Politics and population control : a documentary history


    • Tobin, Kathleen A.


Politics and population control : a documentary history

Kathleen A. Tobin

Greenwood Press, 2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



What is population history about? It's about birth rates, migration, and economies. It's about families, women, and babies. It is about agricultural production, military conflict, colonies, and race. In short, population history is the human story. This book shows that population issues—numbers of people, how to feed them, their employment, racial makeup, intelligence, health, sexual behavior, and reproduction—have concerned authorities for centuries. The primary documents in this volume illustrate those concerns from the mid-18th century to the present. Provided is background information on each document and coverage of a variety of population perspectives. All of the concerns illustrated in this volume have helped to mold population policy. From the threat of a population explosion, familiar to those growing up in the 1960s, to birth control, women's rights, and lawmakers' desires to address social ills, this book covers a wide spectrum of issues. Included is a variety of documents, such as treatises, essays, speeches, articles, and passages from books. Tobin's introductory commentary provides a framework for the documents, pointing to their intent and significance. This is the only comprehensive source of documents on population, making it a valuable resource for both professional and armchair historians.


ContentsContentsCONTENTSIntroduction ix1.RESOURCES1.1Rev. T. R. Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population21.2William Godwin, Of Population41.3David Booth, A Letter to the Rev. T. R. Malthus61.4Friedrich Engels, "Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy" 71.5Achille Loria, Contemporary Social Problems: A Course of Lectures81.6William Graham Sumner and Albert Galloway Keller, The Science of Society101.7Warren S. Thompson, "Population Pressure in Japan" 111.8Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich, The Population Bomb121.9Tadd Fisher, Our Overcrowded World131.10Alan Thein Durning, "The Conundrum of Consumption" 141.11Timothy E. Wirth, "The Human Factor" 152.ECONOMICS2.1Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal182.2Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations192.3Thomas Chalmers, On Political Economy202.4William Cobbett, Surplus Population212.5Karl Marx, Wage Labor and Capital242.6J. M. Robertson, M.P., The Economics of Progress252.7Dr. Martha Ruben-Wolf, "Birth Control in Soviet Russia" 262.8John Maynard Keynes, "Some Economic Consequences of a Declining Population" 272.9John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society282.10"Declaration of Population Strategy for Development" 293.EUGENICS3.1Montague Crackanthorpe, Population and Progress343.2C. V. Drysdale, The Small Family System353.3Charles H. Clark, M.D. "Prevention of Racial Deterioration and Degeneracy" 363.4Alexander Graham Bell, "Is Race Suicide Possible?" 373.5Edward Byron Reuter, Population Problems383.6Aldous Huxley, "What Is Happening to Our Population?" 393.7Richard Lynn, Eugenics: A Reassessment404.RACE4.1H. G. Ward, Mexico434.2Herbert Spencer, "A Theory of Population deduced from the General Law of Animal Fertility" 454.3Charles Darwin, "The Races of Man" 464.4Francis Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development484.5James Bonar, Malthus and His Work494.6Arthur Newsholme, M.D., The Declining Birth-Rate514.7Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race524.8Robert J. Sprague, "Constructive Aspect of Birth Control" 534.9Edward M. East, Mankind at the Crossroads544.10Marcus Garvey, "Shall the Negro Be Exterminated?" 564.11J. C. Menham, "ATSIC's requirements for social statistics in the 1990s" 574.12Campbell Gibson and Kay Jung, "Historical Census Statistics on Population Totals by Race" 585.COLONIALISM AND IMPERIALISM5.1The History of the Brasils615.2Alexis de Tocqueville, "Social Conditions in Ireland" 635.3Alexis de Tocqueville, "Conversation with Msgr. Kinseley" 645.4Edward Isaacson, The New Morality645.5Leonard Woolf, Empire and Commerce in Africa665.6Warren S. Thompson, Danger Spots in World Population675.7Pierre Gourou, The Tropical World685.8Jordan Bishop, O.P., "Imperialism and the Pill" 695.9Bruce Fetter, "Demography in the Reconstruction of African Colonial History" 705.10Amy Kaler, "A Threat to the Nation and a Threat to the Men" 