The Bharata land or Dravidian India The solar and the lunar races of India : who are their modern representatives? Ode to Cheraman : Perum Chotru Udiyan Cheralathan


The Bharata land or Dravidian India . The solar and the lunar races of India : who are their modern representatives? . Ode to Cheraman : Perum Chotru Udiyan Cheralathan

D. Savaririoyan . V. J. Thamby Pillai . K. G. Sesha Aiyer

(The Tamilian antiquary / editor, D. Savariroyan, v. 1, no. 1)

Asian Educational Services, 2004

AES 3rd reprint

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Reprint: Originally published: Trichinopoly : T. A. Society , 1907

"Notes: On the relation of the Pandavas to the Tamilian kings. On the words Chera & Kerala"

Includes bibliographical references



The Solar & the Lunar races of India - who are their modern Ode to representatives? Cheraman* Perum Chotru The Solar & the Lunar races of India-who are their modern \n Ode to representatives? Cheraman* Perum Chotru \n UdiyanCheralathan * The relation of the Pandavas to the \n Tamilian Kings* on the words Chera & Kerala.

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