Bibliographic Information

Social psychology

Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert

Pearson Education, c2005

5th ed

  • international ed.

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Includes bibliographical references (p. 566-614) and indexes

Description and Table of Contents


For an undergraduate introductory level course in social psychology. This renowned text maintains its acclaimed story-telling approach to convey the science of social psychology while making research relevant to students. The authors bring the material under study to life through real-world examples that capture students' attention and motivate further exploration.

Table of Contents

1. Introducing Social Psychology. 2. Methodology: How Social Psychologists Do Research. 3. Social Cognition: How We Think about the Social World. 4. Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other People. 5. Self-Knowledge: How We Come to Understand Ourselves. 6. The Need to Justify Our Actions. 7. Attitudes and Attitude Change: Influencing Thoughts and Feelings. 8. Conformity: Influencing Behavior. 9. Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups. 10. Interpersonal Attraction: From First Impressions to Close Relationships. 11. Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help? 12. Aggression: Why Do We Hurt Other People? Can We Prevent It? 13. Prejudice: Causes and Cures. Social Psychology in Action 1. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH. Social Psychology in Action 2. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. Social Psychology in Action 3. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND THE LAW.

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  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 0131786865
    • 0131327933
  • LCCN
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Text Language Code
  • Place of Publication
    Upper Saddle River, N.J.
  • Pages/Volumes
    xxxvii, 656 p.
  • Size
    29 cm
  • Classification
  • Subject Headings
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