Food culture in China


    • Newman, Jacqueline M.


Food culture in China

Jacqueline M. Newman

(Food culture around the world)

Greenwood Press, 2004

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographical references (p. [215]-217) and index



The cuisine of China is widely considered to be one of the best because it meets the requirements of geographic variety, inclusion of all types of foods, and a long-established and well-developed culinary tradition. The Chinese culture can be labeled a food culture for the interest and honor given to food and its rituals. Food Culture in China is loaded with information on the cuisine's prominent role in Chinese culture. Students and other readers will learn about Chinese food history through the dynasties and Silk Road migrations up until today, ingredients, cooking implements and techniques, regional differences, table etiquette, cultural emphasis on food, specialty dishes for celebrations, and the role of diet and traditional Chinese medicine, among other topics. Each chapter contains a number of recipes for a meal based on the specific topic. Americans typically are familiar with a narrow range of Americanized Chinese restaurants. This one-stop resource helps readers to see this ever-popular ethnic cuisine in a broader context. It is the most in-depth reference of its kind on the market. A timeline, glossary, tables, and illustrations complement the narrative.


Series Foreword Introduction Timeline Historical Overview Major Foods and Ingredients Cooking Regional and Provincial Foods Meals Eating Out Special Occasions Diet and Health Glossary Bibliography Resource Guide Index

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