716.WAR6.1James Marchant, Birth Rate and Empire736.2Dr. Anton Nystrom, "Over-Population of the Earth and Its Dangers" 756.3Harold Wright, Population766.4Rosika Schwimmer, "Birth Control or War" 786.5Harold Cox, "A League of Low Birth Rate Nations" 796.6Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals816.7Irving Fisher, "War and Eugenics, Symposium" 816.8Guy Irving Burch and Elmer Pendell, Population Roads to Peace or War826.9"Editorial: The Only Real Defense" 846.10David Cushman Coyle, "Japan's Population" 856.11Population Control and National Security867.NATION AND MIGRATION7.1Benjamin Franklin, The Interest of Great Britain Considered897.2T. R. Edmonds, An Enquiry into the Principles of Population917.3John Ilderton Burn, Familiar Letters on Population927.4"Marcus," The Book of Murder!937.5Edward Alsworth Ross, The Principles of Sociology957.6Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf967.7Adolf Hitler, My New Order977.8Lawrence de Besault, President Trujillo977.9Gunnar Myrdal, Population: A Problem for Democracy987.10Proceedings of the World Population Conference997.11Katherine Organski and A.F.K. Organski, Population and World Power1007.12T. Lynne Smith, "The Population of Latin America" 1017.13Rasha Faris, "Population in Israel" 1028.RELIGION8.1William Falconer, M.D.F.R.S., Remarks on the Influence of Climate1038.2George Ensor, An Inquiry Concerning the Population of Nations1058.3G.W.F. Hegel, "Address on the Tercentenary of the Submission of the Augsburg Confession" (25 June 1830) 1068.4Archibald Alison, The Principles of Population1078.5Leitch Ritchie, A History of the Oriental Nations1088.6R. Heber Newton, Womanhood1098.7Rev. William R. Inge, D.D., "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" 1108.8John A. Ryan, Family Limitation1118.9John M. Cooper, Birth Control1128.10M. K. Gandhi, "Birth Control" 1148.11M. K. Gandhi, "Some Arguments Considered" 1158.12Stephen Wise, "The Synagogue and Birth Control" 1168.13John Rock, M.D., The Time Has Come1178.14Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae (On the Regulation of Birth)1188.15Nigel M. de S. Cameron, "Cairo's Wake-up Call" 1198.16Rita M. Gross, "Buddhist Resources for Issues of Population" 1209.CHILDREN AND FAMILY9.1John Cowan, M.D., The Science of a New Life1239.2Emmet Densmore, M.D., Sex Equality1249.3William J. Robinson, M.D., Eugenics, Marriage and Birth Control1259.4Theodore Roosevelt, The Foes of Our Own Household1269.5Paul Popenoe, Modern Marriage1289.6Paul Popenoe, The Child's Heredity1299.7"The Children's Charter" 1309.8Ernest R. Groves, Marriage1309.9D. V. Glass, The Struggle for Population1319.10Rosamund McDougall, The Human Multitude1329.11Su Xiaokang, "The Humanitarian and Technical Dilemmas of Population Control in China" 13310.GENDER AND SEXUALITY10.1Charles Knowlton, M.D., Fruits of Philosophy13510.2Annie Besant, "The Law of Population" 13610.3J. Fizelle, "Decline of the Birthrate" 13710.4Dr. F. W. Foerster, Marriage and the Sex Problem13810.5Margaret Sanger, The Woman Rebel13910.6Dr. Prabbu Dutt Shastri, "The Outlook in India" 14010.7Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "Sex and Race Progress" 14210.8Havelock Ellis, On Life and Sex14210.9Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex14310.10Memoranda Presented to the Royal Commission on Population14410.11Lee Rainwater, And the Poor Get Children14510.12"Symposium on Law and Population" 14511.TECHNOLOGY11.1Francis Place, "To the Married of Both Sexes of the Working People" 14711.2Alice Withrow Field, Protection of Women and Children in Soviet Russia14811.3Amram Scheinfeld, The New You and Heredity14911.4John D. Rockefeller III, "Report of the President" 15011.5Paul Ramsey, Fabricated Man15111.6James R. Sorenson, Social Aspects of Applied Human Genetics15111.7Julian L. Simon, "Birth-Control Market-Segmentation Strategy" 15211.8W. A. Hassouna, "Technologies and Organization for Sustainable Provision of Basic Health Needs in the Arab World" 15311.9Glenn McGee, The Perfect Baby15412.NUMBERS12.1John Hippisley, Essays15712.2John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy15912.3U.S. Census Bureau, Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory16012.4Halliday G. Sutherland, Birth Control16112.5Robert R. Kuczynski, Population Movements16212.6Julian Huxley, "World Population" 16312.7Albert Gore, Jr., "International Conference on Population and Development" 16412.8Malcolm Potts, "Too many people pose global risk" 165Index 167

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