An introduction to Thorstein Veblen's economic theory


An introduction to Thorstein Veblen's economic theory

Adil H. Mouhammed

(Mellen studies in economics, v. 21)

Edwin Mellen Press, c2003

  • : hc

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-318) and index



A close reading of Thorstein Veblen's work shows that he predicted not only the rise of fascism in Japan and Germany, and the Depression, but more contemporary issues, as well as the dangers involved in mixing conservatism, technology, and military power.


  • Veblen's intellectual sources 1 - French language political economists and French socialists - Richard Cantillon, J.G. Say, Simonde de Sismondi, Henri Comte de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Georges Sorel
  • Veblen's intellectual sources 2 -evolutionary, anthropological and others - Darwin, Kropotkin, Lewis H. Morgan, imitation
  • Veblen's evolutionary methodology - method, outcomes, Veblen's method and the evolutionary stages of history
  • Veblen's critique of political economy -physiocrats and David Hume, classical economic theory, marginal economic theory -Austrian economics and Clark, neoclassical economic theory - Marshall and Fisher, German historical school, Marxian political economy
  • the core of economic theory -reserve capacity, markup pricing, productivity issue, income distribution, aggregate demand, unemployment and poverty, inflation
  • the theory of the business cycle -business cycle and labour, model of the business cycle
  • the business upturn, the stock market and financial manipulation - business upturn and the appreciation of stock prices, captains of finance and financial manipulation
  • the theory of economic growth - industrial system, economic growth and productive capacity, supply and demand factors, accumulation, ownership, class nature of economic growth, hindrance of economic growth, borrowing
  • Veblen and Marx - the dialectics, economic interpretation of history
  • Veblen and Keynes - uncertainty, income and employment, inflation, monetary theory of production, economic policies and the future of capitalism
  • conclusion.

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