Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops


Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops

edited by Richard E. Litz

(Biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 29)

CABI Pub., c2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index

HTTP:URL= Information=Table of contents



This book is a comprehensive reference work on the current status of biotechnology of the major temperate, subtropical and tropical fruit and nut crop species of the world. It is a replacement of Biotechnology of Perennial Fruit Crops (eds Hammerschlag and Litz, CABI, 1992) and includes coverage of more fruit as well as nut crop species. Each chapter contains a general introduction to the particular plant family, with an overview of the economic significance and potential of biotechnology for fruit and nut species within the family, before examining individual species in more detail.


A: Introduction, J S Heslop-Harrison, University of Leicester, UK Chapter 1: Actinidiaceae Actinidia spp. Kiwifruit, M M Oliveira, Universita Lisboa,Portugal and L Fraser, Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New ZealandLtd, New Zealand Chapter 2: Anacardiaceae 2.1: Anacardium occidentale Cashew, R E Litz, R Nadgauda, NationalChemical Laboratory, India, and J Subramanian, University of Guelph, Canada 2.2: Mangifera indica Mango, R E Litz and M I A Gomez-Lim, CINVESTAVUnidad Irapuato, Mexico 2.3: Pistacia vera Pistachio, A Onay, I Cigdem and A Filiz, University of Dicle, Turkey Chapter 3: Annonaceae 3.1: Annona spp. Atemoya, Cherimoya, Soursop and Sugar Apple, C L Encina,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain Chapter 4: Arecaceae 4.1: Cocos nucifera Coconut, V Hocher, J Verdeil and B Malaurie, IRD/CIRADCoconut Program, France 4.2: Elaeis guinneensis Oil palm, A Rival, CIRAD Oil Palm Programme,France, and G K A Parveez, Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, Malaysia 4.3: Phoenix dactylifera Date palm, K Loutfi and I El hadrami, UniversiteCadi Ayyad, Morocco Chapter 5: Bromeliaceae 5.1: Ananas comosus Pineapple, M K Smith, H-L Ko, G M Sanewski, MaroochyResearch Station, Australia, and J R Botella, The University of Queensland,Australia Chapter 6: Caricaceae 6.1: Carica papaya Papaya, M Fitch, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center,USA Chapter 7: Clusiaceae 7.1: Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen, S Te-Chato and M Lim, Prince ofSongkla University, Thailand Chapter 8: Ericaceae 8.1: Blueberry, L J Rowland and F A Hammerschlag, USDA ARS, USA 8.2: Cranberry, B H McCown and E L Zeldin, University of Wisconsin, USA Chapter 9: Fagaceae 9.1: astanea spp. Chestnut, F J Vieitez, Instituto InvestigacionesAgrobiologicas de Galicia CSIC, Spain, and S A Merkle, The University ofGeorgia, USA Chapter 10: Juglandaceae 10.1: Carya illinoensis Pecan, W Vendrame, University of Florida, USA, andH Wetzstein, University of Georgia, USA 10.2: Juglans regia Walnut, A Dandekar, C Leslie and G McGranahan, University of California, Davis, USA Chapter 11: Lauraceae 11.1: Persea americana Avocado, R E Litz, W Raharjo, S Raharjo, Universityof Florida, USA, F Pliego-Alfaro and A Barcelo-Munoz, Universidad de Malaga,Spain Chapter 12: Moraceae 12.1: Ficus carica Fig , Artocarpus spp. Jackfruit and Breadfruit and Morusspp. Mulberry, V A Bapat, and M Mhatre, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, India Chapter 13: Musaceae 13.1: Musa spp. Banana and Plantain, M K Smith, S D Hamill, MaroochyResearch Station, Australia, D K Becker and J L Dale, Queensland University ofTechnology, Australia Chapter 14: Myrtaceae 14.1: Psidium guajaba Guava, U Jaiswal and V S Jaiswal, Banaras HinduUniversity, India Chapter 15: Oleaceae 15.1: Olea europea Olive, E Rugini, Universita degli Studi della Tuscia,Italy, and L Baldoni, Istituto di Genetica Vegetale, Italy Chapter 16: Oxalidaceae 16.1: Averrhoa carambola Carambola, R E Litz and J L Griffis, FloridaSouthern College, USA Chapter 17: Passifloraceae 17.1: Passiflora spp. Passionfruit, M L C Vieira and M S Carneiro, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil Chapter 18: Rosaceae 18.1: Fragaria Strawberry, J Graham, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK 18.2: Malus x domestica Apple, S K Brown and K E Maloney, CornellUniversity, USA 18.3: Prunus spp. Almond, Apricot, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach and Plum, CSrinivasan, I M G Padilla and R Scorza, USDA ARS Appalacian Fruit ResearchStation, USA 18.4: Pyrus spp. Pear and Cydonia spp. Quince, E Chevreau, UMRGenetique et Horticulture INRA/INH/UA, France, and R Bell, Appalachian FruitResearch Station, USA 18.5: Rubus spp. Cane fruit, R M Skirvin, University of Illinois, USA, S Motoike, Vicosa University, Brazil, M Coyner and M A Norton, University of Illinois, USA Chapter 19: Rutaceae 19.1: Citrus Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Orange, etc., G A Moore, J W Grosserand F G Gmitter, University of Florida, USA Chapter 20: Sapindaceae 20.1: Dimocarpus longan Longan and Litchi chinensis Litchi, RE Litz and S Raharjo Chapter 21: Sterculiaceae 21.1: Theobroma cacao Cacao, A Figueira, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, and L Alemanno, Centre de Cooperation Internationale en RechercheAgronomique pour le Developpment, France Chapter 22: Vitaceae 22.1: Vitis spp. Grape, D J Gray, S Jayasankar and Z Li, Universityof Florida, USA

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