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Modern studies in European law
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Series modern studies in European law
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- European standardisation of services and its impact on private law : paradoxes of convergence
Barend van Leeuwen
Hart 2017 Modern studies in European law v. 68
: HB
Available at 5 libraries
- Nationalism and private law in Europe
Guido Comparato
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law v. 45
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
- The constitutionalization of European budgetary constraints
edited by Maurice Adams, Federico Fabbrini and Pierre Larouche
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law v. 47
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
- Strengthening the rule of law in Europe : from a common concept to mechanisms of implementation
edited by Werner Schroeder
Hart Publishing 2016 Modern studies in European law v. 65
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- The European Union's external action in times of crisis
edited by Piet Eeckhout and Manuel López-Escudero
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law v. 63
: hb
Available at 4 libraries
- The European Court of Justice and external relations law : constitutional challenges
edited by Marise Cremona and Anne Thies
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law
: pb
Available at 2 libraries
- Exceptions from EU free movement law : derogation, justification, and proportionality
edited by Panos Koutrakos, Niamh NIC Shuibhne, and Phil Syrpis
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law v. 66
Available at 2 libraries
- European law on unfair commercial practices and contract law
Mateja Durovic
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law v. 62
Available at 5 libraries
- Shaping the Single European Market in the field of foreign direct investment
Philip Strik
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law
: pbk
Available at 2 libraries
- The impact of Union citizenship on the EU's market freedoms
Alina Tryfonidou
Hart Pub. 2016 Modern studies in European law
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- The pluralist character of the European economic constitution
Clemens Kaupa
Hart 2016 Modern studies in European law v. 62
: hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Uniformity of customs administration in the European Union
Kathrin Limbach
Hart 2015 Modern studies in European law v. 59
Available at 1 libraries
- Nudge and the law : a European perspective
edited by Alberto Alemanno and Anne-Lise Sibony
Hart Publishing 2015 Modern studies in European law
Available at 2 libraries
- EU international relations law
Panos Koutrakos
Hart 2015 2nd ed Modern studies in European law v. 52
Available at 2 libraries
- Fundamental rights in EU internal market legislation
Vasiliki Kosta
Hart 2015 Modern studies in European law v. 58
: hbk
Available at 2 libraries
- EU counter-terrorism law : pre-emption and the rule of law
Cian C Murphy
Hart 2015 Expanded pbk. ed Modern studies in European law v. 31
: pbk
Available at 3 libraries
- The European Union in international organisations and global governance : recent developments
edited by Christine Kaddous
Hart 2015 Modern studies in European law v. 56
Available at 2 libraries
- What form of government for the European Union and the Eurozone?
edited by Federico Fabbrini, Ernst Hirsch Ballin and Han Somsen
Hart Publishing 2015 Modern studies in European law
: hbk
Available at 1 libraries
- Protecting vulnerable groups : the European human rights framework
edited by Francesca Ippolito and Sara Iglesias Sánchez
Hart Publishing 2015 Modern studies in European law v. 51
Available at 5 libraries
- Fundamental rights in the EU : a matter for two courts
edited by Sonia Morano-Foadi and Lucy Vickers
Hart 2015 Modern studies in European law v. 53
: hbk
Available at 6 libraries