The Wall Street journal guide to understanding money & investing
The Wall Street journal guide to understanding money & investing
Lightbulb Press, c2004
3rd ed
- タイトル別名
Guide to understanding money & investing
Guide to understanding money and investing
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes index
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL GUIDE TO MONEY & INVESTING has been substantially revised and updated to reflect highly popular new investment products, new rules on dividends, expanded coverage of mutual fund operations in light of recent disclosures, and significant changes in the capital markets, all of which are essential reading for beginning as well as seasoned investors. New topics covered in this guide include Exchange traded funds (ETFs) Managed accounts Hedge funds Money and Markets Impact of the Euro Stocks All of the changes are clearly presented using the straightforward style and informative graphics that have made this guide the number one financial primer and perennial best seller.
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