Progress in research on energy and protein metabolism


    • Souffrant, W. B.
    • Metges, C. C.


Progress in research on energy and protein metabolism

(EAAP publication, no. 109)

Wageningen Academic, 2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



"This book compiles the scientific content of the International Symposium on Energy & Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, in Rostock-Warnemunde 13th-18th September 2003. Specialists from all over the world working in energy and protein metabolism research were assembled to discuss scientific matters of physiology, nutrition, immunology and genetics. All scientific contributions, presented as oral communications or posters, are published in this book. Additionally to these more than 150 articles and 10 review papers, presented by invited speakers, give an overview of the state of the art in special research areas of energy and protein metabolism. The book presents latest results in topics of energy metabolism such as environmental aspects of energy homeostasis, dietary and genetic aspects as well as tissue, organ and whole body energy metabolism and methodology. Furthermore this compilation also gives insight in current affairs of protein research, i.e. protein metabolism and microbiology in the gastro-intestinal tract and requirements and post-absorptive metabolism of amino acids. Apart from these specific questions other topics concerning genes and nutrition or modelling and regulation of energy and protein status were of common interest. The intention of these proceedings is to disseminate latest perceptions of energy and protein research and with this to attempt the connection of areas in animal and human life sciences."


  • Preface 23
  • M. Schwerin
  • 50 years Oskar-Kellner-Institute-Research on energy and protein metabolism 25
  • W. Jentsch
  • Joint session 1 Genes and Nutrition 41
  • Amino acid regulation of genes expression 43
  • J. Averous, C. Jousse, A. Bruhat, C. Deval, S. Mordier & P. Fafournoux
  • Age dependent development of obesity under standard and high fat diet in extreme mouse models 53
  • G.A. Brockmann, S. Kuhla & U. Renne
  • Rainbow trout liver proteome - dietary manipulation and protein metabolism 57
  • S.A.M. Martin, O. Vilhelmsson & D.F. Houlihan
  • Influence of IGF-I transgene and dietary CLA on efficiency of dietary energy and protein utilization in growing pigs 61
  • A.D. Mitchell & V.G. Pursel
  • Long-term dietary protein intake affects uncoupling protein mRNA gene expression in liver and muscle of rats 65
  • K.J. Petzke, M. Friedrich, C.C. Metges & S. Klaus
  • Gene nutrient interactions as a result of amino acid deficiency
  • effect on mRNAs associated with the cell cycle 69
  • W.D. Rees, M.E. Prins & S.M. Hay
  • Diet and gene expression in broilers 73
  • R.W. Rosebrough, S.M. Poch, B.A. Russell & M.P. Richards
  • Paternal genetics affects the regulation of blood glucose concentration 77
  • M.P. Tygesen, M.O. Nielsen, H. Ranvig, P. Norgaard & A.P. Harrison
  • Joint session 2 Regulation and Modelling of Energy and Protein Status 81
  • Role of the liver in the regulation of energy and protein status 83
  • I. Ortigues-Marty, C. Obled, D. Dardevet & I. Savary-Auzeloux
  • A perspective on research and future of metabolic models of farm animals 99
  • J.P. McNamara
  • Effects of growth hormone and monensin on adipose tissue lipogenesis in transition cow 113
  • A. Arieli, J.E. Vallimont, S.S. Donkin, A. Shamai & G.A. Varga. Studies on milk production of the Etawah crossbreed goat fed with Tempe waste 117
