
Work and workers

edited by Cary L. Cooper and William H. Starbuck

(SAGE library in business and management)

Sage, 2005

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 30



Includes bibliographical references



This is an exciting time for researchers who study work. Not only has work changed dramatically over the last half century, but further dramatic changes are continuing to occur today. Developing economies have become centres of manufacturing, while developed economies have shifted toward services, knowledge and information. New telecommunications technology has accelerated globalization. Workers have gained more education and information-processing skills, and knowledge workers and information workers have replaced manual production workers within manufacturing. New kinds of knowledge-intense and information-intense organizations have emerged that are devoted entirely to the production, processing and distribution of information. A lot has changed. These three volumes map these changes and provide the seminal articles illustrating writing and research about 'work' at the beginning of the new millennium. Cary L Cooper and William H Starbuck, along with an advisory board of eminent scholars have arranged the articles in nine categories, in each of which some of the most influential articles have been chosen to offer researchers an excellent grounding in the mine of information on work and workers. They have provided a full introduction and a clear path through these sections, enabling the reader to achieve a coherent understanding of how work is changing, and how workers affect and are affected by these contexts This collection will be an invalubale resource to academics and researchers in Business and Management, particularly Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Psychology, but equally indispensable for Industrial Sociology, the Sociology of Work. The SAGE Library in Business and Management is a first-class series of major works that brings together the most influential and field-defining articles, both classical and contemporary, in a number of key areas of research and inquiry in Business and Management. Each multi-volume set represents a collection of the essential published works collated from the foremost publications in the field by an Editor or Editorial Team of renowned international stature. They include a full introduction, presenting a rationale for the selection and mapping out the discipline's past, present and likely future. This series is designed to be a 'gold standard' for university libraries throughout the world with a programme or interest in Business and Management Studies.


