Major problems in American foreign relations : documents and essays

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Major problems in American foreign relations : documents and essays

edited by Dennis Merrill, Thomas G. Paterson

(Major problems in American history series)

Houghton Mifflin, c2005

6th ed

  • v. 1 : [pbk.]
  • v. 2 : [pbk.]

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Includes bibliographical references

Vol. 1. To 1920 -- v. 2. Since 1914

Description and Table of Contents

v. 1 : [pbk.] ISBN 9780618370382


Designed to encourage critical thinking about history, this reader uses a carefully selected group of primary sources and analytical essays to allow students to test the interpretations of distinguished historians and draw their own conclusions about the history of American foreign policy. This text serves as an effective educational tool for courses on U.S. foreign policy, recent U.S. history, or 20th Century U.S. history.The Sixth Edition incorporates coverage of the post-Cold War era as well as new material that examines the role of gender, race, and national identity in American foreign policy.

Table of Contents

Note: Each chapter concludes with Further Reading. 1. Explaining American Foreign Relations Essays Bradford Perkins, The Unique American Prism William Appleman Williams, The Open Door Policy: Economic Expansion and the Remaking of Societies Norman A. Graebner, The Pursuit of Interests and a Balance of Power Andrew Rotter, Gender, Expansionism, and Imperialism Mary A. Renda, Paternalism and Imperial Culture 2. The Origins of American Foreign Policy in the Revolutionary Era Documents 1. Governor John Winthrop Envisions a City Upon a Hill, 1630 2. John Adams of Massachusetts Explains French Interest in American Independence and Cautions Against Alliance, 1775 3. Patriot Thomas Paine Demands Severance from the British Empire, 1776 4. The Declaration of Independence, 1776 5. Treaty of Amity and Commerce with France, 1778 6. Treaty of Alliance with France, 1778 7. Treaty of Peace Provides for American Independence, 1783 8. Foreign Policy Powers in the Constitution, 1789 Essays Lawrence S. Kaplan, The Treaty of Alliance with France and American Isolationism Peter S. Onuf and Leonard J. Sadosky, American Internationalism and the U.S. Constitution 3. The Great Debate of the 1790s Documents 1. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson Defends the Treaty with France, 1793 2. Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton Urges Voiding the Treaty with France, 1793 3. Jay's Treaty, 1794 4. Virginia Senator James Madison Proposes Commercial Restrictions Against Britain, 1795 5. Hamilton Praises Jay's Treaty, 1795 6. A Democratic-Republican Society Blasts Jay's Treaty, 1795 7. President George Washington Cautions Against Factionalism and Permanent Alliances in His Farewell Address, 1796 Essays Joseph J. Ellis, The Sage of Mount Vernon Versus the Ideologue of Monticello Peter S. Onuf and Leonard J. Sadosky, Jefferson's Blend of Idealism and Realism 4. The Louisiana Purchase Documents 1. President Thomas Jefferson Assesses the French Threat in New Orleans, 1802 2. Napoleon Bonaparte, First Consul of France, Explains the Need to Sell Lousiana to the United States, 1803 3. Robert R. Livingston, American Minister to France, Recounts the Paris Negotiations, 1803 4. Federalist Alexander Hamilton Debunks Jefferson's Diplomacy, 1803 5. Jefferson Instructs Captain Meriwether Lewis on Exploration, 1803 Essays Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendrickson, Jefferson's Risky Diplomacy of Watching and Waiting Joyce Appleby, Jefferson's Resolute Leadership and Drive Toward Empire 5. The War of 1812 Documents 1. Secretary of State James Madison Protests British Impressment of Americans from the Chesapeake, 1807 2. The Embargo Act Forbids U.S. Exports, 1807 3. Massachusetts Federalist Josiah Quincy Denounces Calls for War, 1809 4. The Non-Intercourse Act Replaces the Embargo Act, 1809 5. Shawnee Chief Tecumseh Condemns U.S. Land Grabs and Plays the British Card, 1810 6. Kentucky Republican Henry Clay Articulates U.S. Grievances Against Britain, 1811 7. President James Madison Urges Congress to Declare War on Great Britain, 1812 8. Former President Thomas Jefferson Predicts the Easy Conquest of Canada, 1812 Essays Garry Wills, Commercial Coercion and the Conquest of Canada: Madison's Failed Diplomacy Steven Watts, Crusade to Revitalize the American Character 6. The Monroe Doctrine Documents 1. