Literature, politics and culture in postwar Britain


Literature, politics and culture in postwar Britain

Alan Sinfield

(Continuum impacts : changing minds)

Continuum, 2004


Originally published: Athlone, 1997

Includes bibliographical references (p. 353-378) and indexes



Alan Sinfield (1941-) is Professor of English at the University of Sussex. The publication of Literature, Politics and Culture in Postwar Britain in 1989 firmly established him as one of our foremost writers on literature and a leading critic of postwar culture and society. Literature, Politics and Culture in Postwar Britain is a landmark work in contemporary literary and cultural analysis. It offers a provocative and brilliant account of political change since 1945 and how such change shaped the cultural output of our time. It also looks at how and when literature intersects with other cultural forms, and the growth of American cultural dominance. This edition includes a new foreword by the author, specially written for the Impact edition.

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