  • D.A. Astuti, E.B. Laconi & D. Sastradipradja
  • The effects of protein: energy ratio of the diet and feed intake on protein and energy metabolism of Iberian pigs growing from 50 to 100 kg 121
  • R. Barea, R. Nieto & J.F. Aguilera
  • Effect of a jugular infusion of essential AA on splanchnic metabolism of glucose and hormones in dairy cows fed a protein deficient diet 125
  • R. Berthiaume, M.C. Thivierge, G.E. Lobley, P. Dubreuil, M. Babkine & H. Lapierre
  • A new concept for feed evaluation based on standardised digestible amino acids and potential physiological energy of nutrient fractions in pig feeds 129
  • S. Boisen
  • Numerical solution of an optimal control problem in mathematical biology 133
  • R. Burlacu
  • Mathematical models of applied biology of some metabolic processes 139
  • R. Burlacu
  • Specific dietary selection for lysine, tryptophan and threonine by the piglet 147
  • T. Ettle & F.X. Roth
  • The effect of reducing protein and energy intake of pregnant ewes on the subsequent muscle development of the offspring 151
  • A.J. Fahey, J.M. Brameld, T. Parr & P.J. Buttery
  • Comparative study of the gestational energy and protein balance of rabbit does 155
  • S. Fekete, I. Hullar, R. Romvari, E. Andrasofszky & Zs. Szendro
  • Comparative serum metabolites and hormonal profile of Iberian and Landrace growing pigs fed equilibrated or lysine-deficient diets 159
  • I. Fernandez-Figares, M. Lachica, M.G. Rivera-Ferre, R. Nieto, C. Garcia del Rio & J.F. Aguilera
  • Effects of low protein supply on energy metabolism and milk production of the mink (Mustela vison) 163
  • R. Fink, A-H. Tauson, A. Chwalibog, N.B. Kristensen & S. Wamberg
  • Growth performance, energy and nitrogen balance of weanling pigs fed cereal based diets supplemented with Chinese rhubarb 167
  • S. Gebert, R. Straub, M. Wanner & C. Wenk
  • Effect of dietary energy sources on energy metabolism of growing and fattening pigs: a model simulation 171
  • V. Halas, J. Dijkstra, L. Babinszky, M.W.A. Verstegen & W.J.J. Gerrits
  • Energy and nitrogen balance in growing mink kits fed bacterial protein 175
  • A.L. Frydendahl Hellwing, A-H. Tauson & A. Chwalibog. Energy and nitrogen balance in slaughter chickens fed bacterial protein 179
  • A.L. Frydendahl Hellwing, A-H. Tauson & A. Chwalibog
  • Nutritional memory on protein metabolism in Wistar rat 183
  • K. Kanskan & J.S. Keller
  • Effects of a low lysine diet on glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle of growing pigs 187
  • M. Katsumata, M. Matsumoto & Y. Kaji
  • Influence of metabolic memory on the dietary protein utilization in young adult men 191
  • D. Khuszczynska & J.S. Keller
  • Insulin-stimulated net utilisation of plasma glucose and amino acids in growing pigs 197
  • S.J. Koopmans, Z. Mroz, R. Dekker, H. Corbijn, J, Wijdenes, S. v.d. Crabben, M. Ackermans & H.P. Sauerwein
  • Predictions of energy digestibility in pig feeds 201
  • J.E. Lindberg & C. Pedersen
  • Effect of body weight and dietary crude protein on energy utilisation in growing pigs and broilers 205
  • J. Noblet, J. van Milgen, B. Carre, P. Dimon, S. Dubois, M. Rademacher & S. van Cauwenberghe
  • Ruminant growth and composition model 209
  • J.W. Oltjen, A.B. Pleasants, T.K. Soboleva & V.H. Oddy
  • Ruminal acetate/propionate pattern and energy-yielding nutrient fluxes across splanchnic and hindlimb tissues in growing lambs 213
  • I. Ortigues-Marty & L. Majdoub
  • Dietary treatment effects on growth, reproduction, and circulating leptin levels of Targhee ewe lambs 217
