Educational psychology

Bibliographic Information

Educational psychology

editors, Kathleen M. Cauley, Fredric Linder, James H. McMillan

(Annual editions)

McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, c2004-

  • 04/05
  • 05/06
  • 09/10
  • 10/11

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04/05: 19th ed

05/06: 20th ed

09/10: 24th ed

10/11: 25th ed

09/10 and 10/11: editors, Kathleen M. Cauley, Gina M. Pannozzo

The publisher has been changed to "McGraw-Hill Higher Education" since "09/10" was published

The publisher has been changed to "McGraw-Hill" since "10/11" was published

Includes bibliographical references

Description and Table of Contents

04/05 ISBN 9780072863796


This nineteenth edition of "Annual Editions: Educational Psychology" is a collection of articles from the best of the public press. The articles discuss perspectives on teaching; development; exceptional and culturally diverse students; learning and instruction; motivation and classroom management; and assessment. Adopters have access to Dushkin Online, a student website designed to support "Annual Editions" titles.

Table of Contents

UNIT 1. Perspectives on Teaching 1. Good Teachers, Plural, Donald R. Cruickshank and Donald Haefele, Educational Leadership, February 2001 The authors examine the various perspectives used throughout the twentieth century to describe what makes a good teacher. They argue that because none of the previous theories satisfies everyone, we should recognize many kinds of good teaching and develop evaluation systems that encompass the full range of what could be considered effective teaching. 2. What I Hope for in My Children's Teachers: A Parent's Perspective, David Boers, The Clearing House, September/October 2001 David Boers provides a parent's perspective on effective teaching that captures the research on the topic. He argues that caring, thoughtful, and knowledgeable teachers will always have parental support. He sets a high standard for teachers who reflect on their classrooms, refine their skills, know their students, and meet their students' needs to understand and develop. 3. What Urban Students Say About Good Teaching, Dick Corbett and Bruce Wilson, Educational Leadership, September 2002 Interviews with inner-city adolescents revealed that these students care deeply about learning and that they value adults who are willing to help them learn. They define effective teachers as those who push students to learn and are willing to explain the material, vary classroom activities, and otherwise help until they do learn. 4. Helping Children Cope With Loss, Death, and Grief: Response to a National Tragedy, National Association of School Psychologists, October 22, 2001 This pertinent article, provided by the National Association of School Psychologists, discusses the range of reactions that children and adolescents display in response to loss, death, and grief and suggests ways that teachers and parents can help them cope with their own personal situation and the national tragedy of September 11, 2001. UNIT 2. Development Part A. Childhood 5. Shaping the Learning Environment: Connecting Developmentally Appropriate Practices to Brain Research, Stephen Rushton and Elizabeth Larkin, Early Childhood Education Journal, Volume 29, Number 1, 2001 The authors discuss the relationships between recent findings in brain research and developmentally appropriate practices in order to explore the implications for early childhood learning and teaching. 6. To Be Successful-Let Them Play!, Sally C. Hurwitz, Childhood Education, Winter 2002/2003 How important is play to young children? This article offers insights into how play contributes to the cognitive and social development of children. Part B. Adolescence 7. The School and the Child and the Child in the School, Debra Eckerman Pitton, Middle School Journal, September 2001 This article describes the unique developmental needs of young adolescents and how middle school teachers can create a curriculum and classroom to accommodate those needs. 8. Differing Perspectives, Common Ground: The Middle School and Gifted Education Relationship, Hilda C. Rosselli and Judith L. Irvin, Middle School Journal, January 2001 The authors discuss the characteristics and needs of gifted adolescents as well as the instructional implications and programs for middle schools. UNIT 3. Exceptional and Culturally Diverse Children Part A. Educationally Disabled 9. 