CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells : origin, function and therapeutic potential


    • Kyewski, Bruno
    • Suri-Payer, Elisabeth


CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells : origin, function and therapeutic potential

B. Kyewski and E. Suri-Payer (Eds.)

(Current topics in microbiology and immunology, v. 293)

Springer, c2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



The vertebrate immune system defends the organism against invading pathogens while at the same time being self-tolerant to the body's own constituentsthuspreservingitsintegrity. Multiplemechanismsactinconcert to ensure self-tolerance. During intrathymic development, the nascent T cell repertoire is purged from autoreactive T cells via negative selection, a process also known as recessive tolerance. Ridding of self-reactivity, however,isnotcomplete,asattestedbythepresenceofself-reactiveTcells intheperipheralTcellrepertoire. Hence,additionaltolerancemechanisms, collectively referred to as dominant tolerance, have been postulated on theoreticalgrounds(seethechapterbyA. Coutinhoetal. inthisvolume)and experimentalprooffortheirexistencehadbeenrepeatedlyclaimedinthepast 40years. Whilesomeoftheseclaims,largelybasedoninvitroexperiments, laterfellintodisrepute(i. e. ,theinfamousCD8suppressorcellsexpressingI-J molecules),concurrent,butlesswellpublicizedstringsofresearch,provided unremitting evidence for dominant tolerance mechanisms. These include the postnatal thymectomy model pioneered by Nishizuka and Sakakura in 1969, the dominant tolerance model in chicken and quail chimeras introducedbyleDouarinandcolleagues,andstudiesoninfectioustolerance by the Waldmann laboratory. A breakthrough in this ?eld was achieved by the identi?cation and isolation by Sakaguchi's and Shevach's groups of + + aCD4 CD25 TcellsubsetexertingsuppressiononeffectorTcellsbothin vitroandinvivo. Thisinstigatedanavalancheofpublicationsonsuppressor Tcells. Whilelargelyoverlookedforsomanyyears,thereisnowhardlyany aspectofimmunitythatdoesnotseemtobeaffectedbysuppressorTcells. This volume will hardly be more than a snapshot in thisfast-moving ?eld, yetwehopethatitwillofferinspirationandorientationtothescientistwho wouldliketoenterthis?eld. To date, many different cells have been described that can suppress + + other cells of the immune system: CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells (Treg), + ? CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells, T regulatory 1 cells (Tr1), T-helper 3 cells + ? (Th3),CD8 CD28 Tcells,NKTcells,aswellastolerogenicdendriticcells. Suppressive CD4 T cells fall at least into two categories. So called natural VI Preface + + CD4 CD25 Tregformpartoftheintra-thymicallyselectedTcellrepertoire andapparentlyconstituteadistinctlineage. Incontrast,"adaptive"regulatory Tcellsareinstructedintheperipherytobecomesuppressivecells,theyform + + amoreheterogeneousgroupincludingCD4 CD25 Treg,Tr1,andTh3cells. As natural Treg are so far the best characterized entity, the ?rst three contributionsofthisvolume(C. Cozzoetal. ,C. -S. Hsiehetal. ,andL.


Preface.- Selection of CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells by Self-Peptides.- The Role of TCR Specificity in Naturally Arising CD25+ CD4+ Regulatory T Cell Biology.- Thymic Commitment of Regulatory T Cells Is a Pathway of TCR-Dependent Selection That 'Isolates' Repertoires Undergoing Positive or Negative Selection.- Selection and Behaviour of CD4+CD25+ T Cells in vivo: Lessons from T Cell Receptor Transgenic Models.- Migration Matters: Functional Properties of Naive- and Effector/Memory-Like Regulatory T Cell Subsets.- Peripheral Generation and Function of CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells.- Dendritic Cells, Key Cells for the Induction of Regulatory T Cells?.- Autoimmune Gastritis Is a Well-Defined Autoimmune Disease Model for the Study or CD4+CD25+ T Cell-Mediated Suppresion.- Regulatory T Cells in Experimental Colitis.- Autoimmune Ovarian Disease in Day 3-Thymectomized Mice: the Neonatal Time Window, Antigen Specificity of Disease Suppression, and Genetic Control.- Regulatory T Cells in Transplantation Tolerance. Infectious Tolerance.- CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.- ..................- Phenotypic and Functional Differences Between Human CD4+CD25+ and Type 1 Regulatory T Cells.- Subject Index.

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  • Current topics in microbiology and immunology

    Springer-Verlag 1967-

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  • ISBN
    • 3540244441
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    x, 330 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
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