Multilingualism in the English-speaking world : pedigree of nations


Multilingualism in the English-speaking world : pedigree of nations

Viv Edwards

(The language library)

Blackwell, 2004

  • : hbk
  • : pbk


Includes bibliographical references (p. [223]-240) and index



Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World is the winner of the BAAL Book Prize 2005. Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World: Pedigree of Nations explores the consequences of English as a global language and multilingualism as a social phenomenon. Written accessibly, it explores the extent of diversity in 'inner circle' English speaking countries (the UK, the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand) and examines language in the home, school, and the wider community. Considers the perspectives of English as a global language as well as multilingualism as a social phenomenon. Written in an accessible style that draws on contemporary real life examples. Examines the everyday realities of people living in 'inner circle' English-speaking countries, such as the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Discusses the theoretical issues that underpin current debates, drawing on research literature on societal multilingualism, language maintenance and shift, language policy, language and power, and language and identity.


Preface. Part I: The extent of diversity:. 1. The myth of monolingualism. 2. Roots of diversity. 3. Access to services. Part II: Language at home and in school:. 4. Language in the family. 5. Language and education: a history. 6. Language and education in the modern world. 7. Majority speakers and minority languages. Part III: Language in the wider community:. 8. Language and the economy. 9. Language and the media. 10. Language and the Arts. 11. Language, diplomacy and defence. 12. Is life really too short to learn German?. References. Index.

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