  • W. Pittroff, D. Keisler & V. LaVoie
  • Effect of different levels of metabolizable protein on splanchnic fluxes of amino acids in lactating cows 223
  • G, Raggio, G.E. Lobley, D. Pacheco, D. Pellerin, G. Allard, R. Berthiaume, P. Dubreuil & H. Lapierre
  • Dietary protein sources and lysine balance on the efficiency of energy utilisation in broiler chickens 227
  • S.P. Rose, V.R. Pirgozliev, J. Courtney & S.D. Hare
  • Ruminal acetate/propionate pattern and nitrogenous nutrient fluxes across splanchnic and hind limb tissues in growing lambs 231
  • I. Savary-Auzeloux, L. Majdoub & I. Ortigues-Marty
  • The selection of a modified Gompertz-Function for description of postnatal growth of hogs 235
  • M. Schlegel. Mathematical analysis of [13CO2]-expiration curves from human breath tests using [1-13C]-amino acids as oral substrate 239
  • V.V.A.M. Schreurs & K. Krawielitzki
  • Whole body and hindlimb protein degradation is differentially altered by feeding in 10- and 28-d-old piglets 243
  • M.C. Thivierge, H.V. Nguyen, J.A. Bush, A. Suryawan, R. Orellana, C.W. Liu, D.G. Burrin, F. Jahoor & T.A. Davis
  • Modified mitochondrial functions by a natural uncoupler and a cell-synthesized uncoupling protein 249
  • M. Toyomizu & Y. Akiba
  • Nutrient availability and metabolic hormone relationship in dairy cows dry or in different stage of lactation 255
  • E. Trevisi, F. Piccioli-Cappelli, R. Lombardelli & G. Bertoni
  • The use of nutritional models as a tool in basic research 259
  • J. van Milgen, F. Gondret & D. Renaudeau
  • Investigations on energy and protein metabolism in fattening steers using different experimental techniques 265
  • I. Voicu, D. Grossu, R. Burlacu, D. Voicu, A.G. Marinescu & Gh. Burlacu
  • Can bypass starch reduce the need for essential amino acids in dairy cows? 273
  • M.R. Weisbjerg & C.F. Borsting
  • Leptin plasma levels and pancreatic secretion in rats fed on high or low energy diets 277
  • T. Zebrowska, B. Pastuszewska, R. Matyjek, Maria Babelewska & M. Switonska
  • Joint session 3 Nutrition and Immunity 281
  • Handling of dietary antigens - nutritional interactions with the gut immune system 283
  • J. Zentek
  • Tissue amino acid fluxes and valine kinetics in lambs with a Trichostrongylus colubriformis infection 293
  • E.N. Bermingham, W.C. McNabb, G.W. Reynolds, G.C. Waghorn, I.A. Sutherland, D.K. Revell & N.C. Roy
  • Energy and protein metabolism and liver activity changes in dairy cows treated with E. coli endotoxin 3 days after calving 299
  • G. Bertoni, E. Trevisi, A. Ferrari & M. Bionaz
  • Pancreatic juice protects gut from pathogenic bacteria 303
  • D. Kruszewska, A. Ljungh & S.G. Pierzynowski
  • Glutathione changes in blood and amino acid concentrations in plasma in response to nematode infection in Merinos selected for parasite resistance 307
  • S.M. Liu, T.L. Smith, P. Young, D.G. Palmer, L.J.E. Karlsson & R.B. Besier. Does chronic lung inflammation induce an increase in tryptophan catabolism through IDO (indoleamine 2,3- dioxygenase) pathway in pigs? 311
  • D. Melchior, N. Meziere, B. Seve & N. Le Floc'h
  • Energy session 1 Environmental Aspects of Energy Homeostasis 315
  • Regulation of the energy metabolism: nutritional, environmental and molecular aspects 317
  • B. Lohrke, W. Jentsch & M. Derno
  • Low protein diets reduce greenhouse gas production in finisher pigs while maintaining animal performance 331
  • J.K.A. Atakora, S. Mohn & R.O. Ball
  • Dynamic responses of feeder cattle to simulated heat waves 335
