Critique of entrepreneurship : people and policy
Critique of entrepreneurship : people and policy
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全11件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 228-244) and index
The sponsorship of the entrepreneur as an agent of economic growth is now at the centre of a vast promotional industry, involving politicians, government departments and higher education. This book examines the origins of this phenomenon and subjects its mythologies, hero-figures and policies to an empirically based critical examination.
The Genesis of Entrepreneurialism Entrepreneurial Competition in the Pure Case: John Bloom and Jim Elvins The Flight of the Accountant : A Romance of Air and Credit Entrepreneurship and the Tactics of Empathy: Mediation on a Text by Sir Richard Branson Subsidizing Entrepreneurship Science, Enterprise and Profit: Ideology in the Knowledge-Driven Economy Bubbles in Biotech: Testing the Entrepreneurial Model of Science-Based Product Innovation Conclusion: Entrepreneurship: Unpicking the Work of Attribution Notes Bibliography Index
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