'Mom, Will Kaelie Always Have Possibilities?'-The Realities of Early Childhood Inclusion, Mary Frances Hanline and Steven Daley, Phi Delta Kappan, September 2002 The authors discuss the myths surrounding the inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood education programs. 10. Into the Mainstream: Practical Strategies for Teaching in Inclusive Environments, Brent Hardin and Marie Hardin, The Clearing House, March/April 2002 Teachers often feel daunted by the prospect of having disabled students in their regular classrooms because of the lack of sufficient teacher training and support services. The authors present several strategies to help teachers cope with the demands of inclusion and to help them become more effective overall. Part B. Gifted and Talented 11. Challenges of Identifying and Serving Gifted Children With ADHD, Lori J. Flint, Teaching Exceptional Children, March/April 2001 The article describes the relationships between ADHD, giftedness, and creativity. Lori Flint discusses how teachers and parents can help gifted children with ADHD to become more successful in school. 12. Beyond the Gifted Stereotype, Carolyn M. Callahan, Educational Leadership, November 2001 A new understanding of giftedness means a more diverse population of gifted students. Carolyn Callahan presents the myths associated with gifted students and ways to create classrooms for learning. Part C. Culturally and Academically Diverse 13. Celebrate Diversity!, Mary Anton-Oldenburg, Instructor, September 2000 Multicultural educational strategies are described in this article in order to aid teachers in creating a caring classroom that honors their students' diverse cultural backgrounds. 14. Lessons on Multicultural Education from Australia and the United States, Leslie A. Swetnam, The Clearing House, March/April 2003 The author compares the multicultural education practices of Australia with those in the United States. The philosophical orientations, content and methods, and teacher preparation in multicultural education revealed some similarities in the two systems as well as some very instructive differences. 15. Cultural Influences on the Development of Self-Concept: Updating Our Thinking, Hermine H. Marshall, Young Children, November 2001 Hermine Marshall discusses the different values and beliefs that shape a child's socialization and consequently, in part, their development of self. Several practical guidelines are presented to support the development of positive self-concepts in culturally diverse groups of children. UNIT 4. Learning and Instruction Part A. Learning and Cognition 16. Students Remember...What They Think About, Daniel T. Willingham, American Educator, Summer 2003 Based on principles of cognitive psychology, the importance of meaningful structure is discussed as a strategy to help students remember more. Shallow knowledge and understanding is contrasted with deep knowledge and understanding. Ideas for designing lessons, assignments, and classroom assessments are presented. 17. Beyond Learning By Doing: The Brain Compatible Approach, Jay W. Roberts, Journal of Experiential Education, Fall 2002 This article reviews principles of brain based learning with an emphasis on finding patterns, making meaning, and the importance of complex and multisensory environments. These principles are then applied to experiential learning. 18. Ability and Expertise: It's Time to Replace the Current Model of Intelligence, Robert J. Sternberg, American Educator, Spring 1999 Robert Sternberg argues for a new conception of intelligence that emphasizes developing expertise in any number of domains. He stresses the importance of metacognitive skills, thinking skills, knowledge, motivation, and context. 19. It's No Fad: Fifteen Years of Implementing Multiple Intelligences, Thomas R. Hoerr, Educational Horizons, Winter 2003 This article summarizes the theory of multiple intelligences (MI). Classrooms that are based on MI are summarized and contrasted with traditional classrooms, with implications for teaching, curriculum, and assessment. 20. Caution-Praise Can Be Dangerous, Carol S. Dweck, American Educator, Spring 1999 Praising success, as an application of positive reinforcement theory, is practiced ubiquitously by teachers. Carol Dweck summarizes studies she has conducted on how various factors, including effort, intelligence, difficulty, and enthusiasm, affect the impact of praise on student motivation. 