Staff participation and public management reform : some international comparisons


Staff participation and public management reform : some international comparisons

David Farnham, Annie Hondeghem and Sylvia Horton ; with contributions from Francesco Paolo Cerase ... [et al.]

Palgrave Macmillan, 2005

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This book explores the role of civil servants and their trade unions in the public management reform process, framing it in its economic, social, cultural and legal contexts. Building on neo-institutional and stakeholder theories, the book shows how staff and their representative organisations have influenced the formulation and implementation of public management reforms in twelve OECD countries. This study challenges top-down elite theories that have dominated the existing literature, explaining how staff participation practices, both direct and indirect, have impacted on the implementation of reforms in different ways in different countries. The book concludes that variations in staff participation in the reform process depend upon institutional and political factors and the distribution of power in the employment relationship.


  • List of Figures and Tables List of Contributors Preface PART I: INTRODUCTION The Contexts of Staff Participation and Public Management Reform Trajectories, Institutions and Stakeholders in Public Management Reform Staff Participation in the Public Services PART II: COUNTRY STUDIES Austria: The Dynamics of Public Management Reform and Staff Participation
  • G.Hammerschmid & R.Meyer Belgium: Staff Participation in the Copernic Reform
  • M.Parys & A.Hondeghem Britain: Staff Participation and Modernisation under 'New' Labour
  • D.Farnham, S.Horton & G.White The Czech Republic: Staff Participation and Modernization of Central State Administration
  • Z.Dvorakova Finland: Catchall Systems, Developing Practices
  • T.Virtanen France: From Direct to Indirect Participation to Where?
  • J-M.Denis & G.Jeannot Germany: Limited Reforms and Restricted Participation
  • D.Farnham & R.Koch Italy: The Case of the Revenue Agency
  • F.P.Cerese The Netherlands: Modernization, Participation and Strategic Choice
  • P.Leisink & B.Steijn New Zealand: Public Management Reform and the Partnership for Quality Agreement
  • R.Shaw Switzerland: Staff Participation in Government Agencies Undergoing Change
  • Y.Emery & D.Giauque The United States: Staff Participation in Administrative Reform 1993-2004
  • J.R.Thompson PART III: CONCLUSION Making Sense of Staff Participation within Public Management Reform Appendix A: Questionnaire for the Leuven Project Appendix B: An Analysis of the Range of Direct Participation Methods Used in 12 Civil Services Index

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