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams Warns Against the Search for "Monsters to Destroy," 1821 2. British Foreign Secretary George Canning Proposes a Joint Declaration, 1823 3. Thomas Jefferson Advises President James Monroe to Cooperate with Britain, 1823 4. John Quincy Adams Argues Against a Joint Anglo-American Declaration in the Cabinet Meeting of November 7, 1823 5. The Monroe Doctrine Declares the Western Hemisphere Closed to European Intervention, 1823 6. Colombia Requests an Explanation of U.S. Intentions, 1824 7. Juan Bautista Alberdi of Argentina Warns Against the Threat of "Monroism" to the Independence of Spanish America, n.d. Essays James E. Lewis Jr., Ineffective Defense, At Best William E. Weeks, The Age of Manifest Destiny Begins Ernest R. May, Domestic Politics and Personal Ambitions 7. Westward Expansion and Indian Removal Documents 1. Senator Theodore Frelinghuysen Protests Removal, 1830 2. The Indian Removal Act Authorizes Transfer of Eastern Tribes to the West, 1830 3. The Cherokee Nation Protests the Removal Policy, 1830 4. President Andrew Jackson Defends Removal, 1830 5. Cherokee Nation v. the State of Georgia: The Supreme Court Refuses Jurisdiction over Indian Affairs, 1831 6. Cherokee Chief John Ross Denounces U.S. Removal Policy, 1836 Essays Theda Perdue, The Origins of Removal and the Fate of the Southeastern Indians Robert V. Remini, Jackson's Good Intentions and the Inevitability of the Indian Removal Act 8. Manifest Destiny, Texas, and the War with Mexico Documents 1. Commander Sam Houston's Battle Cry for Texan Independence from Mexico, 1835 2. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Defends Mexican Sovereignty over Texas, 1837 3. Democratic Publicist John L. O'Sullivan Proclaims America's Manifest Destiny, 1839 4. President James K. Polk Lays Claim to Texas and Oregon, 1845 5. Polk Asks Congress to Declare War on Mexico, 1846 6. The Wilmot Proviso Raises the Issue of Slavery in New Territories, 1846 7. Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster Protests the War with Mexico and the Admission of New States to the Union, 1848 8. Mexican Patriots Condemn U.S. Aggression, 1850 Essays Anders Stephanson, The Ideology and Spirit of Manifest Destiny Thomas R. Hietala, Empire by Design, Not Destiny David M. Pletcher, Polk's Aggressive Leadership 9. Expansion to the Pacific and Asia Documents 1. S. Wells Williams Remembers Protestant Missionary Work in China, 1883 2. American Merchants in Canton Plead for Protection During the Opium Crisis, 1839 3. A Chinese Official Recommends Pitting American Barbarians Against British Barbarians, 1841 4. Secretary of State Daniel Webster Instructs Caleb Cushing on Negotiating with China, 1843 5. Webster Warns European Powers Away from Hawai'i, 1851 6. Instructions to Commodore Matthew C. Perry for His Expedition to Japan, 1852 7. Ii Naosuke, Feudal Lord of Hikone, Advocates Accommodation with the United States, 1853 8. Tokugawa Nariaki, Feudal Lord of Mito, Argues Against Peace, 1853 Essays Walter LaFeber, The Origins of the U.S.-Japanese Clash Paul W. Harris, Protestant Missionaries and Cultural Imperialism in China 10. The Diplomacy of the Civil War Documents 1. South Carolina Senator James H. Hammond Thunders: "Cotton Is King," 1858 2. Secretary of State William H. Seward Presents "Some Thoughts for the President's Consideration," 1861 3. President Abraham Lincoln Proclaims a Blockade, 1861 4. Seward Warns the British, 1861 5. Senator Charles Sumner Taunts John Bull Regarding the Trent Affair, 1862 6. Seward Warns Europe Against Intervention in Mexico, 1862 7. The Emancipation Proclamation, 1862-1863 8. Ambassador Charles Francis Adams Protests the Iron Clads, 1863 Essays James M. McPherson, British Realpolitik Trumps "King Cotton" Howard