  • T.M. Brown-Brandl, J.A. Nienaber, G.L. Hahn, R.A. Eigenberg & A.M. Parkhurst
  • Energy and protein (AA) metabolism of high productive laying hens in dependence on exogenous factors 339
  • A. Chudy, W.B. Souffrant, S. Kuhla & H. Peters
  • Heat production and substrate oxidation in rats during feeding, starvation and re-feeding 345
  • A. Chwalibog, A-H. Tauson, K. Jakobsen, R. Barea & G. Thorbek
  • Diurnal rhythm in heat production and oxidation of substrates in pigs during feeding, starvation and re-feeding 349
  • A. Chwalibog, A-H. Tauson & G. Thorbek
  • Jules Reiset (1818-1896): Energy metabolism and environmental research pioneer 353
  • William P. Flatt & William J. Payne
  • Effect of coping strategy and housing system on energy metabolism of breeding gilts 359
  • M.J.W. Heetkamp, N.A. Geverink, H. van den Brand & J.W. Schrama
  • Methane emission by charolais cows under minimised condition for selective grazing 363
  • C.S. Pinares-Patino, K.A. Johnson & C. Martin
  • Housing conditions and carbohydrate source affect within-day variation of energy metabolism in growing pigs 367
  • M.M.J.A. Rijnen, J.J.G.C. van den Borne, J.W. Schrama & W.J.J. Gerrits,
  • Control and energetic recycling of methane emitted from ruminants 371
  • J. Takahashi, Y. Gamo, B. Mwenya, B. Santoso, S. Chetra, K. Umetsu, H. Mizukoshi, K. Kimura & O. Hamamoto
  • Energy session 2 Dietary and Genetic Aspects of Energy Metabolism 375
  • Gene expression and energy homeostasis 377
  • G. Murdoch, R.J. Christopherson & W.T. Dixon. Energy metabolism and oxidation of substrates in pigs during feeding, starvation and re-feeding 387
  • A. Chwalibog, A-H. Tauson & G. Thorbek
  • Effect of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) and selenium on growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and CLA level in rats 391
  • M. Czauderna, J. Kowalczyk, I. Wasowska, K. Niedzwiedzka, M. Taciak & B. Pastuszewska
  • Soyhull energy availability when fed alone or in forage mixtures 397
  • B. Diarra, H. Zakaria, R. Uctuk & D. Johnson
  • Glucose metabolism by the gastrointestinal tract of sheep as affected by protein supply 401
  • S.W. El-Kadi, N.E. Sunny, M. Oba, S.L. Owens & B.J. Bequette
  • Energy metabolism and cognitive performance in relation with postprandial metabolic changes after ingestion of different macronutrients in the morning 405
  • K. Fischer, P.C. Colombani, W. Langhans & C. Wenk
  • Effect of dietary cholesterol and phospholipid levels on the absorption and distribution rates of cholesterol in juvenile Panaeus monodon Tiger shrimp 409
  • E. Harrisi, D. Sastradipradja & K. Sumawidjaja
  • Methane release and energy expenditure of dairy cows fed concentrates characterized by different carbohydrates 413
  • I.K. Hindrichsen, M. Kreuzer, A. Machmuller, K.E. Bach Knudsen, J. Madsen & H.-R. Wettstein
  • Effect of specific structured triglycerides on energy metabolism in broiler chickens 417
  • H. Jorgensen, C.-T. Zheng, P.K. Theil & K. Jakobsen
  • Effect of fat source and rapeseed lecithin on energy metabolism in pigs weaned at 4 weeks of age 421
  • H. Jorgensen, V. Danielsen & J.A. Fernandez
  • Low protein diets reduce greenhouse gas production by sows 425
  • S. Mohn, J.K.A. Atakora, D.J. McMillan & R.O. Ball
  • The effect of different carbohydrates on the efficiency of energy utilisation in broiler chickens 429
  • V.R. Pirgozliev, S.P. Rose, A. Reppas & V. Batson
  • Energy utilization of rice straw supplemented with urea and molasses in swamp buffalo heifers 433
  • A. Purnomoadi, E. Rianto, N. Takusari, F. Terada & M. Kurihara