21. Webs of Skill: How Students Learn, Kurt W. Fischer and L. Todd Rose, Educational Leadership, November 2001 A constructive web of skills is used to illustrate how students learn by making meaningful branches and connections. These maps provide a new tool for understanding variations in student learning styles. 22. Invitations to Learn, Carol Ann Tomlinson, Educational Leadership, September 2002 The author maintains that students care deeply about learning and respond when their needs for affirmation, contribution, purpose, power, and challenge are met. Such social psychological needs are satisfied by teachers who constantly, through their behaviors, invite students to learn. 23. The Tyranny of Self-Oriented Self-Esteem, James H. McMillan, Judy Singh, and Leo G. Simonetta, Educational Horizons, Winter 2001 Healthy self-esteem develops as a result of the student's being occupied by interests and pursuits external to self and by meaningful accomplishment of externally set standards of performance, not from the self-preoccupation and selfism that are fostered by many self-esteem programs. Part B. Instructional Strategies 24. Concept Mapping as a Mindtool for Critical Thinking, Nada Dabbagh, Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, Winter 2001 The interdependence of procedural, declarative, and structural knowledge is illustrated through the use of concept mapping. Computer-based concept-mapping tools are reviewed to show how teachers can engage students in collaborative, generative discussions. 25. Teachers Bridge to Constructivism, Kathryn Alesandrini and Linda Larson, The Clearing House, January/February 2002 The major tenets of constructivism are reviewed with applications to instruction and classroom assessments. Learning is enhanced with collaborative and cooperative inquiry that results in active participation in authentic activities. 26. Making Students as Important as Standards, Richard W. Strong, Harvey F. Silver, and Matthew J. Perini, Educational Leadership, Novem ber 2001 The authors stress the importance of appropriate alignment between standards, learning styles, and multiple intelligences to enhance student learning. Curriculum and instructional strategies need to accommodate students' preferences and strengths. 27. The Integration of Instructional Technology Into Public Education: Promises and Challenges, Rodney S. Earle, Educational Technology, January/February 2002 When appropriately integrated, instructional technology can enhance student performance, improve students' attitudes about learning and themselves, and lead to a more effective learning environment. The authors summarize principles of effective integration into instructional practices. 28. Using Data to Differentiate Instruction, Kay Brimijoin, Ede Marquissee, and Carol Ann Tomlinson, Educational Leadership, February 2003 This article shows how data on student learning from classroom assessments can be used to differentiate instruction in order to enhance the learning of all students. Informal and formal data, and student self-assessments, are used to shape instruction. UNIT 5. Motivation and Classroom Management Part A. Motivation 29. Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation in Schools: A Reconciliation, Martin V. Covington, Current Directions in Psychological Science, February 2000 Martin Covington suggests that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be reconciled by focusing on student interests. He reports on research that suggests that the negative effects of extrinsic motivation can be reduced by building learning tasks around student interests, developing grading systems that are criterion-referenced rather than norm-referenced, and recognizing students for being involved in learning. 30. Do Students Care About Learning? A Conversation with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Marge Scherer, Educational Leadership, September 2002 Student engagement and its role in motivation, is explored. Csikszentmihalyi's concept of flow is explained, along with instructional activities that engage students and inspire a love of learning. 