Encyclopedia of nineteenth-century thought


Encyclopedia of nineteenth-century thought

edited by Gregory Claeys

Routledge, 2005


Includes bibliographies and index



Encyclopedia of Nineteenth Century Thought provides essential information on, and a critical interpretation of, nineteenth-century thought and nineteenth-century thinkers. The project takes as its temporal boundary the period 1789 to 1914. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth Century Thought primarily covers social and political thinking, but key entries also survey science, religion, law, art, concepts of modernity, the body and health, and so on, and thereby take into account all of the key developments in the intellectual history of the period. The encyclopedia is alphabetically organized, and consists of: * principal entries, divided into ideas (4000 words) and persons (2500 words) * subsidiary entries of 1000 words, which are entirely biographical * informational entries of 500 words, which are also biographical.


  • Acton, John Emerich Dalberg
  • Aesthetics, Painting and Architecture
  • Anarchism
  • Anthony, Susan B.
  • Anti-Colonial Movements and Ideas
  • Arnold, Matthew
  • Austin, John
  • Babeuf, Francois
  • Bagehot, Walter
  • Bain, Alexander
  • Bakunin, Mikhail
  • Barres, Maurice
  • Bauer, Bruno
  • Bax, Ernest Belfort
  • Bebel, Auguste
  • Bellamy, Edward
  • Bentham, Jeremy
  • Bergson, Henri
  • Bernstein, Eduard
  • Blanc, Louis
  • Blanqui, Louis
  • Boas, Frans
  • Bolivar, Simon
  • Bonald, Louis de
  • Booth, William
  • Bosanquet, Bernard
  • Bradlaugh, Charles
  • Bradley, F.H.
  • Brentano, Klemens
  • Brougham, Henry
  • Buckle, Henry
  • Burke, Edmund
  • Burkhardt, Jacob
  • Cabet, Etienne
  • Carlyle, Thomas
  • Carpenter, Edward
  • Chateaubriand, Francois
  • Chernyshevsky
  • Cieszkowski, August V.
  • Clausewitz, Karl
  • Cobbett, William
  • Cobden, Richard
  • Coleridge, S.T.
  • Combe, George
  • Comte, Auguste
  • Conservatism, Authority and Tradition
  • Considerant, Victor
  • Constant, Benjamin
  • Cousin, Victor
  • Croce, Benedetto
  • Culture and Popular Culture
  • Darwin, Charles
  • Darwinism and Social Darwinism
  • Democracy, Populism and Rights
  • Deroin, Jeanne
  • Dewey, John
  • Dicey, A.V.
  • Dilthey, Wilhelm
  • Disraeli, Benjamin
  • Durkheim, Emile
  • Early Socialism
  • Ellis, Havelock
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo
  • Enfantin, Barthelemy
  • Fawcett, Millicent
  • Feminism and the Female Franchise Movement
  • Feuerbach, Ludwig
  • Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
  • Fourier, Charles
  • France, Antole
  • Freeman, Edward
  • Freud, Sigmund
  • Galton, Francis
  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • Garibaldi, Giuseppe
  • Gobineau, Joseph
  • Godwin, William
  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang v.
  • Gokhale, Gopal
  • Goldman, Emma
  • Gorky, Maxim
  • Green, T.H.
  • Guesde, Jules
  • Guizot, Francois
  • Hamilton, William
  • Harrison, Frederic
  • Hegel and Hegelianism
  • Heine, Heinrich
  • Herder, Johann-G.
  • Herzen, Alexander
  • Hess, Moses
  • Historiography and the Idea of Progress
  • Hobhouse, L.T.
  • Hobson, J.A.
  • Hugo, Victor
  • Humboldt, Alexander
  • Humboldt, Karl W. von
  • Huxley, T.H.
  • Hyndman, H.M.
  • Ideas of War and Peace
  • Imperialism and Empire
  • Indian Thought in the Nineteenth Century

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