  • Research on the influence of dietary macronutrients on food intake and its regulatory mechanisms in broiler chickens 437
  • Q. Swennen, G.P.J. Janssens, E. Decuypere & J. Buyse. Energy utilization of diets with different starch content in nulliparous rabbit does fed different levels of intake 441
  • I. Toschi, L. Rapetti, L. Bava, G.M. Crovetto & C. Castrovilli
  • Fat vs. starch as energy sources in diets for high yielding lactating dairy cows 445
  • J. Voigt, K. Gaafar, H. Hagemeister, W. Kanitz & D. Precht
  • Energy session 3 Tissue, Organ and Whole Body Energy Metabolism and Methodology 449
  • Adipose tissue: an expanding role in the regulation of energy metabolism 451
  • R.G. Vernon
  • On-line, continuous determination of 13CO2 / 12CO2 ratios by non-dispersive infrared absorption in indirect calorimetry facilities 465
  • S.J.J. Alferink, J.J.G.C. van den Borne, W.J.J. Gerrits, S.C.W. Lammers-Wienhoven & M.J.W. Heetkamp
  • Lipogenesis in subcutaneous adipose tissue and in oxidative or glycolytic muscles from Angus, Black Japanese x Angus and Limousin steers 469
  • M. Bonnet, Y. Faulconnier, J.F. Hocquette, C. Leroux, P. Boulesteix, Y. Chilliard & D.W. Pethick
  • Estimation of energy expenditure in free-living adult and growing ruminants by heart rate measurement: from cardiovascular system to whole animal 473
  • A. Brosh, D. Robertshaw, Y. Aharoni, R.E. Rawson, M. Gutman, A. Arieli, E. Shargal & I. Choshniak
  • Evaluation of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to determine the in vivo body composition of broilers 477
  • J. Buyse, Q. Swennen, G.P.J. Janssens, E. Decuypere & R. Geers
  • Two different methods for measuring of gas exchange and heat production in farm animals 481
  • A. Chudy
  • Apomorphine-susceptible and apomorphine-unsusceptible rats as model for high-resisting and low-resisting pigs: Metabolic differences 485
  • S.B. Degen, M.W.P. Hof, W.J.J. Gerrits, M.J.W. Heetkamp & A.R. Cools
  • Energy metabolism in Landrace x Duroc crossbreed pigs and their parent breeds 489
  • H. Fandrejewski, S. Raj, D. Weremko & G. Skiba
  • Influence of feeding intensity on corporeal development, body composition and sexual maturity in New Zealand White male rabbits 493
  • K. Fodor, L. Zoldag, S.G. Fekete, A. Bersenyi, A. Gaspardy, E. Andrasofszky, M. Kulcsar, F. Eszes & M. Shanli
  • Heat production of growing heifers that differ in composition of Bos indicus and Bos taurus 497
  • H.C. Freetly, J.A. Nienaber & T.M. Brown-Brandl. Utilization of metabolizable energy for protein energy and fat energy deposition of growing bulls 501
  • M. Gabel, K. Schmundt, H.-J. Papstein & K. Ender
  • Comparing two techniques to estimate energy expenditure on physical activity in group housed animals 507
  • M.J.W. Heetkamp, H. van den Brand, S.B. Degen & W.J.J. Gerrits
  • The relationship between muscle metabolic pathways and marbling of beef 513
  • J.F. Hocquette, C. Jurie, Y. Ueda, P. Boulesteix, D. Bauchart & D.W. Pethick
  • Genotype differences in the long-term response to different levels of energy supply of dairy cows kept under tropical conditions 517
  • A. Jenet, A. Yimegnuhal, S. Fernandez-Rivera, A. Tegegne, P.O. Osuji, G. McCrabb, H.-R. Wettstein & M. Kreuzer
  • Utilization of [alpha]-ketoglutarate (AKG) in young growing pigs after intra-venous and intra-duodenal administration 521
  • P. Junghans, M. Derno, S. Pierzynowski, U. Hennig, W.B. Souffrant
  • Relationship between body composition, net feed intake and gross feed conversion efficiency in composite sire line sheep 525
