Land privatization in Mexico : urbanization, formation of regions, and globalization in ejidos
Land privatization in Mexico : urbanization, formation of regions, and globalization in ejidos
(Latin American studies / David William Foster, series editor, . Social sciences and law / David Mares,
Routledge, 2004
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Bibliography: p. 203-215
Includes index
HTTP:URL= Information=Table of contents
This book analyzes [ejido] land as space of urbanization and location of economic activities and capital and land privatization as a redistributive process with local, urban, regional and global consequences.
1. Deregulating the Ejido: The New Article 27 2. Origins and Transformation of Article 27 in Mexico 3. Urban and Regional Dimensions of Article 27 4. Privatization of Ejido Land in the Age of NAFTA 5. Selecting Three Ejidos in Three Different Regions 6. San Luis Rio Colorado: The First Ejido That Privatized Its Land 7. Privatization Through Expropriation: The Case of the Ejido La Poza, Guerrero 8. Ixtaltepec: An Indigenous Ejido 9. Comparting the Three Ejidos/Comparing Privatizations
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