsiensis : the Old Testament preserved in the public library of Petrograd, in the library of the Society of Ancient Literature in Petrograd, and in the library of the University of Leipzig, now reproduced in facsimile from photographs


Codex sinaiticvs petropolitanvs et Friderico-Avgvstanvs lipsiensis : the Old Testament preserved in the public library of Petrograd, in the library of the Society of Ancient Literature in Petrograd, and in the library of the University of Leipzig, now reproduced in facsimile from photographs

by Helen and Kirsopp Lake ; with a description and introduction to the history of the Codex by Kirsopp Lake

Clarendon Press, 1922


Codex sinaiticus petropolitanus et Friderico-Augustanus lipsiensis


Bible. O.T.


"This volume is produced with the assistance of a generous subsidy furnished by the British Academy"--Opposite t.p

The parts of the Codex sinaiticus containing the New Testament were published by the same editors in 1911

Includes bibliographical references and index
