A treatise of the education and learning proper for the different capacities of youth : founded on the principles of natural philosophy : whereby all parents, tutors, and governors of youth, may be informed what sort of learning best suits with each genius : by the due observation whereof, they may be enabled to adapt the studies of their children and pupils to their respective capacities, and thereby lay a just foundation for their future fame and fortune
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A treatise of the education and learning proper for the different capacities of youth : founded on the principles of natural philosophy : whereby all parents, tutors, and governors of youth, may be informed what sort of learning best suits with each genius : by the due observation whereof, they may be enabled to adapt the studies of their children and pupils to their respective capacities, and thereby lay a just foundation for their future fame and fortune
Printed for C. Rivington ... J. Osborn ... and J. Leake ..., 1734
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Examen de ingenios
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Examen de ingenios
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"Principally extracted from the Examen de ingenios of the famous Spaniard Dr. John Huartes ..."
Running title: A treatise of the education proper for different capacities
Supplement: Extract from The complete gentleman by Baltasar Gratian