Roman frontier studies : proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies


Roman frontier studies : proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies

edited by Valerie A. Maxfield & Michael J. Dobson

University of Exeter Press, 1991

  • : hard
  • : pbk


Text in English with chapters in French and German

Includes bibliographical references


: hard ISBN 9780859893640


In September 1989 the 15th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies took place at the University of Kent in Canterbury. This volume presents 100 of the papers which were given on that occasion by scholars from 19 countries in Europe, the Americas and the Middle East. Geographically, the material presented ranges from Britain to the Caucusus, North Africa and Spain. The first section consists of papers dealing with individual frontier regions, fort and fortress sites, army units and related military matters, including overall surveys of the most significant work in Britain and Germany in the 1980s. The second section explores three general themes: the relations between Romans and natives in the peripheral areas of the Empire; the practicalities of life in the frontier regions; and problems peculiar to desert frontiers.

: pbk ISBN 9780859897105


This volume presents one hundred of the papers given at the Fifteenth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. Geographically the material ranges throughout the frontier regions of the Roman Empire from Britain to the Caucasus, the Low Countries to Upper Egypt, Spain to Jordan. The first section deals with individual frontier regions, fort and fortress sites, army units and related military matters a overall surveys of significant work carried out in Britain and Germany in the 1980s. The second section explores three more general themes: the relations between "Romans" and "natives" on the peripheral areas of the Empire, the realities of life in a frontier region, and the problems peculiar to desert frontiers.