Jones, British Intervention: A Very Close Call 11. Becoming a World Power in the Late Nineteenth Century Documents 1. Future Secretary of State William H. Seward Dreams of Hemispheric Empire, 1860 2. President Ulysses S. Grant Urges Annexation of the Dominican Republic, 1870 3. Congress Calls for a Pan American Conference, 1888 4. Captain Alfred T. Mahan Advocates a Naval Buildup, 1890 5. Designers Race About a Gentleman's Globally-Inspired Decor, 1892 6. Queen Lili'uokalani Protests U.S. Intervention in Hawai'i, 1893, 1897 7. Secretary of State Richard Olney Responds to the Venezuela Crisis and Trumpets U.S. Hegemony in the Hemisphere, 1895 Essays Paul Kennedy, U.S. Industrialization and World Power Kristin Hoganson, Cosmopolitan Domesticity: U.S. Consumerism and World Power Fareed Zakaria, State-Centered Realism: How a Weak U.S. Government Inhibited America's Rise to World Power 12. The Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War Documents 1. Cuban Nationalist Jose Marti Cautions Against Annexation to the United States, 1895 2. Spanish Minister Enrique Dupuy de Lome Criticizes President William McKinley, 1897 3. Senator Redfield Proctor Condemns Spain's Reconcentrado Policy, 1898 4. President McKinley Asks Congress to Authorize War on Spain, 1898 5. The Teller Amendment Disavows the U.S. Annexation of Cuba, 1898 6. American Anti-Imperialist League Platform, 1899 7. McKinley Preaches His Imperial Gospel, 1899 8. The Platt Amendment Restricts Cuba's Independence, 1903 Essays Walter LaFeber, Preserving the American System John L. Offner, Colonial Stalemate, Domestic Politics, and the Unwanted but Necessary War Louis A. Perez Jr., Derailing Cuban Nationalism and Establishing U.S. Hegemony 13. The Open Door Policy and China Documents 1. The First Open Door Note Calls for Equal Trade Opportunity in China, 1899 2. The British Communicate a Friendly but Noncommittal Reply, 1899 3. The Russians Provide a Friendly but Noncommittal Reply, 1899 4. The Second Open Door Note Calls for Preservation of Chinese Independence, 1900 5. Missionary Evelyn Sites Describes the Emotional Conversion of a Chinese Woman, n.d. 6. Missionary Anna Hartwell Discusses "Soul Winning," 1919 7. The Boxers Lash Out at Christian Missionaries and Converts, 1900 Essays Michael H. Hunt, The Open Door Constituency's Pressure for U.S. Activism Arnold Xiangze Jiang, U.S. Economic Expansion and the Defense of Imperialism at China's Expense Jane Hunter, Women Missionaries and Cultural Conquest 14. Theodore Roosevelt, the Big Stick, and U.S. Hegemony in the Caribbean Documents 1. New York Governor Theodore Roosevelt Preaches the Manly Virtues of Overseas Expansion, 1899 2. Argentina's Foreign Minister Louis Drago Condemns the Collection of Debts by Force, 1902 3. The Panama Canal Treaty Grants the United States a Zone of Occupation, 1903 4. President Rafael Reyes Enumerates Colmbia's Grievances Against the United States, 1904 5. The Roosevelt Corollary Asserts U.S. Police Power over the Western Hemisphere, 1904 6. Ruben Dario's "To Roosevelt," 1905 Essays Mark T. Gilderhus, Bravado and Bluster: TR's Sphere of Influence in the Caribbean Emily S. Rosenberg, TR's Civilizing Mission: Race, Gender, and Dollar Diplomacy Richard H. Collin, Theodore Roosevelt's Measured Response to Political Instability and European Encroachment 15. Woodrow Wilson, the First World War, and the League Fight Documents 1. The First Lusitania Note Requests Germany to Halt Submarine Warfare, 1915 2. President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War Against Germany, 1917 3. Senator Robert M. La Follette Voices His Dissent, 1917 4. Wilson Proclaims U.S. War Aims: The Fourteen Points, 1918 5. Articles 10 Through 16 of the League of Nations Covenant, 1919 6. Wilson Defends the Peace Treaty and League, 1919 7. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Proposes Reservations to the League Covenant, 1919 Essays Thomas J. Knock, From Peace to War: Progressive Internationalists Confront the Forces of Reaction Jan Wilhelm Schulte-Nordholt, The Peace Advocate Out of Touch with Reality Tony Smith, Wilsonianism: Workable Blueprint for a Broken World

