IX Hadron physics and VII Relativistic aspects of nuclear physics : a joint meeting on QCD and QGP, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 28 March - 3 April 2004
Bibliographic Information
IX Hadron physics and VII Relativistic aspects of nuclear physics : a joint meeting on QCD and QGP, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 28 March - 3 April 2004
(AIP conference proceedings, v. 739)
American Institute of Physics, c2004
- Other Title
Hadron physics
RANP 2004
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Another editors: M. Chiapparini, E. Ferreira, T. Kodama
Includes auther index
Description and Table of Contents
These proceedings cover research on various aspects of hadron physics, high energy physics, astrophysics, and effective field theories. A particular focus is on the latest results in experimental heavy ion collisions.
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