31. What Engages Underachieving Middle School Students in Learning?, Mike Muir, Middle School Journal, November 2001 Teachers often wonder how to motivate all students to learn. Mike Muir's interviews with six disengaged middle school students suggest that students believe that they learn best in a respectful learning environment where teachers make learning meaningful and provide hands-on activities, projects, and differentiated assignments. In addition, they want teachers to support student autonomy by giving them choices in activities. This may be the key to motivating the underachieving student. Part B. Classroom Management 32. When Children Make Rules, Rheta DeVries and Betty Zan, Educational Leadership, September 2003 The article discusses a classroom management technique in which teachers in constructivist classrooms engage students in discussions to make classroom rules. They argue that children who make rules demonstrate an understanding of the classroom norms by putting them in their own words. They also discuss guidelines for using external control. 33. A Positive Learning Environment Approach to Middle School Instruction, Peggy Hester, Robert A. Gable, and M. Lee Manning, Childhood Education, Spring 2003 Developmentally appropriate classroom management strategies are presented as the foundation of a positive learning environment. This proactive approach creates a learning environment that precludes the need to deal with inappropriate or disruptive behavior. 34. The Key to Classroom Management, Robert J. Marzano and Jana S. Marzano, Educational Leadership, September 2003 The authors find that the quality of student-teacher relationships is the foundation for effective classroom management. They describe the qualities of effective student-teacher relationships and how to work with high-needs students. 35. Corporal Punishment: Legalities, Realities, and Implications, Patricia H. Hinchey, The Clearing House, January/February 2003 Patricia Hinchey discusses the dangers of corporal punishment, which is still used to discipline students in 23 states. She argues that children's rights need to be protected and that teachers should act as advocates for children's welfare. UNIT 6. Assessment 36. Fundamental Assessment Principles for Teachers and School Administrators, James H. McMillan, Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 2000 Eleven basic principles of assessment are presented as skills that are needed by teachers and administrators to enhance instruction. Technical concepts such as reliability, validity, and fairness are included along with skills that are more related to teaching, student learning, and motivation. 37. Are We Measuring Student Success With High-Stakes Testing?, Kathleen Anderson Steeves, Jessica Hodgson, and Patricia Peterson, The Educational Forum, Spring 2002 High-stakes testing is now part of the landscape of public education. Controversy continues about whether such tests provide a meaningful measure of student success. Negative consequences, such as teaching to the test, are summarized. 38. The Seductive Allure of Data, W. James Popham, Educational Leadership, February 2003 W. James Popham explains why standardized test results are rarely useful as feedback to teachers for improving student performance. He summarizes why instructionally useful classroom assessments provide the best data to enhance teaching and learning. 39. Teaching About Performance Assessment, Judy Arter, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices, Summer 1999 Judy Arter suggests ways for teachers to learn about how to best utilize performance assessments, including the development of performance tasks and grading criteria. She also shows how to use performance assessments for instruction and grading. 40. Classroom Assessment for Learning, Stephen Chappuis and Richard J. Stiggins, Educational Leadership, September 2002 The authors argue that student-involved classroom assessment engages and motivates students to do their best work. Such formative self-assessment provides students with information to monitor their own learning. 41. Helping Standards Make the Grade, Thomas R. Guskey, Educational Leadership, September 2001 This article shows how to use standards-based grading. Based on principles of criterion-referenced, rather than norm-referenced, interpretation, standards-based grading is differentiated for products, process, and progress.