v. 2 : [pbk.] ISBN 9780618370399


Designed to encourage critical thinking about history, this reader uses a carefully selected group of primary sources and analytical essays to allow students to test the interpretations of distinguished historians and draw their own conclusions about the history of American foreign policy. This text serves as an effective educational tool for courses on U.S. foreign policy, recent U.S. history, or 20th Century U.S. history.The Sixth Edition incorporates coverage of the post-Cold War era as well as new material that examines the role of gender, race, and national identity in American foreign policy.

Table of Contents

Note: Each chapter concludes with Further Reading. 1. Approaching the Study of American Foreign Relations Essays Thomas J. McCormick, The World-System, Hegemony, and Decline Emily S. Rosenberg, Cultural Interactions Andrew Rotter, The Gendering of Peoples and Nations Gerald C. Horne, Race and the American Century Melvyn P. Leffler, National Security, Core Values, and Power J. Garry Clifford, Bureaucratic Politics and Policy Outcomes 2. Woodrow Wilson, the First World War, and the League Fight Documents 1. The First Lusitania Note Requests Germany to Halt Submarine Warfare, 1915 2. President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War Against Germany, 1917 3. Senator Robert M. La Follette Voices His Dissent, 1917 4. Wilson Proclaims U.S. War Aims: The Fourteen Points, 1918 5. Articles 10 through 16 of the League of Nations Covenant, 1919 6. Wilson Defends the Peace Treaty and League, 1919 7. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Proposes Reservations to the League Covenant, 1919 Essays Thomas J. Knock, From Peace to War: Progressive Internationalists Confront the Forces of Reaction Jan Willem Schulte-Nordholt, The Peace Advocate Out of Touch with Reality Tony Smith, Wilsonianism: A Workable Blueprint for a Broken World 3. The International History of the 1920s Documents 1. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes Advocates Naval Disarmament, 1921 2. The Isolationist Chicago Tribune Denounces Europe's Folly, 1921 3. Reformer Jane Addams Assesses the League of Nations, 1922 4. Debts and German Reparations: Hughes Calls on Private Experts for Help, 1922 5. Argentine Writer Manuel Ugarte Identifies the United States as the "New Rome," 1923 6. "Trade Follows the Film," 1925 7. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover Extols U.S. Foreign Trade, 1926 The Kellogg-Briand Pact Outlaws War, 1928 Essays Benjamin D. Rhodes, The Republican Retreat from International Responsibilities Frank Costigliola, U.S. Cultural Expansion in an Era of Systemic Upheaval Leila J. Rupp, Women's Internationalism 4. U.S. Entry into World War II Documents 1. Senator Gerald P. Nye Cites the Lessons of History and Advocates Neutrality, 1936 2. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Proposes to "Quarantine" Aggressors, 1937 3. Japan Envisions a "New Order" in Asia, 1938 4. FDR Proposes Lend-Lease Aid to Great Britain, 1940 5. Roosevelt Orders the U.S. Navy to "Shoot on Sight," 1941 6. Japan Proposes Two Diplomatic Options to the United States, November 1941 7. Washington Rejects Japan's Proposals and Reaffirms the Open Door, November 1941 8. Roosevelt Delivers His War Message to Congress, 1941 Essays Gerhard Weinberg, The Global Threat and the Case for War Bruce M. Russett, Stalemate and the Case Against U.S. Entry into the War 5. Defeating the Axis, Planning the Peace: The Second World War Documents 1. Roosevelt Promises a Second Front, 1942 2. Marshal Joseph Stalin Conveys Impatience over a Second Front, 1943 3. Roosevelt and Stalin Discuss the "Four Policemen," at the Teheran Conference, 1943 4. British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill and Stalin Cut Their Percentages Deal, 1944 5. The Yalta Protocol of Proceedings, 1945 6. The Yalta Agreement on Soviet Entry into the War Against Japan, 1945 7. Roosevelt's Anger with Stalin, 1945 8. Roosevelt's Last Letter to Churchill, 1945 Essays Warren F. Kimball, Franklin D. Roosevelt's Successful Wartime Diplomacy Joseph L. Harper, The Failure of Roosevelt's Wartime Diplomacy 6. The Origins of the Cold War Documents 1. The Franck Committee Predicts a Nuclear-Arms Race If the Atomic Bomb Is Dropped on Japan, 1945 2. