Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL
Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL
(Xilinx design series)
Prentice Hall, c2003
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Aimed at advanced courses in digital design for seniors and first-year graduate students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science, this book assumes and builds on the background of a first course in logic design.
- Introduction to Digital Design Methodology: Design Methodology - An Introduction. IC Technology Options: Overview
- Review of Combinational Logic Design
- Combinational Logic and Boolean Algebra
- Theorems for Boolean Algebraic Minimization
- Representation of Combinational Logic
- Simplification of Boolean Expressions
- Glitches and Hazards
- Building Blocks for Logic Design. Fundamentals of Sequential Logic Design: Storage Elements
- Flip-Flops
- Busses and Three-State Devices
- Design of Sequential Machines
- State Transition Graphs
- Design Example - BCD to Excess-3 Code Converter
- Serial Line Code Converter for Data Transmission
- State Reduction and Equivalent States. Introduction to Logic Design with Verilog: Structural Models of Combinational Logic
- Logic Simulation, Design Verification, and Testbenches
- Propagation Delay
- Truth Table Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic with Verilog. Logic Design with Behavioural Models of Combinational and Sequential Logic: Behavioural Modelling
- A Brief Look at Data Types for Behavioural Modelling
- Boolean Equation-Based Behavioural Models of Combinational Logic
- Propagation Delay and Continuous Assignments
- Latches and Level-Sensitive Circuits in Verilog
- Cyclic Behavioural Models of Flip-Flops and Latches
- Cyclic Behavioumr and Edge Detection
- A Comparison of Styles for Behavioural Modelling
- Behavioural Models of Multiplexers, Encoders, and Decoders
- Dataflow Models of an Linear Feedback Shift Register
- Modelling Digital Machines with Repetitive Algorithms
- Machines with Multi-Cycle Operations
- Design Documentation with Functions and Tasks - Legacy or Lunacy?. (Part contents).
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