Literature and nature : four centuries of nature writing


Literature and nature : four centuries of nature writing

edited by Bridget Keegan and James C. McKusick

Prentice-Hall, c2001


Includes bibliographical references and index



For undergraduate courses in literature, or literature and the environment. This extensive collection of writing about nature from the Renaissance forward provides a historical and transnational perspective on literary representations of nature. By exposing students to the diversity of responses that writers from all walks of life have to their physical surroundings, the text provides a broader context to help students appreciate and understand the connection between literature and its environmental and socio-historical background.


  • I. 1600-1699. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY: ENCOMPASSING NEW WORLDS. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593). "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." Sir Walter Ralegh (1552-1618). "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd," From The Discovery of Guiana. Francis Bacon (1561-1626). "Of Gardens," "Of Plantations," From Aphorisms Concerning the Interpretation of Nature and the Kingdom of Man. Silvester Jourdain (1580-1650). A Discovery of the Bermudas, Otherwise Called the Isle of Devils. William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Sonnet 18 ("Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?"), Sonnet 33 ("Full Many a Glorious Morning Have I Seen"), Sonnet 73 ("That Time of Year Thou Mayst In Me Behold"), Sonnet 98 ("From You Have I Been Absent in the Spring"), Sonnet 99 ("The Forward Violet Thus Did I Chide"), From The Tempest, Act1, Scene 2
  • Act 2, Scene 2, Act 5, Scene 1. John Donne (1572-1631). "The Bait," "The Flea," "The Blossom," "The Primrose," "Holy Sonnet5 (I am a little world made cunningly)." Ben Jonson (1572-1637). "To Penshurst," "To Sir Robert Wroth." John Smith (1580-1631). From Description of Virginia and Proceedings of the Colony. William Bradford (1590-1657). From Of Plymouth Plantation, Chapter 4, Reasons and Causes of Their Removal, Chapter 9, Their Voyage and Safe Arrival at Cape Cod, Chapter 10, Showing How They Sought Out a Place of Habitation
  • and What Befell Them Thereabout. Robert Herrick (1591-1674). From "Hesperides: The Argument of His Book," "Corinna's Going A-Maying," "The Hock-Cart, or Harvest Home," "To Daffodils," "To Blossoms," "His Content in the Country," "Art Above Nature, to Julia." George Herbert (1593-1633). "Nature," "Virtue," "The Storm, " "The Pulley," "The Flower." Izaak Walton (1593-1683). From The Compleat Angler. Thomas Carew (1595-1640). "The Spring," "To My Mistress Sitting by a Rivers Side. An Eddy." John Milton (1608-1674). Sonnet 1 ("O Nightingale"), "Lycidas,"From Paradise Lost, Book 4. Sir John Denham (1615-1669). "Cooper's Hill." Abraham Cowley (1618-1667). "The Grasshopper," "The Spring." Richard Lovelace (1618-1657). "The Grasshopper," "The Ant." "The Snail". John Evelyn (1620-1706). From Sylva or a Discourse of Forest-trees and the Propagation of Timber Dendrologia. Book the Fourth. An Historical Account of the Sacredness and Use of Standing Groves." Andrew Marvell (1621-1678). "Bermudas," "Nymph Complaining for the Death of Her Faun," "The Mower Against Gardens," "The Mower's Song," "The Garden," From "Upon Appleton House." Margaret Lucas Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673). "A Dialogue Betwixt Man, and Nature," "A Dialogue Between an Oak, and a Man Cutting Him Down," "A Dialogue of Birds," "A Moral Discourse Betwixt Man, and Beast," "Earth's Complaint," "The Hunting of the Hare." Mary Rowlandson (1636-1711). From A Narrative of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. II. 1700-1799. THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: CULTIVATING THE GARDEN. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731). From The Life and Strange and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner. Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchelsea (1661-1720). "The Bird and the Arras," "A Pindarick Poem, Upon the Hurricane in November 1703, With a Hymn, The Hymn," "To the Nightingale," "A Nocturnal Reverie." Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). From Gulliver's Travels, Part 4: "A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms." William Byrd (1674-1744). From The History of the Dividing Line. John Gay (1685-1732). "The Shepherd and the Philosopher," "From Rural Sports." Alexander Pope (1688-1744). From "Windsor Forest," From An Essay on Man, Epistle 1, From "Epistle 4. To Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington." Mary Collier (1690-1762). "The Woman's Labour." James Thomson (1700-1748). From The Seasons, "Autumn." John Dyer (1699-1757). From The Fleece, Book 1, "Grongar Hill." Richard Lewis (1700-1734). "A Journey from Patapsko to Annapolis, April 4, 1730." Stephen Duck (1705-1756). "The Thresher's Labour." William Shenstone (1714-1763). "Rural Elegance." "Unconnected Thoughts on Gardening." Richard Jago (1715-1781). From Edge-hill, Book 1, Book 4. Thomas Gray (1716-1771). "Ode on the Spring," "Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes." Gilbert White (1720-1793). From "The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne." Christopher Smart (1722-1771). From "The Hop-Garden." William Mason (1725-1797). From The English Garden, Book 1. Edmund Burke (1729-1797). From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774). The Deserted Village. William Cowper (1731-1800). From The Task, Book 6: "The Winter Walk at Noon," "Epitaph on a Hare," "To the Immortal Memory of the Halibut on Which I Dined This Day," "Yardley Oak." Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802). From The Temple of Nature
  • or, The Origin of Society: A Poem with Philosophic Notes, Canto 1. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur (1735-1813). From Letters From an American Farmer: "On the Situation, Feelings, and Pleasures of an American Farmer." William Bartram (1739-1823). From Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). From Notes on the State of Virginia. Charlotte Smith (1749-1806). "To a Nightingale," "The Return of the Nightingale, Written in May 1791," "To the Goddess of Botany," "To a Green Chafer, on a White Rose," "A Walk by the Water," "Invitation to the Bee," "The Hedgehog Seen in a Frequented Path," "An Evening Walk by the Seaside." Philip Freneau (1752-1832). "The Dying Elm," "The Hurricane," "The Wild Honey Suckle," "On the Sleep of Plants," "On the Religion of Nature." William Blake (1757-1827). From Songs of Innocence, Introduction, The Echoing Green, The Lamb, The Blossom. From Songs of Experience, Introduction, Earth's Answer, The Fly, The Tyger, The Sick Rose, The Human Abstract. Robert Burns (1759-1796). "The Death and Dying Words of Poor Mailie," "Poor Mailies Elegy," "To a Mouse," "To a Mountain Daisy," "A Winter Night," "The Humble Petition of Bruar Water," "On Scaring Some Waterfowl in Loch Turit." Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797). "On Poetry and Our Relish for the Beauties of Nature." III. 1800-1899. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL. Robert Bloomfield (1766-1823). From The Farmer's Boy: "Summer." Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) and William Clark (1770-1838). From The Journals of Lewis and Clark, Chapter 10: "From Maria's River to the Great Falls of Missouri." William Wordsworth (1770-1850). "Lines Written in Early Spring," "Expostulation and Reply," "The Tables Turned," "Lines, Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey," "Nutting," "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," "The World is Too Much with Us," From Description of the Scenery of the Lakes, Section First, View of the Country as Formed by Nature. Dorothy Wordsworth (1771-1855). From Alfoxden Journal, From The Grasmere Journal. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). "The Eolian Harp," "This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison," "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Jane Austen (1775-1817). From Emma, Chapters 42-43. Washington Irving (1783-1859). "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." John James Audubon (1785-1851). "The Opossum," "The Whooping Crane," From "On the Dakota Prairies." Lord Byron, George Gordon (1788-1824). From Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto 3, "Darkness." James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851). From The Pioneers, Chapter 22. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822). "Mont Blanc," "Ode to the West Wind," "The Cloud," "To a Skylark." John Clare (1793-1864). "Helpston Green," "Swordy Well," "Emmonsales Heath," "Sand Martin," "The Yellowhammer's Nest," "The Pettichap's Nest," "Insects," "The Hedgehog," "The Badger," "The Eternity of Nature," "Song's Eternity," "Pastoral Poesy," "The Fallen Elm," "The Mores," "The Lament of Swordy Well," "I Am," "The Peasant Poet." William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878). "Thanatopsis," "The Yellow Violet," "To a Waterfowl," "To the Fringed Gentian," "The Prairies." John Keats (1795-1821). "On the Grasshopper and Cricket," "La Belle Dame sans Merci," "Ode to a Nightingale," "To Autumn." Mary Wollencraft Shelley (1797-1851). From The Last Man, Chapter 10. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882). "Nature." Charles Darwin (1809-1882). From Journal of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries Visited by HMS Beagle Round the World. Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1883). "The Lotos-Eaters," "Tithonus," "Amphion," "Break, break, break." Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862). From The Maine Woods. Emily Bronte (1818-1848). "Loud without the Wind," "The Night-Wind," "Earth No More," "Ah! Why, Because the Dazzling Sun," "A.E. and R.C." John Ruskin (1819-1900). From The Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth Century, Lecture 1. Walt Whitman (1819-1892). "Pioneers! O Pioneers!," "Song of the Redwood-Tree," "The Dalliance of Eagles." Herman Melville (1819-1891). From The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886). "The Robin's My Criterion," "Nature-Sometimes sears a Sapling," "A Bird came down the walk," "The Grass so little has to do," "I dreaded that first Robin, so," "Through the Dark Sod," "I started Early-Took my Dog," "I like to see it lap up the Miles," "Nature' is what we See," "Four Trees," "Nature-the Gentlest Mother is," "It bloomed and dropt," "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass," "At half past Tree a single Bird," "In Winter in my Room." Christina Rossetti (1830-1894). "Goblin Market," Sonnet 17 ("Something this foggy day"), Sonnet 18 ("So late in Autumn"), Sonnet 19 ("Here now is Winter"), Sonmet 20 ("A hundred thousand birds"), Sonnet 21 ("A Host of Things I Take on trust"), Sonnet 22 ("The mountains in Their Overwhelming might"), Sonnet 23 ("Beyond the seas we know"), "Winter: My Secret." William Morris (1834-1896). "Winter Weather," "The Haystack in the Floods." Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) (1835-1910). From Life on the Mississippi. Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909). "The Garden of Proserpine," "Chorus," "A Forsaken Garden," "The Palace of Pan." John Muir (1838-1914). From The Mountains of California, Chapter 10: "A Wind-Storm in the Forests." Thomas Hardy (1840-1928). "Neutral Tones," "Nature's Questioning," "By The Earth's Corpse," "The Last Chrysanthemum," "The Darkling Thrush," "In Tenebris," "Under the Waterfall." Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889). "God's Grandeur," "Spring," "The Windhover," "Pied Beauty," "Binsley Poplars," "Spring and Fall," "Inversaid," "As Kingfishers catch fire." Sarah Orne Jewett (1849-1909). "A White Heron." IV. 1900-1999. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: THE WEB OF LIFE. William Bulter Yeats (1865-1939). "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," "The White Birds," "The Wild Swans at Coole," "Sailing to Byzantium," "Coole Park and Ballylee, 1931." Luther Standing Bear (1868-1939). From My People, the Sioux, Chapter 5: "My First Buffalo." Mary Austin (1868-1934). "The Land of Little Rain." Stephen Crane (1871-1900). "The Open Boat." Willa Cather (1873-1947). From O Pioners! Part 1: "The Wild Land." Robert Frost (1874-1963). "The Pasture," "The Exposed Nest," "The Oven Bird," "Birches, " "Spring Pools," "Design," "The Most of It." Jack London (1876-1916). "To Build a Fire." Wallace Stevens (1879-1955). "The Snow Man," "Anecdote of the Jar," "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," "The Plain Sense of Things," "The Planet on the Table," "The River of Rivers in Connecticut." Virginia Woolf (1882-1941). "The Death of the Moth." D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930). "Moonrise", "Green," "Snake," "Whales Weep Not!" H. D. (Hilda Doolittle) (1886-1961). "Sea-Lily," "Sheltered Garden," "Sea Violet." Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962). "Hurt Hawks," "Animals," "Carmel Point," "Vulture." Aldo Leopold (1888-1948). From A Sand County Almanac. Zora Neale Nurston (1891-1960). From Their Eyes Were Watching God. Jean Toomer (1894-1967). "November Cotton Flower," "Storm Ending." William Faulkner (1897-1962). "Delta Autumn." Langston Hughes (1902-1967). "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," "Sun Song," "Long Trip," "Fulfillment." John Steinbeck (1902-1968). From The Log from the Sea of Cortez. Rachel Carson (1907-1964). From "The Edge of the Sea," "The Marginal World." Loren Eiseley (1907-1977). "The Bird and the Machine." Theodore Roethke (1908-1963). "Long Live the Weeds," "Cuttings," "Cuttings (later)," "Root Cellar," "Weed Puller," "Moss-Gathering," "The Minimal," "Slug." Wallace Stegner (1909-1993). "The Colt." Eudora Welty (born 1909). At the Landing. Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979). "The Fish," "The Moose." Dylan Thomas (1914-1953). "The force that through the green fuse drives the flower," "Fern Hill." Howard Nemerov (1920-1991). "The Goose Fish," "Sandpipers," "The Blue Swallows," "The Mud Turtle," "The Consent." James Dickey (1923-1997). "The Heaven of Animals," "In the Tree House at Night," "The Salt Marsh." Denise Levertov (1923-1997). "The Life Around Us," "Beginners," "Brother Ivy," "Mysterious Disappearances of May's Past Perfect," "Tragic Error," "The Almost-Island." Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964). "A View of the Woods." Maxine Kumin (born 1925). "The Excrement Poem," "Territory," "Woodchucks," "An Insider's View of the Garden," "Almost Spring, Driving Home, Reciting Hopkins." Robert Bly (born 1926). "Solitude Late at Night in the Woods," "Reading in Fall Rain," "The Starfish," "The Dead Seal." Edward Abbey (1927-1989). From Desert Solitaire: "Water." James Wright (1927-1980). "Depressed by a Book of Bad Poetry I Walk Toward an Unused Pasture and Invite the Insects to Join Me," "Two Horses Playing in the Orchard," "Snowstorm in the Midwest," "Milkweed," "Late November in a Field." Galway Kinnell (born 1927). "To Christ Our Lord," "Flower Herding on Mount Monadnock," "The Porcupine," "The Bear." Gary Snyder (born 1930) "Above Pate Valley," "Marin-n," "Pine Tree Tops," "For Nothing," "Old Woman Nature," "Ripples on the Surface." John McPhee (born 1931) From The Pine Barrens: "The Woods from Hog Wallow." Ted Hughes (1930-1998). "Relic," "An Otter," "Two Tortoiseshell Butterflies," "The Honey Bee," "The River." Sylvia Plath (1932-1963). "Point Shirley," "Mushrooms," "Tulips," "Stings," "Wintering." Edward Hoagland (born 1932). "Howling Back at the Wolves." N. Scott Momaday (born 1934). "The Bear," "Plainview: 3," "The Delight Song of Tsoia-talee," "Angle of Geese," "Crows in a Winter Composition," "A First American Views His Land." Mary Oliver (born 1935). "Field Near Linden, Alabama," "Whelks," "White Flowers," "Spring," "Nature," "The Summer Day." Seamus Heaney (born 1939). "Death of a Naturalist," "Bogland," "Nesting-Ground," "Badgers." Angela Carter (1940-1992). "The Company of Wolves." Annie Dillard (born 1945). From Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, "Untying the Knot." Barry Lopez (born 1945). From Artic Dreams, "Lancaster Sound: Monodon Monoceros." Gretel Ehrlich (born 1946). From The Solace of Open Spaces: "On Water." Linda Hogan (born 1947). "Elk Song," "Rain," "Map," "Chambered Nautilus." Leslie Marmon Silko (born 1948). "Lullaby." Joy Harjo (born 1951). "Grace," "Trickster," "Deer Ghost," "Eagle Poem." Rita Dove (born 1952). "Daystar," "Afield." Terry Tempest Williams (born 1955). "The Architecture of a Soul," "Undressing the Bear." Credits. Index.

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