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson Appeals for Atomic Talks with the Soviets, 1945 3. Attache George F. Kennan Critiques Soviet Foreign Policy in His "Long Telegram," 1946 4. Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill Declares an "Iron Curtain" Has Descended on Europe, 1946 5. Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace Questions the "Get Tough" Policy, 1946 6. Soviet Ambassador Nikolai Novikov Identifies a U.S. Drive for World Supremacy, 1946 7. The Truman Doctrine Calls for Aid to Greece and Turkey to Contain Totalitarianism, 1947 8. The Marshall Plan (Economic Cooperation Act) Provides Aid for European Reconstruction, 1948 9. The National Security Council Paper No. 68 (NSC-68) Reassesses the Soviet Threat and Recommends a Military Buildup, 1950 Essays Barton J. Bernstein, Secrets and Threats: Atomic Diplomacy and Soviet-American Antagonism Arnold A. Offner, Provincialism and Confrontation: President Harry S. Truman and the Origins of the Cold War John Lewis Gaddis, Two Cold War Empires: Imposition vs. Multilateralism 7. The Korean War and Containment in Asia Documents 1. U.S. Ambassador John Leighton Stuart Reports Mao's Overture, 1949 2. The National Security Council Extends Containment to Asia, December 1949 3. Secretary of State Dean Acheson Defines the Defense Perimeter in Asia, 1950 4. North Korean Leader Kim Il Sung Pleads for Soviet Support, January 1950 5. President Harry S. Truman and His Advisers Confer at the "Blair House Meeting," June 26, 1950 6. Chinese Leader Mao Zedong Informs Joseph Stalin of China's Decision to Enter the Korean War, 1950 7. General Douglas MacArthur Dismisses the Likelihood of Chinese Intervention, 1950 8. MacArthur's "No Substitute for Victory" Speech, 1951 Essays Bruce Cumings, Korea's Civil War and the Roots of U.S. Intervention Vladislov Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov, Korea: Stalin's Expansionist Gamble Thomas J. Christensen, The Lost Chance for Peace: Washington Rejected Chinese Communist Overtures 8. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Nuclear Arms Documents 1. National Security Council Paper No. 162/2 (NCS-162/2) Promotes Atomic Power, 1953 2. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and President Dwight D. Eisenhower Threaten to Use Nuclear Weapons: The Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1955 3. The National Security Council Discusses the Ramifications of Sputnik, 1957 4. The National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE) Protests the Nuclear Arms Race, 1957 5. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Reflects on the Nuclear Arms Race, 1970 6. Senator John F. Kennedy Presses for More Military Spending to Close the Missile Gap, 1960 7. Eisenhower Warns Against the "Military-Industrial Complex," 1961 Essays Michael S. Sherry, Eisenhower's Heroic but Failed Crusade Against Militarization Gordon H. Chang and He Di, Eisenhower's Reckless Nuclear Gamble over the Taiwan Strait 9. Cold War Culture and the "Third World" Documents 1. Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq Defends the Nationalization of Oil, 1951 2. U.S. Ambassador Loy Henderson Doubts Mossadeq's Mental Stability, 1952 3. President John F. Kennedy Launches the Peace Corps, 1961 4. JFK Enlists Youth and Idealism in the Peace Corps, 1961 5. A Peace Corps Volunteer Describes Life in Ghana, 1964 6. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Plans for Tourism, 1949 7. Modernity Goes on Display: San Juan's Caribe Hilton Hotel, 1949 8. A Puerto Rican Cartoon Satirizes U.S. Tourists, 1960 Essays Mary Ann Heiss, Culture Clash: Gender, Oil, and Iranian Nationalism Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman, Cultural Cooperation: The Peace Corps in Ghana Dennis Merrill, Cultural Negotiation: U.S. Tourism in Puerto Rico 10. Cuba and the Missile Crisis Documents 1. CIA Assassination Plots Against Cuban Leader Fidel Castro (1960-1965), 1975 2. Guidelines for Operation Mongoose, 1962 3. Missiles Photographed in Cuba: President John F. Kennedy Meets with His Advisers, October 16, 1962 4. Kennedy Addresses the Nation, October 22, 1962 5. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Asks for a U.S. No-Invasion Pledge, October 26, 1962 6. Khrushchev Requests U.S. Removal of Jupiter Missiles from Turkey, October 27, 1962 7. Kennedy and ExComm Consider Trading the Jupiter Missiles in Turkey, October 27, 1962 8. Soviet Official Anastas I. Mikoyan and Fidel Castro Debate and Review the Crisis, November 4-5, 1962 Essays Robert Dallek, Patient Diplomacy and Measured Pressure: JFK's Finest Hour Thomas G. Paterson, Spinning Out of Conrol: Kennedy's War Against Cuba and the Missile Crisis 11. The Vietnam War Documents 1. The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 1945 2. Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference on Indochina, 1954 3. North Vietnamese General Vo Nguyen Giap Outlines His People's War Strategy, 1961 4. The Tonkin Gulf Resolution Authorizes the President to Use Force, 1964 5. A Bureaucratic Insider Laments the Momentum Against Negotiation, November 1964 6. President Lyndon B. Johnson's Advisors Chart the Path to Military Escalation, December 1964 7. Chinese Leader Mao Zedong Urges the North Vietnamese to Fight On, 1965 8. Senator J. William Fulbright Decries the "Arrogance of Power," 1966 9. Former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara Concludes That He Erred, 1995 Essays Robert Buzzanco, International Capitalism and Communism Collide with Vietnamese Nationalism Frederik Logevall, Lyndon Johnson and His Bureaucracy Choose War Robert K. Brigham, An Unwinnable War 12. Richard M. Nixon, Henry A. Kissinger, the Grand Strategy, and Detente Documents 1. President Richard M. Nixon Recalls His Initial Goals (1968), 1978 2. The Nixon Doctrine Calls on Asian Nations to Take Responsibility for Their Own Security, 1969 3. Nixon Explains the Five Power Centers of the New Global Economy, 1971 4. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger Defends Detente, 1974 5. U.S. Covert Action in Chile (1963-1973), 1975 6. The Journalist Anthony Lewis Blasts Kissinger's Record, 1977 Essays Joan Hoff, Nixon's Innovative Grand Design and the Wisdom of Detente Raymond L. Garthoff, Why Detente Failed Walter Isaacson, Kissinger's Realism Without Morality 13. The Cold War Ends and the Post-Cold War Era Begins Documents 1. President Ronald Reagan Denounces the Soviet Union, 1981 2. Reagan Touts U.S. Military Power and Introduces the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1983 3. Reagan Defends SDI After the Reykjavik Summit Meeting, 1986 4. Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev Criticizes SDI After the Reykjavik Summit Meeting, 1986 5. Soviet Reformer Georgi Arbatov Explains the "New Thinking" in the Soviet Union, 1989 6. President George Bush Proclaims Cold War Victory, 1990 7. President William J. Clinton Applauds America's Globalism and Warns Against a New Isolationism, 1995 8. President George W. Bush Jettisons the Multilateral Kyoto Protocol on the Environment, 2001 Essays Thomas G. Paterson, Superpower Decline and Hegemonic Survival John Lewis Gaddis, President Ronald Reagan's Successful Strategy of Negotiating from Strength Joseph S. Nye Jr., The Limits of American Post-Cold War Power 14. September 11, 2001, and Anti-Americanism in the Muslim World Documents 1. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Befriends King Ibn Saud, 1945 2. The National Security Council Weighs U.S. Options in the Middle East, 1948 3. Egypt's Gamel Abdel Nasser Justifies Nationalizing the Suez Canal, 1956 4. The Palestinian National Covenant Calls for the Liberation of Palestine, 1968 5. The Carter Doctrine Announces U.S. Intention to Repel Aggression in the Persian Gulf, 1980 6. President George Bush Declares a New World Order During the Persian Gulf Crisis, 1990 7. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Pleads for Peace, 1993 8. President George W. Bush Asks, "Why Do They Hate Us?" 2001 9. Osama bin Laden Proclaims, "God Has Given Them Back What They Deserve," 2001 10. President Bush Makes the Case for War on Iraq, 2003 Essays Bernard Lewis, The Revolt of Islam Ussama Makdisi, A Cash with U.S. Foreign Policy Robert Wright, A Clash Between Globalization and Tradition

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