PART ONE: CONTROL SYSTEMS Effects of Procedural and Distributive Justice on Reactions to Pay Raise Decisions - Robert Fogler and Mary A Konovsky Organizational Justice - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Jerald Greenberg Distributive and Procedural Justice as Predictors of Satisfaction with Personal and Organizational Outcomes - Dean B McFarlin and Paul D Sweeney Tightening the Iron Cage - James R Barker Concertive Control in Self-Managing Teams The Conduct of Management and the Management of Conduct - P Du Gay, G Salaman and B Rees Contemporary Managerial Discourse and the Constitution of the 'Competent' Manager The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance - Avraham N Kluger and Angelo DeNisi An Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory Soft and Hard Models of Human Resource Management - Catherine Truss et al A Reappraisal Integrating Justice and Social Exchange - Suzanne S Masterson et al The Differing Effects of Fair Procedures and Treatment on Work Relationships Justice at the Millennium - Jason A Colquitt et al A Meta-Analytic Review of 25 Years of Organizational Justice Research PART TWO: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL WORKERS Women and Minorities in Management - Ann M Morrison Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict - Michael R Frone, Marcia Russell and M Lynne Cooper Testing a Model of the Work-Family Interface Being Different - Anne S Tsui, Terri D Egan and Charles A O'Reilly III Relational Demography and Organizational Attachment The Effects of Organizational Demographics and Social Identity on Relationships among Professional Women - Robin J Ely Working Smarter and Harder - Charles A O'Reilly III and Jennifer A Chatman A Longitudinal Study of Managerial Success Race, Opportunity and Diversity of Social Circles in Managerial Networks - Herminia Ibarra Person-Organization Fit - Amy L Kristof An Integrative Review of Its Conceptualizations, Measurement and Implications Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Performance - Alexander D Stajkovic and Fred Luthans A Meta-Analysis Unskilled and Unaware of It - Justin Kruger and David Dunning How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments The Congruence Myth - Howard E A Tinsley An Analysis of the Efficacy of the Person-Environment Fit Model The Wage Penalty for Motherhood - Michelle J Budig and Paula England PART THREE: HIRING Validity and Utility of Alternative Predictors of Job Performance - John E Hunter and Ronda F Hunter The People Make the Place - Benjamin Schneider Linking Competitive Strategies with Human Resource Management Practices - Randall S Schuler and Susan E Jackson The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology - Frank L Schmidt and John E Hunter Practical and Theoretical Implications of 85 Years of Research Findings PART FOUR: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity and Corporate Financial Performance - Mark A Huselid Human-Resource Bundles and Manufacturing Performance - John Paul Macduffie Organizational Logic and Flexible Production Systems in the World Auto Industry The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance - Brian Becker and Barry Gerhart Progress and Prospects Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human Resource Management - John E Delery and D Harold Doty Tests of Universalistic, Contingency and Configurational Performance Predictions HRM as Hologram - Tom Keenoy A Polemic Towards a 'European' Model of Human Resource Management - Chris Brewster PART FIVE: JOB DESIGN A Meta-Analysis and Conceptual Critique of Research on Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict in Work Settings - Susan E Jackson and Randall S Schuler How Common Is Workplace Transformation and Who Adopts It? - Paul Osterman Work Reorganization in an Era of Restructuring - Paul Osterman Trends in Diffusion and Effects on Employee Welfare Future Work Design Research and Practice - Sharon K Parker, Toby D Wall and John L Cordery Towards an Elaborated Model of Work Design Crafting a Job - Amy Wrzesniewski and Jane E Dutton Revisioning Employees as Active Crafters of Their Work PART SIX: LEADERSHIP Toward a Behavioral Theory of Charismatic Leadership in Organizational Settings - Jay A Conger and Rabindra N Kanungo Relationship-Based Approach to Leadership - George B Graen and Mary Uhl-Bien Development of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of Leadership over 25 Years: Applying a Multi-Level Multi-Domain Perspective Management Fashion - Eric Abrahamson Effectiveness Correlates of Transformational Leadership - Kevin B Lowe, K Galen Kroeck and Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam A Meta-Analytic Review of the MLQ Literature Managerial Work Roles in Asia - Cecil A L Pearson and Samir R Chatterjee An Empirical Study of Mintzberg's Role Formulation in Four Asian Countries PART SEVEN: MOTIVATION AND REWARD SYSTEMS Goal-Setting and Task Performance - Edwin A Locke et al Successful versus Effective Real Managers - Fred Luthans Agency Theory - Kathleen M Eisenhardt An Assessment and Review New Trends in Rewards Allocation Preferences - Chao C Chen A Sino-US Comparison On the Folly of Rewarding A, while Hoping for B - Steven Kerr Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development and Well-Being - Richard M Ryan and Edward L Deci Relationship of Personality to Performance Motivation - Timothy A Judge and Remus Ilies A Meta-Analytic Review PART EIGHT: PERSONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTITY Keeping an Eye on the Mirror - Jane E Dutton and Janet M Dukerich Image and Identity in Organizational Adaptation Organizational Images and Member Identification - Jane E Dutton, Janet M Dukerich and Celia V Harquail Social Identity and Self-Categorization Processes in Organizational Contexts - Michael A Hogg and Deborah J Terry Maintaining Masculinity - Ben Lupton Men Who Do 'Women's Work' The ASPIRe Model - Alexander S Haslam, Rachael A Eggins and Katherine J Reynolds Actualizing Social and Personal Identity Resources to Enhance Organizational Outcomes PART NINE: TEAMWORK Time and Transition in Work Teams - Connie J G Gersick Toward a New Model of Group Development Work Group Demography, Social Integration and Turnover - Charles A O'Reilly III, David F Caldwell and William P Barnett Relations between Work Group Characteristics and Effectiveness - Michael A Campion, Gina J Medsker and A Catherine Higgs Implications for Designing Effective Work Groups What Makes Teams Work - Susan G Cohen and Diane E Bailey Group Effectiveness Research from the Shop-Floor to the Executive Suite Collective Mind in Organizations - Karl E Weick and Karlene H Roberts Heedful Interrelating on Flight Decks Why Differences Make a Difference - Karen A Jehn, Gregory B Northcraft and Margaret A Neale A Field Study of Diversity, Conflict and Performance in Workgroups Exploring the Black Box - Lisa Hope Pelled, Kathleen M Eisenhardt and Katherine R Xin An Analysis of Work Group Diversity, Conflict and Performance Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams - Amy Edmondson

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