05/06 ISBN 9780073195414


This annually updated reader is a compilation of current magazine, newspaper, and journal articles. Annual Editions titles are supported with study tools and links to related websites at our student website, Dushkin Online (

09/10 ISBN 9780073516400


"Annual Editions" is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. "Annual Editions" are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. "The Annual Editions" volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make them particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offers an online Instructor's Resource Guide with testing materials. "Using Annual Editions in the Classroom" is the general instructor's guide for our popular "Annual Editions" series and is available in print (0073301906) or online.

Table of Contents

  • AE Educational Psychology, 09/10 Preface Correlation Guide Topic Guide Internet References Unit 1: Perspectives on Teaching Unit Overview 1. Character and Academics: What Good Schools Do, Jacques S. Benninga et al., Phi Delta Kappan, February 2006 The authors present a strong argument that well-defined character education programs should exist alongside traditional academic programs in schools. Students need to learn about values such as respect for people, civility, honor, perseverance, and others. 2. Memories from the 'Other': Lessons in Connecting with Students, Thomas David Knestrict, Phi Delta Kappan, June 2005 Mr. Knestrict reflects on his time as K-12 student and vividly shows how he beat the odds to become an assistant professor of education. He shows how important it is that effective teachers build a human connection with each student, making each feel lovable and capable. 3. A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope, National Association of School Psychologists, 2002 This pertinent article, provided by the National Association of School Psychologists, discusses the range of reactions that children and adolescents display in response to a national tragedy and suggests ways to teachers and parents to help them cope. UNIT 2: Development Unit Overview Part A. Childhood 4. Play: Ten Power Boosts for Children's Early Learning, Alice Sterling Honig, Young Children, September 2007 Ms. Honig discusses the benefits of play for the physical, social, and cognitive development of young children. 5. Sustaining Resilient Families for Children in Primary Grades, Janice Patterson and Lynn Kirkland, Childhood Education, Fall 2007 Janice Patterson and Lynn Kirkland show how parents and teachers can create resilient families so that children can weather the tough times successfully. It discusses the importance of communication, routines, and children's literature as ways to support the resilience of children and their families. 6. The Curriculum Superhighway, Thomas Armstrong, Educational Leadership, May 2007 The author argues that in our attempts to focus on academic achievement, educators may be ignoring important developmental needs of students-not only in elementary grades-but in middle and high school as well. He reminds readers of the important developmental milestones associated with each grade range and suggests ways to approach curriculum that is sensitive to meeting these needs. Part B. Adolescence 7. The Under-Appreciated Role of Humiliation in the Middle School, Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher, The Middle East Journal, January 2008 The authors explain that students feel humiliated in school because of bullying, placement in remedial classes, and embarrassment by teachers. They explain the effects of humiliation on adolescent development and offer suggestions for reducing humiliation in schools. 8. Risk Taking in Adolescence: New Perspectives from Brain and Behavioral Science, Laurence Steinberg, Current Directions in Psychological Science, April 2007 Laurence Steinberg argues that adolescents take more risks than younger children because brain development has a different rate for the cognitive control system and socioemotional network. He discusses the role of peers in adolescent risk-taking. Unit 3: Individual Differences among Learners Unit Overview Part A. Exceptional Learning Needs 9. Thinking Positively: How Some Characteristics of ADHD Can Be Adaptive and Accepted in the Classroom, Jody Sherman, Carmen Rasmussen, and Lola Baydala, Childhood Education, Summer 2006 The authors note that many gifted individuals, such as Mozart and Einstein, had the characteristics of ADHD. They describe the positive traits as energetic, creative, good brainstormer, and "poly-active, " meaning that these students can work on numerous tasks. They suggest instructional strategies to support these strengths and facilitate the inclusion of students with ADHD in typical classrooms. 10. Universal Design in Elementary and Middle School, Margaret M. Flores, Childhood Education, Summer 2008 One important way to meet the needs of learners with special needs in an inclusive classroom is to provide appropriate accommodations to instruction. The principles of universal design, explained here, can help general education teachers design educational environments that ensure that all students have access to instruction. Part B. Gifted and Talented 11. Recognizing Gifted Students: A Practical Guide for Teachers, Sandra Manning, Kappa Delta Pi Record, Winter 2006 Sandra Manning provides numerous characteristics of gifted students, including classroom behaviors that may be challenging. Part C. Cultural Diversity 12. Melange Cities, Blair A. Ruble, Wilson Quarterly, Summer 2006 The author discusses the phenomenon of immigration into major North American cities. He argues that new immigrants are frequently a great benefit to the American society and quotes Montreal, Canada as an example. The author views immigration from an international perspective and argues that it can be a positive force in urban development, which ultimately impacts the schools. 