Intellectual property : trademark, copyright and patent law : cases and materials
Intellectual property : trademark, copyright and patent law : cases and materials
(University casebook series)
Foundation Press, 2004-
2nd ed
- [main]
- 2007 suppl
- タイトル別名
Cases and materials on trademark, copyright and patent law
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全12件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
2007 suppl.: by Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss, Roberta Rosenthal Kwall, Katherine J. Strandburg
Includes index
This casebook utilizes a problem-solving approach, applying the principles of intellectual property protection to fact patterns arising in a variety of industries, including music, art, computers, biotechnology, and industrial design. The text takes a comparative approach to intellectual property that emphasizes the commonalities and differences in the theories underlying the regimes of trademark, copyright, and patent law. State law is integrated into the discussion, comparing laws and raising issues of preemption as they naturally occur.The Second Edition utilizes a unique, problem-solving approach and a creative, student friendly structure. This method provides the opportunity to apply the principles of intellectual property protection to fact patterns arising in a variety of industries (including music, art, computers, biotechnology and industrial design). The text takes a comparative approach to intellectual property that emphasizes the commonalities and differences in
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