The Versailles system and Central Europe


The Versailles system and Central Europe

Magda Ádám

(Collected studies series, CS762)

Ashgate, c2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Includes index



The treaties concluded with defeated countries after World War I created a new order in Europe, known as the Versailles System. The consequences for Central Europe were acute: the Austro-Hungarian monarchy ceased to exist, but could the new dispensation provide prosperity and security for the Danubian region? Did the successor states depend for their survival on the Great Powers or the untried League of Nations, or could they combine in a novel form of regional integration? Magda Adam's work, based on pioneering research in European and American archives, addresses this intricate set of problems. She looks at how the uneven application of self-determination, and the legacies of old European diplomacy and traditional power politics, deprived the "lands between" of a settlement which could enjoy consensus. This is a study of states with overlapping claims to territory, rival designs for achieving economic prosperity, and, crucially, different interpretations of their past history. By examining the inception, the troubled life and the tragic unravelling of the Versailles system, these 16 studies should help us understand the dynamics that shaped this region between the world wars.


  • Treaties in the making: Woodrow Wilson and the successor states - an American plan for a New Central Europe
  • Delusions about Trianon
  • Nouvelles reserches et perspectives de l'historiographie hongroise du Traite de Trianon
  • France and Hungary at the beginning of the 1920s - Danubian confederation or Little Entente
  • New Sources on Trianon
  • Les projets d'union et les Etats successeurs. The new Europe and the Danubian states: La Hongrie est-elle une ile ou un pont?
  • The legitimists and Central Europe - the Habsburg restoration attempts and the Successor States of Austria-Hungary
  • Complete encirclement - the establishment of the Little Entente
  • The Genoa Conference and the Little Entente
  • Ethnicity and nationalism in the Successor States
  • The Little Entente and the issue of the Hungarian minorities
  • L'alliance franco-tchecoslovaque. The System Unravels: Les projets d'integration fran ais et les Etats danubiens au debut des annees trente
  • Les pays danubiens et Hitler (1933-1936)
  • The Munich Crisis, Hungary, and its neighbours - the fall of the Versailles Settlement in Central Europe.

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