Hungarians in the Voivodina, 1918-1947


    • Sajti, Enikő A.


Hungarians in the Voivodina, 1918-1947

Enikő A. Sajti ; translated by Brian McLean ; translation edited by Julianna Parti

(Atlantic studies on society in change, no. 110)(East European monographs, no. 624)

Social Science Monographs , Distributed by Columbia University Press, 2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references (p. 493-499) and indexes



This work exposes the effects of the following factors on minority policies in the Viovodina: Yugoslav-Hungarian relations; the Hungarian Party in Yugoslavia, founded in 1922; the agrarian reforms; the three changes of supreme power, for example the Kingdom of Yugoslavia until 1941, the Hungarian state until 1945 and the Tito regime until 1947. It presents details of the first atrocities of the Hungarian armed forces at Novi Sad in 1941-1942 as well as the ethic cleansing committed by the Yugoslav partisans against Hungarians after 1945.


  • ForewordPart I: The Period of the Yugoslav Kingdom 1918-1941 Hungarians Deprived of their Political Rights, 1918-1922The Foundation and Activity of the Hungarian Party, 1922-1929The Situation of the Hungarians under the Royal Dictatorship, 1929-1941The Yugoslavian Hungarians and the League of Nations System of Minority ProtectionEducation Policy and the Question of Hungarian SchoolsEconomic DevelopmentsThe Churches and the Hungarian MinorityConclusionsPart II: The Period of Re-Annexation to Hungary The Military Occupation of the South CountryHungarian Military Administration and the Beginnings of Nationality PolicyDeportation of Yugoslavn Settlers and "Immigrants"Settlement of Hungarians in the South CountryHungarian Civilian Administration
  • The Political, Cultural and Economic Situation of the HungariansThe Hungarian Minority in the BanatThe Razzias of January 1942 and the Kallay Government's Efforts at ConsolidationPart III: The Yugoslavia of the Tito Period 1944-1947 The Change of Rule and Reprisals against the HungariansDeportations and the Plan for a Population ExchangeThe Conditions for Consolidation and the Results Obtained

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