In vivo optical imaging of brain function
In vivo optical imaging of brain function
(Methods & new frontiers in neuroscience)
CRC Press, c2002
並立書誌 全1件
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Includes bibliographical references and idex
The major advantage of in vivo optical techniques is the ability to study many levels of function of the CNS that are inaccessible by other methods. This rapidly expanding field is multidisciplinary in nature and findings have thus far been scattered throughout the literature.
In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function reviews the wide variety of optical imaging techniques that have recently emerged for the specific study of activity in the living brain, as well as their application in animal and human brain research. The book describes noninvasive and invasive optical techniques that enable the description of brain function at levels ranging from single neurons to large assemblies comprising of millions of neurons, and thus address issues related to brain activation ranging from neuronal networks to cognition.
Each chapter describes the theory, set-up, analytical methods, and examples of experiments that highlight the advantages of a particular imaging method. Moreover, the authors present technical details at a level that will encourage researchers to utilize the imaging methods in your laboratory. As this field continues to advance our understanding of brain function, researchers need In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function to keep abreast of the latest developments in this exciting area of study.
Voltage-Sensitive and Calcium-Sensitive Dye Imaging on Activity: Examples from the Olfactory Bulb, Michael R. Zochowski, Lawrence B. Cohen, Chun X. Falk, and Matt Wachowiak
Visualizing Adult Cortical Plasticity Using Intrinsic Signal Optical Imaging, Ron D. Frostig, Cynthia Chen-Bee, and Daniel B. Polley
Analysis Methods for Optical Imaging, Lawrence Sirovich and Ehud Kaplan
Optical Imaging of Neural Activity in Sleep-Walking States, Ronald M. Harper, David M. Rector, Gina R. Poe, Morten P. Kristensen, and Christopher A. Richard
In Vivo Observations of Rapid Scattered-Light Changes Associated with Electrical Events, David M. Rector, Ronald M. Harper, and John S. George
Principles, Design, and Construction of a Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscope for In Vitro and In Vivo Brain Imaging, Philbert S. Tsai, Nozomi Nishimura, Elizabeth J. Yoder, Earl M. Dolnick, G. Allen White, and David Kleinfeld
Intraoperative Optical Imaging, Arthur W. Toga and Nader Pouratian
Noninvasive Imaging of Cerebral Activation with Diffuse Optical Tomography, David A. Boas, Maria Angela Franceschini, Andy K. Dunn, and Gary Strangman
Fast Optical Signals: Principles, Methods, and Experimental Results, Gabriele Gratton and Monica Fabiani
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