A first look at communication theory
A first look at communication theory
McGraw-Hill, c2006
6th ed
- CD-ROM : set
- CD-ROM, disk 1
- CD-ROM, disk 2
- タイトル別名
Conversations with communication theorists
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全12件
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Includes index
Title on CD-ROM: Conversations with communication theorists
System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Microsoft Windows 98 or higher, MAC OS 9 or higher
The most widely-used textbook for the communication theory course, A First Look at Communication Theory analyzes the major communication theories at a level that is appropriate for both lower- and upper-level courses. The 34 theories represented in the text reflect a mix of foundational and recent scholarship and strike a balance of scientific and interpretive approaches.
Division One: Overview Introduction1. Talk About Theory 2. Mapping the Territory3. Weighing the Words of Symbolic Convergence Theory
Division Two: Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Messages4. Symbolic Interactionism (Mead)5. Coordinated Management of Meaning (Pearce & Cronen)6. Expectancy Violations Theory (Burgoon)7. Interpersonal Deception Theory (Buller & Burgoon)Ethical ReflectionsKant's Categorical ImperativeAugustine's Divine WillBok's Principle of VeracityRelationship Development8. Social Penetration Theory (Altman & Taylor)9. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (Berger)10. Social Information Processing (Walther)Relationship Maintenance11. Relational Dialectics (Baxter & Montgomery)12. The Interactional View (Watzlawick)Cognitive Processing13. Constructivism (Delia)Influence14. Social Judgment Theory (Sherif)15. Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty & Cacioppo)16. Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger)Ethical ReflectionsBuber's Dialogic EthicsNilsen's Significant Choice
Division Three: Group and Public Communication Group Decision Making17. Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making (Hirokawa & Gouran)18. Adaptive Structuration Theory (Poole)Organizational Communication19. Information Systems Approach to Organizations (Weick)20. Cultural Approach to Organizations (Geertz & Pacanowsky)21. Critical Theory of Communication Approach to Organizations (Deetz)Public Rhetoric22. The Rhetoric (Aristotle)23. Dramatism (Burke)24. Narrative Paradigm (Fisher)Ethical ReflectionsAristotle's Golden MeanWest's Prophetic Pragmatism
Division Four: Mass Communication Media and Culture25. Semiotics (Barthes)26. Cultural Studies (Hall)Media Effects27. Cultivation Theory (Gerbner)28. Agenda-Setting Theory (McCombs & Shaw)29. Spiral of Silence (Noelle-Neumann)Ethical ReflectionsHabermas' Discourse EthicsChristians' Communitarian Ethics
Division Five: Cultural Context Intercultural Communication30. Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory (Gudykunst)31. Face-Negotiation Theory (Ting-Toomey)32. Speech Codes Theory (Philipsen)Gender and Communication33. Genderlect Styles (Tannen)34. Standpoint Theory (Harding & Wood)35. Muted Group Theory (Kramarae)Ethical ReflectionsGilligan's Different VoiceBenhabib's Interactive Universalism
Division Six: Integration Communication Theory36. Order Out of Chaos
Appendix A.Abstracts of Theories Appendix B.Feature Films that Illustrate Communication TheoryAppendix C.National Communication Association Credo for Ethical Communication EndnotesCredits and AcknowledgementsIndex
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