  • Preface, vi
  • Abbreviations, viii
  • 1. L. Allason-Jones, Roman and native interaction in Northumberland, 1
  • 2. P.S. Austen, How big was the second largest fort on Hadrian's Wall at Bowness-on-Solway?, 6
  • 3. P.T. Bidwell, Later Roman barracks in Britain, 9
  • 4. A.R. Birley, Vindolanda: new writing tablets 1986-89, 16
  • 5. M.C. Bishop, Soldiers and military equipment in the towns of Roman Britain, 21
  • 6. T.F.C. Blagg, Architectural benefaction in northern and southern Britain, 28
  • 7. D.J. Breeze, The frontier in Britain, 1984-1989, 35
  • 8. J.G. Crow, Construction and reconstruction in the central sector of Hadrian's Wall, 44
  • 9. C. Daniels, The Antonine abandonment of Scotland, 48
  • 10. J.L. Davies, Roman military deployment in Wales and the Marches from Pius to Theodosius I, 52
  • 11. N. Fuentes, Fresh thoughts on the Saxon Shore, 58
  • 12. P.P.A. Funari, Dressel 20 amphora inscriptions found at Vindolanda: the reading of the unpublished evidence, 65
  • 13. C.G. Henderson, Aspects of the planning of the Neronian fortress of legio II Augusta at Exeter, 73
  • 14. N. Hodgson, The Notitia Dignitatum and the later Roman garrison of Britain, 84
  • 15. S. Johnson, Introduction to the Saxon Shore, 93
  • 16. G.D.B. Jones, The emergence of the Tyne-Solway frontier, 98
  • 17. A.C. King, The date of the stone defences of Roman Bitterne, 108
  • 18. G.S. Maxwell, Springboards for invasion - marching camp concentrations and coastal installations in Roman Scotland, 111
  • 19. A.S. Robertson, Evidence for the transport of Roman coins from the Mediterranean to Britain, 114
  • 20. D. Sankey & A. Stephenson, Recent work on London's defences, 117
  • 21. G. Webster, The defences of the legionary fortress at Viroconium (Wroxeter) c. AD 55-90, 125
  • 22. T. Williams, Allectus's building campaign in London: implications for the development of the Saxon Shore, 132
  • 23. P.R. Wilson, Aspects of the Yorkshire signal stations, 142
  • 24. D. Woolliscroft, Das Signalsystem an der Hadriansmauer und seine Auswirkungen auf dessen Aufbau, 148
  • 25. J.M. Blazquez, Romer und Einheimische in Hispanien wahrend der Eroberungszeit (218-19 v. Chr.), 153
  • 26. R. Brulet, Le Litus Saxonicum Continental, 155
  • 27. D. Schaad, Encraoustos: un camp militaire romain a Lugdunum - St Bertrand de Comminges (France, Departement de la Haute-Garonne), 170. GERMANIA, RAETIA
  • 28. D. Baatz, Research on the limes of Germania Superior and Raetia 1983-89, 175
  • 29. W. Groenman van Waateringe, Valkenburg ZH 1: fabrica or praetorium?, 179
  • 30. J.K. Haalebos, Die Legionscanabae in Nijmegen, 184
  • 31. A.V.M. Hubrecht & D.W. MacDowall, Money supply and the early date of the Roman military presence at Nijmegen, 188
  • 32. C.-M. Hussen, Das Holzkastell auf der 'Breitung' in Weissenburg in Bayern, 191
  • 33. M. Pietsch, Marktbreit - ein neues augusteisches Legionslager bei Wurzburg, Unterfranken, 196
  • 34. S. Rieckhoff, Der romische Schatzfund von Regensburg-Kumpfmuhl: ein Vorbericht, 203
  • 35. S. von Schnurbein, Der neue Plan von Altrip, 208
  • 36. W.J.H. Willems, Early Roman camps on the Kops Plateau at Nijmegen (NL), 210
  • 37. M.D. de Weerd & S.L. Wynia, The Roman fort at Utrecht, 215
  • 38. C. Ertel, Der Tempel A im Kultbezirk der orientalischen Gotter in den Canabae Legionis von Carnuntum, 216
  • 39. J. Fitz, Neue Ergebnisse in der Limesforschung des Donaugebiets, 219
  • 40. O. Harl, Der Verlauf der Limesstrasse im Stadtgebiet von Wien, 225
  • 41. S. Jilek, Die Kleinfunde aus dem Auxiliarkastell von Carnuntum, 230
  • 42. M. Kaba, Die rekonstruierten und restaurierten 'Thermae Maiores' der legio II Adiutrix, 232
  • 43. M. Kandler, Die Legio I Adiutrix und Carnuntum, 237
  • 44. H.-Th. Lorenz & Ch. Maier, Preliminary report on the excavation at Gleisdorf (Austria) in 1988-89, 242
  • 45. B. Lorincz, Pannonische Ziegelstempel und die militarischen Territorien, 244
  • 46. I. Mikl Curk, Natives, Romans and newcomers in the eastern Alps during the 2nd century (The role of the army in ethnic interaction), 248
  • 47. M. Mirkovic, Beneficiarii consularis and the new outpost in Sirmium, 252
  • 48. S. Soproni, Eine spatromische Festung im Donaubett bei Bolcske, 257
  • 49. K. Szirmai, Barrack-blocks in the praetentura of the legionary fortress in Aquincum (1987-1988), 259
  • 50. Z. Visy, Lussonium: archaeological excavations 1988-89, 263
  • 51. B. Bottger, Zur wirtschaftlichen Situation am unteren Donaulimes im 4-6 Jh., 268