  • S.A. Knott, B.J. Leury, L.J. Cummins, F.D. Brien & F.R. Dunshea,
  • High intake of metabolizable energy alters regulation of bovine cardiac mitochondria 529
  • B. Lohrke, M. Derno, G. Dietl, A. Tuchscherer, T. Viergutz & W. Jentsch
  • Oral selenate improves the diabetic status in dbdb mice and modifies the activity of glycolytic and gluconeogenic marker enzymes 533
  • A.S. Mueller, J. Pallauf & J. Rafael
  • Nursing behaviour, milk intake and growth rate in piglets 537
  • M. Neil
  • Protein, fat, and bone mineral deposition rates in growing pigs (birth to 90 kg) of different RyR l genotypes studied by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry 543
  • A.M. Scholz & A.D. Mitchell
  • Effect of bilaterally caecal ligation on utilization of dietary energy in growing chickens 549
  • K. Sugahara, M. Matsumoto, M. Yamada & F. Yoshizawa
  • Energy requirement for standing in cattle 553
  • A. Susenbeth, T. Dickel, K.-H. Sudekum, W. Drochner & H. Steinga[beta]
  • Energy expenditure for chewing during eating and rumination in sheep fed ad libitum Timothy hay or Sudangrass hay 557
  • T. Suzuki, N. Takusari, F. Terada & M. Kurihara
  • Validation of measuring CO2 production and milk intake by the doubly labelled water technique in piglets 561
  • P.K. Theil, H. Jorgensen, K. Jakobsen, N.B. Kristensen & C.-T. Zheng. Assessment of heat production in lactating sows by different approaches 565
  • P.K. Theil, H. Jorgensen & K. Jakobsen
  • Prediction of rumen volatile fatty acids based on milk fatty acid profiles 569
  • B. Vlaeminck, V. Fievez, M.S. Dhanoa, A.M. van Vuuren & R. Dewhurst
  • Effect of starch infusion into the abomasum on energy metabolism in beef cattle 573
  • J. Zhang & Y. Feng
  • Protein session 1 Protein Metabolism and Microbiology in the Gastro-Intestinal-Tract 577
  • Intestinal microbial amino acid synthesis and its importance for the amino acid homeostasis of the monogastric host 579
  • C.C. Metges & G. Loh
  • Withdrawal of anti microbial growth promoters from pig diets increases the amino acid requirements for growth performance 593
  • P. Bikker & A. Dirkzwager
  • Effect of ensiling on the ruminal degradability and intestinal digestibility of the corn forage 597
  • J. Gonzalez, C.A. Rodriguez, J. Faria-Marmol, M.R. Alvir & A. Martinez
  • Efficiency of utilization of ruminal ammonia N for milk protein synthesis in dairy cows 601
  • A.N. Hristov, J.K. Ropp, K.L. Grandeen, R.P. Etter, A. Foley, A. Melgar & W. Price
  • Estimates of ileal recovery of endogenous protein and amino acids in protein supplements for pigs by means of the homoarginine method 605
  • G.S. Huang, W.C. Sauer, G. Diebold & R. Mosenthin
  • Investigations on the suitability of the synchronisation index calculated from in sacco results for optimising microbial protein synthesis 609
  • T. Kaswari, P. Lebzien & G. Flachowsky
  • The microbial community and its metabolic activities in the small intestine of weaning piglets 613
  • J. Kluess, A. Akkermans, S. Konstantinov, S. Kuhla, M. Kwella, V. Guiard & W.B. Souffrant
  • Impact of grinding and heating of a wheat-pea blend on amino acids ileal digestibility and endogenous losses 619
  • L. Lahaye, P. Ganier, J.N. Thibault & B. Seve
  • Apparent and true ileal protein digestibility of tropical tree foliage and aquatic plants in pigs 623
  • P. Leterme, W.B. Souffrant, A. Buldgen, A. Rosales, A. Valencia, F. Mera, R. Ballesteros, A. Londono & P. Sarria
  • Effect of forage type and supplementation on microbial synthesis and efficiency in the rumen of dairy cows 627
