The role of multinational enterprises in globalization


    • Kleinert, Jörn


The role of multinational enterprises in globalization

Jörn Kleinert

(Kieler Studien, 326)

Springer, c2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographical references (p. [201]-209) and index



This book offers a framework for analyzing the increased economic integration of countries which is mainly driven by multinational enterprises. They compete with other companies from different countries on many markets and through various channels. The book starts by discussing the stylized facts of the role of multinational enterprises in the globalization process in order to derive an empirical picture which is met as closely as possible by the theoretical framework. This theoretical framework which stands in the tradition of the proximity-concentration literature allows analyzing the effects of the globalization process on market structures, trade patterns, and welfare. The analysis shows that globalization induces various changes that imply much more chances than risks.


Motivation.- Globalization: Empirical Overview and Theoretical Explanations.- Multinational Enterprises in Globalization: Model and Test of the Main Assumptions.- Explaining Country Differences in the Internationalization of Activities and the Wave Behavior in Globalization.- A Model with Different Sectors and Heterogeneous Companies within One Sector.- Modeling Globalization: The Three-Country Version.- Summary and Conclusions.- Appendix.

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