13. Nine Powerful Practices: Nine Strategies Help Raise the Achievement of Students Living in Poverty, Ruby Payne, Educational Leadership, April 2008 Multi-cultural education includes effectively teaching at-risk students. Ruby Payne describes nine interventions that can help raise the achievement of low-income students. 14. Becoming Adept at Code-Switching, Rebecca S. Wheeler, Educational Leadership, April 2008 One of the challenges for teachers in multi-cultural settings is that many students in dialectically diverse classrooms struggle to read and write. Rebecca Wheeler argues that teaching students about code-switching and reflecting on their language can help them become successful. 15. Boys and Girls Together: A Case for Creating Gender-Friendly Middle School Classrooms, David Kommer, The Clearing House, July/August 2006 Mr. Kommer examines gender differences in classroom performance, brain functioning, and social development. He proposes using multiple instructional strategies that meet the needs of both boys and girls. Unit 4: Learning and Instruction Unit Overview Part A. Learning and Cognition 16. Differentiating for Tweens, Rick Wormeli, Educational Leadership, April 2006 In this article, strategies for differentiating instruction for middle school are presented that emphasize focusing on the developmental needs of this particular age group. 17. Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach?, Daniel T. Willingham, American Educator, Summer 2007 The author reviews the nature of critical thinking and explains why it is so hard to teach students to think critically. He argues that it is not a set of skills that can be taught, but a type of thought that is domain specific and must be practiced. Scientific thinking is used as a backdrop to illustrate his assertions. 18. Constructing Learning: Using Technology to Support Teaching for Understanding, Thomas M. Sherman and Barbara L. Kurshan, Learning & Leading with Technology, February 2005 The authors show how depth of understanding is enhanced by integrating technology with constructivist learning theory and metacognition. Students are able to self-select and self-assess, which help them take more responsibility for learning. 19. Successful Teachers Develop Academic Momentum with Reluctant Students, David Strahan, Middle School Journal, May 2008 David Strahan argues that to learn new concepts, students need to have both the "will to understand the information and the skill to know how best to invest their energies. " He presents a model to help struggling students develop academic momentum to promote academic growth that can be b eneficial to all students. The model is grounded in research on self-efficacy and self-regulation and involves a sequence of five stages of development. He concludes the article by providing an example of the model in action with a case study of two teachers and the development of academic momentum of one student in their class. Part B. Instructional Strategies 20. Teaching for Deep Learning, Tracy Wilson Smith and Susan A. Colby, The Clearing House, May/June 2007 The authors define the differences between surface and deep learning and describe a framework (SOLO-Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome) that can serve as a taxonomy for evaluating instruction and assessing student learning. 21. Improve Your Verbal Questioning, Kenneth E. Vogler, The Clearing House, November/December 2005 In this article, the author discusses the importance of verbal questioning during instruction, by identifying different levels of questions using Bloom's Taxonomy and highlighting different types of questioning sequences and patterns that have been shown to effectively engage students. 22. Designing Learning through Learning to Design, Punya Mishra and Mark Girod, The High School Journal, October/November 2006 In this article, the authors present a discussion of the implementation of a design-based learning unit in high school science. The high school teacher summarizes the experiences in the class while a university researcher discusses theory and research on design activities. Both practical and research-based perspectives are presented in a way that is useful to teachers interested in implementing project-based learning activities in their classrooms. 23. Using Engagement Strategies to Facilitate Children's Learning and Success, Judy R. Jablon and Michael Wilkinson, Young Children, March 2006 In this article, the authors define student engagement and present strategies for engaging elementary students in the classroom, along with explanations of why these strategies are effective. 