Comparative treatments for borderline personality disorder
Comparative treatments for borderline personality disorder
(Springer series on comparative treatments for psychological disorders)
Springer, 2005
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Within the field of clinical psychology, the term borderline personality disorder was developed to fulfill a diagnostic need and has come to possess specific stereotypes and negative meanings. Because the term borderline is an emotionally charged word, it can lead to a less-than-accurate view of the situation or patient being described, thus presenting a challenge to even the most experienced therapists and becoming one of the most complex disorders to treat. Through the use of one case study, however, experts in borderline personality disorders have put this difficulty at ease. Applying a variety of modalities to identify treatment goals, including: selecting assessment tools, conceptualizing progression, pinpointing pitfalls, and developing techniques, diagnosing and treating BPD has created a more successful therapeutic result.
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