  • P. Lund, M.R. Weisbjerg & T. Hvelplund. Effect of weaning on urea metabolism in calves 631
  • T. Obitsu, S. Watanabe, T. Yoneyama & K. Taniguchi
  • Supplements with different ruminal undegradable protein levels for dairy heifers in tropical pasture: intake, digestibility and plasma urea nitrogen 635
  • R.L. Oliveira, J.C. Pereira, R.A. Mendonca Vieira, D. do Nascimento Junior, B. Martins Pacheco, M.D. Ribeiro & F.P. Leonel
  • Effect of fermentation in a liquid diet on nitrogen metabolism in growing pigs 641
  • C. Pedersen & J.E. Lindberg
  • Influence of the ruminal N-balance on rumen fermentation, microbial protein synthesis, amount of utilisable crude protein and N-excretion 645
  • A. Riemeier, P. Lebzien & G. Flachowsky
  • Rumen microbial colonization and contamination of feeds 649
  • C.A. Rodriguez, J. Gonzalez, M.R. Alvir & R. Redondo
  • Secretion of nitrogen into the gastro-intestinal tract and protein turnover in growing sheep 653
  • J. Voigt, A. Sandek, K. Krawielitzki, T. Zebrowska, J. Kowalczyk, M. Gabel, U. Schonhusen & H. Hagemeister
  • Use of pymare as a nitrogen source for grazing dairy calves 657
  • J.M. Waweru, S.A. Abdulrazak, T.A. Onyango, J.O. Ondiek & T. Fujihara
  • Effect of including purified jack bean lectin in a casein based diet on apparent and true ileal amino acid digestibility in growing pigs 661
  • Y.L. Yin, R.L. Huang, C.F.M. de Lange & M. Rademacher
  • Protein session 2 Amino Acid Requirement and Metabolism 665
  • Intestinal transport of amino acids, peptides and proteins 667
  • M. Brandsch & C. Brandsch
  • Optimal time interval for amino acid supplementation as studied by amino acid oxidation during the postprandial phase 681
  • J. Bujko, M. Gas, M. Krzyzanowska, R.E. Koopmanschap, J.A. Nolles & V.V.A.M. Schreurs
  • Influence of time intervals between two consecutive meals on leucine oxidation during postprandial phase 685
  • J. Bujko, J. Myszkowska-Ryciak, J. Keller, J. Stankiewiez-Ciupa, R.E. Koopmanschap, J. Nolles & V.V.A.M. Schreurs
  • The influence of dietary form of [1-13C] lysine and [1-13C] leucine on their postprandial and postabsorptive oxidation 689
  • J. Bujko, K. Krupa, R.E. Koopmanschap, J. Nolles & V.V.A.M. Schreurs
  • Measurement of albumin synthesis in the pig 693
  • S. Danicke, E. Swiech, L. Buraczewska & K. Aulrich. Dietary cysteine cannot replace dietary methionine for protein accretion in growing broiler chickens 697
  • A.A. Fatufe & M. Rodehutscord
  • Lysine requirement in adult miniature pigs estimated by an indicator amino acid oxidation method 701
  • U. Hennig, G. Backes, K.J. Petzke, A. Elsner, P. Junghans, M. Derno, G. Nurnberg & C.C. Metges
  • Influence of protein and threonine level on liver threonine dehydrogenase activity and efficiency of threonine utilization in diets for rat and chicken 705
  • F. Liebert & C.W. Lee
  • Oxidation of dietary excess leucine in rats fed [U-13C]-L-leucine as a tracer 709
  • M. Miura, R. Sakai & T. Kimura
  • Post prandial oxidative losses for free amino acids in the diet: studies on interactions with dietary protein and on long term adaptation 713
  • J.A. Nolles, A.M. Verreijen, R.E. Koopmanschap & V.V.A.M. Schreurs
  • Essential amino acid requirements for maintenance in adult sows 717
  • F.X. Roth, B.M. Jahn & W. Schonberger
  • Investigations on the valine requirement of lactating sows 721
  • D.A. Roth-Maier & B.R. Paulicks
  • Differential response to 2-hydroxy-4(methylthio) butanoic acid and DL-methionine above requirements on broiler and pig performance and iron metabolism 725