24. Meeting the Needs of All Students through Differentiated Instruction: Helping Every Child Reach and Exceed Standards, Holli M. Levy, The Clearing House, March/April 2008 In this article, Ms. Levy provides practical examples of differentiated instruction strategies. She suggests flexibility with regard to content, process of learning, and products to demonstrate that learning can be realized through the use of assessment as a tool and not just as a measure of what students have learned, and by grouping students for instruction. 25. What's Right about Looking at What's Wrong?, Deborah Schifter, Educational Leadership, November 2007 This article examines the importance of examining the reasoning behind students' incorrect answers to the development of conceptual understanding in mathematics. The author suggests that teachers are being asked to challenge their beliefs that mathematics is a set of facts, procedures, and definitions to be learned and provides an example of a lesson from a fifth-grade class that focuses on examining the mistakes students made as a way to develop mathematical reasoning skills. Unit 5: Motivation and Classroom Management Unit Overview Part A. Motivation 26. Convincing Students They Can Learn to Read: Crafting Self-Efficacy Prompts, Patrick P. McCabe, The Clearing House, July/August 2006 The author discusses the importance of self-efficacy in developing young students' reading abilities from a Bandura's social cognitive perspective. He also presents several different examples of verbal feedback that can promote a sense of self-efficacy that can be adapted across content areas and age/grade levels. 27. Why We Can't Always Get What We Want, Barbara Bartholomew, Phi Delta Kappan, April 2007 In this article, Ms. Bartholomew uses personal experiences to illustrate the importance of motivation as a precondition to learning that teachers need to foster. She focuses on intrinsic motivation and identifies several things for teachers to consider that will foster a classroom environment that is supportive of student motivation. 28. How to Produce a High-Achieving Child, Deanna Kuhn, Phi Delta Kappan, June 2007 The author argues that while as educators we continue to focus more and more on what students "bring with them to school " in terms of abilities, experiences, support, and resources
  • we are missing an important piece of the puzzle. She suggests that to foster success, educators should focus on ways to engage students in meaningful experiences that encourage students to value the intellectual activities they engage in and the skills they acquire. 29. How Can Students Be Motivated: A Misplaced Question?, Richard F. Bowman Jr., The Clearing House, November/December 2007 In this article, Mr. Bowman suggests that traditionally educators have asked "How can students be motivated? " leading teachers to focus on what they do to provide motivation. He argues that focus, coupled with accountability and high-stakes testing movement has lead to a reliance on extrinsic rewards and incentives in classrooms that may ultimately decrease student motivation. He discusses a number of strategies that incorporate both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in thoughtful ways that complement each other to stimulate and sustain students' talents, passions, and natural curiosities. 30. The Perils and Promises of Praise, Carol S. Dweck, Educational Leadership, October 2007 In this article, Carol Dweck, well-known for her work on the impact of praise on students, summarizes research that examines the relationships among intelligence, student effort, teacher praise, and student motivation. She suggests that educators should move away from the belief that intellectual ability is fixed and adopt a "growth mind-set. " Students also need to learn that intellectual development involves forming new connections through effort and learning. The article reports results of an investigation in which students were taught to think about their "brains as muscles that needed exercising, " in addition to study skills, time management techniques, and memory strategies. 31. Should Learning Be Its Own Reward?, Daniel T. Willingham, American Educator, Winter 2007-2008 The author uses recent initiatives by several schools in several states to pay students for performance on high-stakes standardized tests as a way to examine the use of and impact of rewards on student learning. He summarizes the arguments against the use of rewards into three categories and then suggests ways teachers can appropriately use rewards while avoiding their potentially detrimental effects. Part B. Classroom Management 32. Strategies for Effective Classroom Management in the Secondary Setting, Paul Pedota, The Clearing House, March/April 2007 The author reviews basic classroom management strategies that focus on the physical arrangement of the classroom, setting standards for student work and behavior, and communicating with students geared toward secondary classrooms. 33. "No! I Won't! ", Andrea Smith and Elizabeth Bondy, Childhood Education, Spring 2007 Ms. Smith and Ms. Bondy review the definition and characteristics of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). They suggest creating a psychologically supportive environment, conducting morning meetings, and using positive behavior supports as ways to be proactive with students who display more severe oppositional or disruptive behaviors. Functional behavioral assessment is presented as a way for teachers to develop a better understanding of students' behaviors and provide more appropriate responses. 34. Bullying: Effective Strategies for Its Prevention, Richard T. Scarpaci, Kappa Delta Pi Record, Summer 2006 This article defines bullying, presents common myths and indicators to recognize bullying, and discusses strategies teachers can implement to intervene and prevent bullying in school. 35. Cyberbullying: What School Adminstrators (and Parents) Can Do, Andrew V. Beale and Kimberly R. Hall, The Clearing House, September/October 2007 This article describes forms of cyberbullying. The authors present suggestions of ways schools can educate students, staff, and parents about internet bullying. Also included are recommendations for parent s regarding monitoring internet use and how they should respond if their child is affected by cyberbullying. 36. IOSIE: A Method for Analyzing Student Behavioral Problems, Richard T. Scarpaci, The Clearing House, January/February 2007 This article proposes a practical approach teachers can use to resolve general classroom management problems that includes identifying the problem, developing objectives, selecting strategies or solutions, implementing strategies, and evaluating outcomes. 37. Middle School Students Talk about Social Forces in the Classroom, Kathleen Cushman and Laura Rogers, Middle School Journal, January 2008 In this article, Ms. Cushman and Ms. Rogers describe how the social world and uncertainty of adolescence affects students' perceptions of their academic abilities and how teachers sometimes unwittingly create conflict for students as they try to navigate their social and academic worlds. The authors use students' responses in small group interviews to illustrate what middle school students care about and their thoughts about what teachers do and do not do that impact their feelings and beliefs about school. 38. An Early Warning System, Ruth Curran Neild, Robert Balfanz, and Liza Herzog, Educational Leadership, October 2007 The authors summarize the research conducted in the Philadelphia schools that examined the types of "early warning distress signals " exhibited by students who might be heading on a path toward dropping out of school. They discuss a number of signals in both middle and high school that teachers and administrators should focus on and also describe interventions at both levels that have been implemented to redirect potential dropouts onto the path toward graduation. Unit 6: Assessment Unit Overview 39. Mismatch: When State Standards and Tests Don't Mesh, Schools Are Left Grinding Their Gears, Heidi Glidden and Amy M. Hightower, American Educator, Spring 2007 Ms. Glidden and Ms. Hightower report results of their research examining the strength, clarity, and specificity of content standards of all 50 states. The purpose was to identify whether standards were written in a way that provided enough information about what students should learn to enable teachers to develop a core curriculum and a test developer to create aligned assessments. 40. Assessment through the Students' Eyes, Rick Stiggins, Educational Leadership, May 2007 The author argues that assessment should be used less for "sorting winners and losers " and more for enhancing students' learning. 41. Testing the Joy out of Learning, Sharon L. Nichols and David C. Berliner, Educational Leadership, March 2008 The authors discuss the potential negative impact of school cultures dominated by high-stakes tests. They focus specifically on ways high-stakes testing decreases motivation and marginalizes students, potentially leading to student disengagement, drop out, and increasingly cynical beliefs about schooling. Comments from students to illustrate students' frustrations with the emphasis on high-stakes test results are provided along with suggestions for ways administrators and teachers can minimize the negative impact in an era of accountability. 42. Feedback That Fits, Susan M. Brookhart, Educational Leadership, December 2007/January 2008 Ms. Brookhart reminds us that formative assessment should give students information about "where they are in their learning " and to help them "develop feelings of control over their learning. " She focuses specifically on how teachers can craft, use, and deliver feedback, providing examples of teachers' comments and why they are effective. 43. The Proficiency Illusion, John Cronin et al., American Educator, Winter 2007-2008 In this article, the authors examine differences in proficiency score "cut points " and variations in the difficulty level of high-stakes assessments from different states. Based on their examination, they suggest that states have wide differences in how they define what "proficiency " means. In addition, differences in cut scores at different grade levels may result in school systems where "younger students who might need help do not get resources because they have passed the state tests, while schools serving older students may make drastic changes in their instructional programs to fix deficiencies that do not actually exist. " Test-Your-Knowledge Form Article Rating Form

10/11 ISBN 9780078050602


The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make them particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offers an online Instructor's Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom (available in print and online) is a general guide that provides a number of interesting and functional ideas for using Annual Editions readers in the classroom. Visit for more details.

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