The perversion of autonomy : coercion and constraints in a liberal society


The perversion of autonomy : coercion and constraints in a liberal society

Willard Gaylin & Bruce Jennings

Georgetown University Press, c2003

Rev. and expanded

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index


  • Freedom, coercion, and commonsense morality
  • A self of one's own : the meaning of autonomy
  • Land of the free : autonomy in American life today
  • Seduced by autonomy : heeding the Grand Inquisitor and other critics
  • It's only human nature
  • Growing up good
  • Irrational man
  • The multiple meanings of coercion
  • In defense of social control : the ethics of coercion
  • Autonomy gone bonkers : the mentally impaired
  • Last rights I : decisions to forgo life-sustaining medical treatment
  • Last rights II : autonomy, moral trespass, and physician-assisted suicide
  • Beyond autonomy : toward an ethic of interdependence



Modern psychological and political theory meet head-on in this powerful re-evaluation of America's contradictory and sometimes dangerous addiction to individualism. Best-selling author Gaylin and co-author Jennings investigate the contentious intersections of interdependence and autonomy, rights and public responsibility. They examine the painful abrasion occurring between America's tradition of personal freedom and privacy, as it rubs against the still valuable if almost vanishing ideals of sacrifice and social order. Our current culture of autonomy - championed by both liberals on the left and libertarians on the right - is based on the idea of rationality as the motivation for human conduct. But, as the authors remind us, people are not simply rational creatures - appeals to emotions are always far more effective than logical argument in changing our behavior. This timely edition includes a new preface; updated examples and illustrations throughout; and, new coverage of contemporary social critics and their work since the publication of the first edition. Two essential new chapters, one on the movement to forgo life-sustaining treatment and the other on physician-assisted suicide, particularly clarify the authors' arguments. Drawing on these and numerous other illustrations - with significant emphasis on the state of American health care - Gaylin and Jennings demonstrate that society has not just the right but the duty to occasionally invoke fear, shame, and guilt in order to motivate humane behavior. As cases of AIDS are once again on the upswing, as the dangerously mentally ill are allowed to wander free and untreated, as starvation and poverty still hold too many in its grip in the richest nation on the planet, this controversial book, considerably revised and expanded, is needed more than ever. If we are to indeed preserve and nurture a genuinely free - and liberal - society, the authors suggest that these "coercions" may be essential for the health and the maturity of a nation where we all too often avert our eyes, not seeing that our neighbor is in pain or trouble and needs our help.


Preface 1. Freedom, Coercion, and Commonsense Morality Part IThe Culture of Autonomy 2. A Self of One's Own: The Meaning of Autonomy3. Land of the Free: Autonomy in American Life Today4. Seduced by Autonomy: Heeding the Grand Inquisitor and Other Critics Part IIThe Biological Limits of Autonomy 5. It's Only Human Nature6. Growing Up Good7. Irrational Man Part IIIThe Ethical Limits of Autonomy and the Uses of Coercion 8. The Multiple Meanings of Coercion9. In Defense of Social Control: The Ethics of Coercion10. Autonomy Gone Bonkers: The Mentally Impaired11. Last Rights I: Decisions o Forgo Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment12. Last Rights II: Autonomy, Moral Trespass, and Physician-Assissted Suicide13. Beyond Autonomy: Toward an Ethic of Interdependence NotesIndex

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