
Value, distribution and growth

edited by Susan Howson

(The collected papers of James Meade, v. 2)

Routledge, 2005, c1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Reprint. Originally published: London : Unwin Hyman, 1988

Includes bibliographical references and index



First Published in 2004. This is the second of three volumes of an edition of Professor Meade's papers. As with the first volume (The Collected Papers of James Meade, Vol. I: Employment and Inflation, 1988), it includes both previously published papers and hitherto unpublished memoranda written during Meade's period of government service, 1940-7, in the Economic Section of the Cabinet Offices, of which he was Director 1946-7.


Part I: Price Theory and Policy 1 Notes on the Elasticity of Substitution (1933) 2 Government Intervention in the Post-War Economy (1942)3 Price and Output Policy of State Enterprise: A Symposium (with J. M. Fleming) (1944) 4 Mr Lerner on The Economics of Control (1945) 5 The Socialisation of Industries. Memorandum by the External Economies and Diseconomies in a Competitive Situation (1952) 8 Little's Critique of Welfare Economics (1959) 9 The Theory of Indicative Planning (1970) 10 The Theory of Labour-Managed Firms and of Profit-Sharing (1972) 11 The Optimal Balance Between Economies of Scale and Variety of Products: An Illustrative Model (1974) 12 Labour-Managed Firms in Conditions of Imperfect Competition (1974) 13 The Adjustment Processes of Labour Co-operatives with Constant Returns to Scale and Perfect Competition (1979) 14 Different Forms of Share Economy .(1986) Part II: Distribution 15 The Post-War Treatment of the National Debt (1945) 16 Next Steps in Domestic Economic Policy (1949) 17 Is the National Debt a Burden? (1958 and 1959) 18 Poverty in the Welfare State (1972) 19 The Inheritance of Inequalities: Some Biological, Demographic, Social, and Economic Factors (1973) Part III: Growth and Development 20 Mauritius: A Case Study in Malthusian Economics (1961) 21 The Effect of Savings on Consumption in a State of Steady Growth (1962) 22 The Adjustment of Savings to Investment in a Growing Economy (1963) 23 The Rate of Profit in a Growing Economy (1963) 24 The Rate of Profit in a Growing Economy (with F. H. Hahn) (1965) 25 Life-Cycle Savings, Inheritance and Economic Growth (1966) 26 Population Explosion, the Standard of Living and Social Conflict (1967)

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