Nutrition for women : how eating right can help you look and feel your best


    • Somer, Elizabeth


Nutrition for women : how eating right can help you look and feel your best

Elizabeth Somer

Henry Holt, 2003

2nd ed.

  • :pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



"An Owl book."

Includes bibliographical references (p. [391]-432) and index



For many women, nutrition is more than a bit confusing. Diets abound, from the anti-heart disease diet to the PMS diet to the hundreds of weight loss diets. NUTRITION FOR WOMEN is a quick reference guide that simplifies this nutrition puzzle, combining the best advice into an eating plan designed specifically to address many of the disorders unique to women. Here readers will find the latest research on the role nutrition plays in the many stages of a woman's life, as well as the latest information on how to - reduce the risk of osteoporosis, cancer and heart disease - Lose weight and keep it off - Combat fatigue and boost energy - Look and feel younger This completely updated edition-based on he research of more than 2000 studies of women's health issues - cuts through the hype and dispels the myths, providing accurate, accessible information for every woman interested in the benefits of eating well.

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