  • M. Vazquez-Anon, M. Wehmeyer, C. Wueling, T. Hampton, C.D. Knight & J.J. Dibner
  • Assessment of the optimum level of leucine to stimulate milk protein yield in the dairy cow 731
  • M. Vestergaard, C.F. Borsting, S. Michalak, N.B. Kristensen, K. Sejrsen & T. Hvelplund
  • Protein session 3 Post-absorptive Metabolism of Amino Acids 735
  • Post-absorptive metabolism of amino acids 737
  • G.E. Lobley & H. Lapierre
  • Using wool growth to estimate skin protein turnover in sheep at pasture 757
  • N.R. Adams, J.R. Briegel, S.M. Liu, A.C. Schlink & M.R. Sanders
  • Certain amino acids regulate growth hormone (GH) binding to cultured pig hepatocytes 761
  • J.M. Brameld & P.J. Buttery
  • The effect of exogenous purine supply on plasma concentration and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in growing goat kids 765
  • T. Fujihara & S.A. Abdulrazak. Effect of diet on the partitioning of amino acids between body components of growing beef cattle fed at similar level of metabolisable energy intake 769
  • E.J. Kim, N.D. Scollan, M.S. Dhanoa & P.J. Buttery
  • Recovery in urine of allantoin administered intravenously at differentiated levels of feeding sheep 773
  • J. Kowalczyk, M. Czauderna, J.J. Pajak, J.A. Strzetelski & J. Skomial
  • Lysine utilisation by the mammary gland 777
  • H. Lapierre, E. Milne, J. Renaud & G.E. Lobley
  • Influence of high altitude and of forage from alpine origin on protein composition and renneting properties of cow's milk 781
  • F. Leiber, D. Nigg, C. Kunz, M.R.L. Scheeder, M. Kreuzer & H.-R. Wettstein
  • Is intestine really involved in threonine catabolism in pigs? 785
  • N. Le Floc'h & B. Seve
  • Effect of tryptophan and acetate on milk production in late lactating dairy goats 789
  • T.G. Madsen, L.K. Sjolander, L. Misciattelli & M.O. Nielsen
  • Mammary uptake of amino acids in response to supplementation of rumen protected lysine and methionine in early and late lactating dairy goats 793
  • T.G. Madsen, L. Nielsen & M.O. Nielsen
  • Arterio-venous differences in amino acids and acid-base parameters in the mammary gland of sows around parturition 797
  • Z. Mroz, W. Krasucki & S.J. Koopmans
  • The nutritional value of legumes in a balanced diet depends on the antagonism between protein metabolism in digestive tissues and in muscles 801
  • T. Pirman, E. Combe, J.M.A. Stekar, P. Patureau Mirand, A. Oresnik, M.C. Ribeyre & J. Prugnaud
  • Whole-body protein turnover in Iberian and Landrace pigs fed adequate or amino acid deficient diets 805
  • M.G. Rivera-Ferre, R. Nieto & J.F. Aguilera
  • Protein accretion in pigs as affected by previous feeding a high fibre diet up to 50 or 80 kg body weight 813
  • G. Skiba, H. Fandrejewski, S. Raj & D. Weremko
  • Utilisation of essential milk amino acids for body gain in mink kits 817
  • A-H. Tauson, R. Fink, A. Chwalibog & N.E. Hansen
  • Food absorption and conversion monitored in cannulated rainbow trout 821
  • G.J. Vianen, G.E.E.J.M. van den Thillart, M. Markwat, M.F. Onderwater, M.P. de Zeeuw & S.J. Kaushik. Effects of breed, calving pattern and stage of lactation on protein concentration of cow's milk from three Australian dairy regions 827
  • C.L. White
  • Authors index 833
  • Keyword index 839.

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  • ISBN
    • 9076998248
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
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  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    840 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID