Intergovernmental fiscal relations in Central and Eastern Europe : a sourcebook and reference guide


Intergovernmental fiscal relations in Central and Eastern Europe : a sourcebook and reference guide

prepared by Francis J. Conway ... [et al.] ; produced by the Urban Institute ; prepared for the World Bank Institute, and the United States Agency for International Development

(WBI learning resources series)

World Bank, c2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



"CD-ROM included (instructions on page 6)"

Includes bibliographical references (p. [117]-128)



The purpose of this sourcebook is to enrich and inform the dialog on intergovernmental finance issues in Central and Eastern Europe. The sourcebook facilitates direct access to the wealth of knowledge and information on intergovernmental finance issues in Central and Eastern Europe by providing direct electronic links to a large number of documents on the subject. The documents discuss the basic concepts and principles of intergovernmental finance and describe the evolution of intergovernmental finance in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The sourcebook serves as a roadmap to help readers explore the documents and find relevant materials on specific intergovernmental finance issues.

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