Civil war in Poland, 1942-1948


Civil war in Poland, 1942-1948

Anita J. Prażmowska

(Studies in Russia and East Europe)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2004


Includes bibliographical references and index



This challenging new work uses archival research to examine Poland's government in exile during the Second World War as it sought both to fight against the advances of Germany and the Soviet Union, and to prepare for the moment when it would once more be possible to establish a national Polish government. The author suggests that the Poles were as much at war with themselves throughout the war and in the years immediately following the end of hostilities as they were with the German and Soviet forces. Civil War in Poland, 1942-1948 contributes to the debate on the fate of Poland in this complex period, the origins of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, and the process of transformation in Europe during and since the Second World War.


Preface Introduction Poland Under Occupation: 1941-1942 1943: The Breakthrough 1944: The Soviet Entry into Poland The Liberation of Poland The Establishment of Communist Control in Poland: 1944-1947 The Opposition The Unwanted: The Creation of a Nation State Towards a Communist Government Conclusion Bibliography

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