  • 52. A. Dimitrova-Milceva, Zum Problem der Datierung der fruhesten Perioden des Militarlagers Novae, 271
  • 53. P. Donevski, Durostorum, Municipium Aurelium und das Lager der Legio XI Claudia, 277
  • 54. J.G. Garbsch, The oldest military diploma for the province of Dacia, 281
  • 55. M. Marcu, Contributions concernant les Daces du Sud-Est de la Transylvanie a l'epoque romaine (un probleme de geographie historique), 285
  • 56. V. Najdenova, Thracian paganism and Roman religion on the lower Danubian limes, 291
  • 57. P. Petrovic, Ein Donauhafen von Trajan bei dem Kastell Aquae (Moesia Superior), 295
  • 58. L. Rousseva-Slokoska, Sur le probleme du systeme de fortification de Nicopolis ad Istrum (Mesie Inferieure), 299
  • 59. T. Sarnowski, The headquarters building of the legionary fortress at Novae (Lower Moesia), 303
  • 60. M. Vasic, L'architecture a l'interieur des camps romains des Portes de Fer au IVeme et Veme siecle, 308
  • 61. M. Zahariade, An early and late Roman fort on the Lower Danube limes: Halmyris (Independenta, Tulcea County, Romania), 311
  • 62. M. Gichon, When and why did the Romans commence the defence of southern Palestine?, 318
  • 63. H.-P. Kuhnen, Der Sarazenensattel: zu den Voraussetzungen der Sarazeneneinfalle am Limes Arabiae, 326
  • 64. G. Lordkipanidse & D. Braund, Recent work at Pityus (Pitsunda/Bichvinta, USSR), 335
  • 65. P. Morizot, Les stations de la Table de Peutinger entre Lambese et Ad Calceum Herculis, 337
  • 66. P. Trousset, Les defenses cotieres byzantines de Byzacene, 347. MISCELLANEOUS
  • 67. M. Browning, Archaeology historicized: Romano-British frontier studies and German historiography at the turn of the century, 354
  • 68. P. Connolly, The Roman fighting technique deduced from armour and weaponry, 358
  • 69. E. Dabrowa, Dromedarii in the Roman army: a note, 364
  • 70. C. van Driel-Murray, A Roman tent: Vindolanda tent I, 367
  • 71. H. Jouffroy, La defense des frontieres: le point de vue du De Rebus Bellicis, 373
  • 72. J.-M.A.W. Morel, Tents or barracks?, 376
  • 73. L. Okamura, The flying columns of Emperor Gallienus: 'legionary' coins and their hoards, 387
  • 74. L. Petculescu, 'Utere felix' and 'Optime maxime con(serva)' mounts from Dacia, 392
  • 75. D.B. Saddington, The origin and character of the provincial fleets of the early Roman Empire, 397
  • 76. E. Schallmayer, Zur Herkunft und Funktion der Beneficiarier, 400
  • 77. P. Varon, Ius postliminii and the soldier, 407
  • 78. M.D. de Weerd, Measuring systems in Roman barges and forts, 410
  • ROMAN AND NATIVE (session organiser: Prof. J.H.F. Bloemers)
  • 79. J.H.F. Bloemers, Introduction to the section on "Roman and Natives", 411
  • 80. D.B. Saddington, The Parameters of Romanization, 413
  • 81. D. Braund, Roman and native in Transcaucasia from Pompey to Successianus, 419
  • 82. D. Gabler, The survival of late La Tene settlements in the Roman period, 424
  • 83. T. Kolnik, Romer und Barbaren im nordlichen Mitteldonaugebiet, 432
  • 84. M.L. Okun, Pluralism in Germania Superior, 435
  • 85. M. Gechter, Die fruhe ubische Landnahme am Niederrhein, 439
  • 86. W.G. Kerr, Economic warfare on the northern limes: portoria and the Germans, 442
  • 87. M. van der Veen, Native communities in the frontier zone - uniformity or diversity?, 446
  • 88. J.H.F. Bloemers, Relations between Romans and natives: concepts of comparative studies, 451
  • REALITIES OF FRONTIER LIFE (Session organiser: Dr L.J.F. Keppie)
  • 89. L. Keppie, Armies on frontiers - myth and realities, 455
  • 90. B. Isaac, The Roman army in Judaea: police duties and taxation, 458
  • 91. M.M. Roxan, Women on the frontiers, 462
  • 92. M.E. Snape, Roman and native: vici on the north British frontier, 468
  • 93. C.S. Sommer, Life beyond the ditches: housing and planning of the military vici in Upper Germany and Raetia, 472
  • 94. M.P. Speidel, The Soldiers' servants, 477
  • THE PROBLEMS OF DESERT FRONTIERS (Session organiser: Prof. S.T. Parker)
  • 95. C.M. Wells, The problems of desert frontiers: chairman's comments on the session, 478
  • 96. M. Janon, Remarques sur la frontiere de Numidie, 482
  • 97. M. Redde, A l'ouest du Nil: une frontiere sans soldats, des soldats sans frontiere, 485
  • 98. S.E. Sidebotham, A limes in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: myth or reality?, 494
  • 99. S.T. Parker, The nature of Rome's Arabian frontier, 498
  • 100. E.L. Wheeler, Rethinking the Upper Euphrates frontier: where was the western border of Armenia?, 505
  • The Congress Programme, 512.

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